5 research outputs found

    Klimaatatelier Rheden

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    De Provincie Gelderland wil vanuit haar klimaatprogramma klimaatbestendigheid stimuleren. Naast aandacht voor klimaatverandering in provinciaal beleid wordt ook actief richting regio’s en gemeenten gewezen op het belang en de meerwaarde van klimaatadaptatie. Dat gebeurt onder andere door het houden van een klimaatatelier. Een van de klimaatateliers is op 25 november 2013 georganiseerd voor de gemeente Rheden. Dit atelier werd goed bezocht en had een primeur: 2 wethouders waren bij het ochtendprogramma aanwezig. Het klimaatatelier bestond uit 3 ‘blokken’: • Doel en kader door vertegenwoordigers van de gemeente en de provincie Gelderland • Toelichtingen op het klimaatbeleid en de gevolgen voor Rheden, én op de situatie van bodem, water en groen in de gemeente. • Aanzet voor een adaptatiestrategie door het schetsen op ruimtelijke mogelijkheden en een discussie over governance, samenwerking en beleid

    Ruimtelijke klimaatagenda regio Stedendriehoek

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    Zowel de regio Stedendriehoek als de provincie Gelderland hechten veel waarde aan een leefomgeving, waar het goed wonen, werken en leven is. Met de opgaven van de regio (bereikbaarheid, leefomgeving, sociaal kapitaal en innovatie) en de majeure opgaven van de provincie (stedelijke netwerken en Veluwe) wordt hier de komende jaren invulling aan gegeven. Een goede leefomgeving gaat ook over bodem, water en groen. De ambitie die regio, provincies en het waterschappen op dit punt bindt, is het realiseren van een veerkrachtig en toekomstbestendig water- en bodemsysteem. Dit willen we bereiken door nauw met elkaar en andere partners samen te werken. Om de samenwerking aan een duurzaam bodem- en watersysteem vorm en inhoud te geven, is volgens de benadering van de natuurlijke alliantie, in de regio Stedendriehoek gewerkt aan de ‘Ruimtelijke Klimaatagenda’. Hierin zijn bodem, water, groen op regionaal niveau samengebracht tot één beeld van het (huidige) natuurlijke bodem- en watersysteem. Vanuit dit natuurlijk bodem- en watersysteem is vooruit gekeken naar effecten van klimaatverandering en naar kansen die het natuurlijk systeem biedt voor nieuwe economische initiatieven. Vervolgens zijn de verkregen inzichten in beelden en kaarten (veerkracht en regionale economie) vastgelegd

    Steden en gemeenten adapteren

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    Cities and municipalities in Flanders will increasingly be confronted with the impacts of climate change. TheDepartment of LNE intends to support them by the prevention of and adaptation to these impacts by offeringan easily accessible toolbox with which local authorities can decrease their vulnerability. This toolbox will helpthe local authorities to ease, in an ‘automatic’ way, to develop a local adaptation plan. This report proposes thecharacteristics of such a toolbox. It is based on (i) an analysis of different steps in the adaptation decision-makingprocesses, (ii) a mapping of adaptation support needs of municipalities, (iii) an inventory and evaluation of existinginstruments for adaptation, (iv) the demonstration and testing existing instruments that meets the adaptationsupport needs of local authorities and (v) a description of the Adaptation Toolbox for Flanders, based on thefindings.Analysis of steps in adaptation processes. Based on an analysis of national and international adaptation processessix steps are distinguished that shape the decision-making process of climate change adaptation at the local level:fostering political commitment, climate impact and vulnerability analysis, identification of adaptation measures,prioritizing and choosing adaptation measures, implementing measures, and monitoring and evaluation. In practice,these steps will not always be taken subsequently but sometimes also in parallel. Stakeholder engagement isrelevant for all steps.Adaptation support needs of local authorities. Information on adaptation support needs of local authorities wasanalysed through a number of interviews with different types of municipalities across Flanders. Needs and desiresdepend on factors such as the size of a municipality, the available staff and funds, the motivation of staff involvedand the progress made in developing climate plans. The willingness of a wide variety of municipalities to participateand the interest in the issue appeared to be large, which also led to a very wide diversity of needs and wishes as tothe characteristics of a toolbox.Analysis of existing methods and tools. An inventory resulted in about 89 existing methods and tools that couldbe relevant for a Flemish toolbox, from Belgium, the Netherlands, and other Western countries. The tools wereorganized and evaluated according to a number of aspects, such as their specific purposes, the accessibility, therequired level of expertise, the type of climate effects, the ease or complexity of application, the level of scale, thetype of output and the potential for transfer to an application in Flanders. Furthermore, benefits and pitfalls areidentified. The 89 instruments were structured in a decision tree to ease the search for the most appropriate tool.Playzone. In a workshop, instruments that fit to the adaptation support needs were demonstrated and testedby the participants for their applicability in the Flemish context. This exercise made clear that many of the toolshave potential, but need to be translated to the Flemish situation, and for non-Dutch tools, translated. Many ofthem also require Flemish data. It is important that detailed data and other relevant information on climate risksand vulnerabilities will become available for Flanders, where this is currently sometimes the cases for Antwerpand a limited number of other cities and regions. This should preferably be at one location and compatible withsoftware systems used by Flemish municipalities. The toolbox should take the level of available knowledge andhuman resources into account as well as the need to integrate climate change adaptation with other policy areas.Participants confirmed the urgency of such a toolbox and also the feasibility.Describing the Adaptation Toolbox. Based on the inteviews, the steering group consultations, the analyses and theplayzone activity recommendations are formulated for the Adaptation Toolbox for Flemish municipalities and cities.Adaptation support needs and instrument specifications are fully considered. Recommendations are made on theAdaptation Toolbox, including: (a) bringing together information on climate impact and vulnerability in a GIS viewer;(b) a climate test for new and ongoing projects; (c) a database of adaptation measures, including informationon vulnerabilities, costs and effects; (d) a Climate Cuisine – a workshop to involve stakeholders in identifyingadaptation measures and developing an adaptation plan; (g) financial support on synergies in local budgets andhelp to find national and European subsidies to finance adaptation measures. In addition to an online toolbox, werecommend the development of an Adaptation Community where a lively dialogue will take place between localauthorities, provinces, companies, citizens, NGO’s and the Flemish authorities on adaptation practices and how todevelop than as efficient as possible

    Steden en gemeenten adapteren

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    Cities and municipalities in Flanders will increasingly be confronted with the impacts of climate change. TheDepartment of LNE intends to support them by the prevention of and adaptation to these impacts by offeringan easily accessible toolbox with which local authorities can decrease their vulnerability. This toolbox will helpthe local authorities to ease, in an ‘automatic’ way, to develop a local adaptation plan. This report proposes thecharacteristics of such a toolbox. It is based on (i) an analysis of different steps in the adaptation decision-makingprocesses, (ii) a mapping of adaptation support needs of municipalities, (iii) an inventory and evaluation of existinginstruments for adaptation, (iv) the demonstration and testing existing instruments that meets the adaptationsupport needs of local authorities and (v) a description of the Adaptation Toolbox for Flanders, based on thefindings.Analysis of steps in adaptation processes. Based on an analysis of national and international adaptation processessix steps are distinguished that shape the decision-making process of climate change adaptation at the local level:fostering political commitment, climate impact and vulnerability analysis, identification of adaptation measures,prioritizing and choosing adaptation measures, implementing measures, and monitoring and evaluation. In practice,these steps will not always be taken subsequently but sometimes also in parallel. Stakeholder engagement isrelevant for all steps.Adaptation support needs of local authorities. Information on adaptation support needs of local authorities wasanalysed through a number of interviews with different types of municipalities across Flanders. Needs and desiresdepend on factors such as the size of a municipality, the available staff and funds, the motivation of staff involvedand the progress made in developing climate plans. The willingness of a wide variety of municipalities to participateand the interest in the issue appeared to be large, which also led to a very wide diversity of needs and wishes as tothe characteristics of a toolbox.Analysis of existing methods and tools. An inventory resulted in about 89 existing methods and tools that couldbe relevant for a Flemish toolbox, from Belgium, the Netherlands, and other Western countries. The tools wereorganized and evaluated according to a number of aspects, such as their specific purposes, the accessibility, therequired level of expertise, the type of climate effects, the ease or complexity of application, the level of scale, thetype of output and the potential for transfer to an application in Flanders. Furthermore, benefits and pitfalls areidentified. The 89 instruments were structured in a decision tree to ease the search for the most appropriate tool.Playzone. In a workshop, instruments that fit to the adaptation support needs were demonstrated and testedby the participants for their applicability in the Flemish context. This exercise made clear that many of the toolshave potential, but need to be translated to the Flemish situation, and for non-Dutch tools, translated. Many ofthem also require Flemish data. It is important that detailed data and other relevant information on climate risksand vulnerabilities will become available for Flanders, where this is currently sometimes the cases for Antwerpand a limited number of other cities and regions. This should preferably be at one location and compatible withsoftware systems used by Flemish municipalities. The toolbox should take the level of available knowledge andhuman resources into account as well as the need to integrate climate change adaptation with other policy areas.Participants confirmed the urgency of such a toolbox and also the feasibility.Describing the Adaptation Toolbox. Based on the inteviews, the steering group consultations, the analyses and theplayzone activity recommendations are formulated for the Adaptation Toolbox for Flemish municipalities and cities.Adaptation support needs and instrument specifications are fully considered. Recommendations are made on theAdaptation Toolbox, including: (a) bringing together information on climate impact and vulnerability in a GIS viewer;(b) a climate test for new and ongoing projects; (c) a database of adaptation measures, including informationon vulnerabilities, costs and effects; (d) a Climate Cuisine – a workshop to involve stakeholders in identifyingadaptation measures and developing an adaptation plan; (g) financial support on synergies in local budgets andhelp to find national and European subsidies to finance adaptation measures. In addition to an online toolbox, werecommend the development of an Adaptation Community where a lively dialogue will take place between localauthorities, provinces, companies, citizens, NGO’s and the Flemish authorities on adaptation practices and how todevelop than as efficient as possible

    Klimaatschadeschatter Rapportage 2019

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    De warme en droge zomers van 2018 en 2019 braken allerlei records, en we zullen er nog veel vaker mee te maken krijgen. Ook korte hevige regen- en hagelbuien komen steeds vaker voor. De effecten van klimaatverandering hebben verschillende gevolgen. Zo moeten er meer mensen naar het ziekenhuis in hete zomers, kan er vaker water het gebouw in stromen en verzakken wegen en panden door droogte. De Klimaatschadeschatter (KSS) helpt om inzicht te krijgen in de schade door klimaatverandering met de focus op de stedelijke omgeving