17 research outputs found

    Mangrove forests as a nature-based solution for coastal flood protection: Biophysical and ecological considerations

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    Nature-based coastal protection is increasingly recognised as a potentially sustainable and cost-effective solution to reduce coastal flood risk. It uses coastal ecosystems such as mangrove forests to create resilient designs for coastal flood protection. However, to use mangroves effectively as a nature-based measure for flood risk reduction, we must understand the biophysical processes that govern risk reduction capacity through mangrove ecosystem size and structure. In this perspective, we evaluate the current state of knowledge on local physical drivers and ecological processes that determine mangrove functioning as part of a nature-based flood defence. We show that the forest properties that comprise coastal flood protection are well-known, but models cannot yet pinpoint how spatial heterogeneity of the forest structure affects the capacity for wave or surge attenuation. Overall, there is relatively good understanding of the ecological processes that drive forest structure and size, but there is a lack of knowledge on how daily bed-level dynamics link to long-term biogeomorphic forest dynamics, and on the role of combined stressors influencing forest retreat. Integrating simulation models of forest structure under changing physical (e.g. due to sea-level change) and ecological drivers with hydrodynamic attenuation models will allow for better projections of long-term natural coastal protection

    Subsidence reveals potential impacts of future sea level rise on inhabited mangrove coasts

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    Human-induced land subsidence causes many coastal areas to sink centimetres per year, exacerbating relative sea level rise (RSLR). While cities combat this problem through investment in coastal infrastructure, rural areas are highly dependent on the persistence of protective coastal ecosystems, such as mangroves and marshes. To shed light on the future of low-lying rural areas in the face of RSLR, we here studied a 20-km-long rural coastline neighbouring a sinking city in Indonesia, reportedly sinking with 8–20 cm per year. By measuring water levels in mangroves and quantifying floor raisings of village houses, we show that, while villages experienced rapidly rising water levels, their protective mangroves experience less rapid changes in RSLR. Individual trees were able to cope with RSLR rates of 4.3 (95% confidence interval 2.3–6.3) cm per year through various root adaptations when sediment was available locally. However, lateral retreat of the forest proved inevitable, with RSLR rates up to four times higher than foreshore accretion, forcing people from coastal communities to migrate as the shoreline retreated. Whereas local RSLR may be effectively reduced by better management of groundwater resources, the effects of RSLR described here predict a gloomy prospect for rural communities that are facing globally induced sea level rise beyond the control of local or regional government

    Mangrove Restoration for Coastal Protection

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    The world’s population continues to grow, and at the same time, the oceans are rising, posing challenges for those living near coastal areas. Almost two-thirds of the global population resides within 50 kilometers of the coast. Mangrove forests offer solutions to mitigate the potential for flooding and provide natural coastal protection. Traditionally, mangrove restoration has been approached from the seaward edge through large-scale planting, with limited success. This dissertation describes how mangrove restoration can be approached from both the seaward and landward edges along degraded coastlines to create functional mangrove forests. Chapter 2 examines how the natural factors drive mangrove dynamics along the landward and seaward edges of a mangrove greenbelt. This work reveals that landward mangrove expansion in old aquaculture ponds was slow because of long inundation times and soft sediment. In contrast, seaward mangrove expansion was associated with elevated mudflats and gentle slopes. Chapter 3 further investigates the effects of different foreshore morphologies on mangrove expansion. This work shows that cheniers, or elevated sand lenses atop muddy foreshores, significantly decrease waves that enter the mangrove fringe. A stable chenier can promote mangrove expansion, even in combination with a negligible small mudflat of 10 to 20 metres. Without a chenier, a 10 times wider mudflat was required to make mangrove expansion more likely than mangrove retreat. Chapter 4 compares traditional mangrove planting with ecological restoration measures for mangrove restoration (EMR). This work shows that EMR measures were more effective at creating connected forest expansion in a landward direction. EMR in the landward direction could be achieved through smart sluice gate management in the right season. This work shows how mangrove cover in associated mangrove aquaculture ponds significantly increased over the project lifetime. Along the seaward edge, field experiments revealed that EMR with permeable brushwood dams aimed at expanding mangrove habitat could not sufficiently overcome subsidence rates, indicating that mangrove restoration in seaward direction under relative sea level rise will become increasingly difficult. Chapter 5 investigates the potential threat of plastic waste to mangroves once they have been restored. It is revealed that aerial root suffocation by plastic caused immediate pneumatophore growth and leaf loss. Mangrove trees are relatively resilient to partial burial by plastic waste, but mangrove stands are likely to deteriorate if plastic continues to accumulate. Chapter 6 examines the long-term mangrove greenbelt resilience in the face of continued rapid relative sea level rise. The study quantified that while the villages closest to the subsidence epicenter sank with 8.2 cm per year, their fringing mangroves sank nearly twice as slow on average. Trees were able to adjust to the rapidly rising water level through pneumatophore extension and the creation of new root mats when sediment was locally available. However system wide sediment shortage ultimately leads to a retreating coastline, affecting both mangroves and people. In conclusion, seaward mangrove restoration is challenging along coastlines that are subject to rapid relative sea level rise. Foreshore management aimed at creating artificial cheniers or wide mudflats might reduce lateral erosion and lead to limited seaward mangrove expansion in less rapidly subsiding areas. It is also important to consider the landward edge of a desired greenbelt when attempting mangrove restoration, as hectares of potential mangrove habitat still exist in the form of other land-uses. Effective socio-economic measures are required to support mangrove expansion; these may be challenging, but not impossible. Ultimately, interventions that halt regional and global stressors of mangrove establishment and survival will have the most significant impact and long-term effect on coastal protection

    Data presented in the paper: To Plant or Not to Plant: When can Planting Facilitate Mangrove Restoration?

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    We studied the natural and assisted processes of mangrove expansion in Demak Regency, Indonesia. We studied expansion in both landward direction (i.e. the aquaculture pond zone) and seaward direction (i.e. the coastal zone) from the current coastline in the project area (the old coastal road). The pond zone in the study area is characterized by active traditional aquaculture ponds, and drowning abandoned aquaculture ponds towards the coast. The coastal zone in the study is defined as the area ranging from MHW to MLW (the maximum depth at which the EMR-dams are placed), which ranges roughly 0 to 600 meters from the shoreline. In order to shed light on best practices for mangrove recovery, we aimed to answer four research questions: : 1) how has mangrove expansion occurred in seaward and landward direction in the past, mainly through planting or mainly through natural expansion?; 2) Can hydrological EMR measures (e.g. sluice gate management) induce natural mangrove recovery in the pond zone (i.e. would enough propagules be available at landward sites if hydrological connectivity to target ponds was increased)?; 3) Can wave-reducing and sediment-trapping measures (EMR-dams) induce natural mangrove recovery at challenging sites in the coastal zone by increasing the chances of a) new seedling establishment or b) survival of established seedlings? and; 4) Can mangrove planting in combination with EMR-dams accelerate mangrove recovery at challenging coastal sites

    How to restore mangroves for greenbelt creation along eroding coasts with abandoned aquaculture ponds

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    Globally, erosion of muddy tropical coasts that are dominated by aquaculture ponds, is an increasing problem. Restoration of mangrove greenbelts may counteract such erosion, by restoring the sediment balance. Hence, we aim to unravel the processes controlling natural mangrove regeneration in both “landward” (i.e., into aquaculture ponds) and seaward direction, using the fast eroding coastline of Demak (Indonesia) as case study. Firstly, we investigated which physical and chemical factors drive landward mangrove expansion by relating them to the presence/absence of mangrove seedlings in abandoned aquaculture ponds. Secondly, we investigated which physical parameters control seaward mangrove expansion by relating them to expansion and retreat at the sea-side of mature mangrove stands. Landward mangrove expansion into abandoned aquaculture ponds was positively related to both emergence time (%) and sediment stability (i.e., shear strength), which are in turn both associated to bed level elevation and pond drainage. Surprisingly, there was no effect of soil chemistry. Seaward expansion of existing mangrove stands was strongly associated to foreshore morphology. Mangroves only expanded in the presence of an elevated mudflat, whereas the absence of a mudflat in combination with a concave (hollow) profile was associated with mangrove retreat. Our findings suggest that restoration of a mangrove greenbelt can be stimulated landward by improving drainage of abandoned aquaculture ponds. This enhances sediment stability and allows ponds to accrete. Seaward expansion can be induced by restoring foreshore morphology. Present results are discussed in the context of large-scale applications

    Does plastic waste kill mangroves? A field experiment to assess the impact of macro plastics on mangrove growth, stress response and survival

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    The value of mangroves has been widely acknowledged, but mangrove forests continue to decline due to numerous anthropogenic stressors. The impact of plastic waste is however poorly known, even though the amount of plastic litter is the largest in the region where mangroves are declining the fastest: South East Asia. In this study, we examine the extent of the plastic waste problem in mangroves along the north coast of Java, Indonesia. First, we investigate how much of the forest floor is covered by plastic in the field (in number of items per m2 and in percentage of the forest floor covered by plastic), and if plastic is also buried in the upper layers of the sediment. We then experimentally investigate the effects of a range of plastic cover percentages (0%, 50% and 100%) on root growth, stress response of the tree and tree survival over a period of six weeks. Field monitoring showed that plastic was abundant, with 27 plastic items per m2 on average, covering up to 50% of the forest floor at multiple locations. Moreover, core data revealed that plastic was frequently buried in the upper layers of the sediment where it becomes immobile and can create prolonged anoxic conditions. Our experiment subsequently revealed that prolonged suffocation by plastic caused immediate pneumatophore growth and potential leaf loss. However, trees in the 50%-plastic cover treatment proved surprisingly resilient and were able to maintain their canopy over the course of the experiment, whereas trees in the 100%-plastic cover treatment had a significantly decreased leaf area index and survival by the end of the experiment. Our findings demonstrate that mangrove trees are relatively resilient to partial burial by plastic waste. However, mangrove stands are likely to deteriorate eventually if plastic continues to accumulate

    To Plant or Not to Plant: When can Planting Facilitate Mangrove Restoration?

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    Global change processes such as sea level rise and the increasing frequency of severe storms threaten many coastlines around the world and trigger the need for interventions to make these often densely-populated areas safer. Mangroves could be implemented in Nature-Based Flood Defense, provided that we know how to conserve and restore these ecosystems at those locations where they are most needed. In this study, we investigate how best to restore mangroves along an aquaculture coast that is subject to land-subsidence, comparing two common mangrove restoration methods: 1) mangrove restoration by planting and 2) Ecological Mangrove Restoration (EMR); the assistance of natural mangrove regeneration through mangrove habitat restoration. Satellite data revealed that historically, landward mangrove expansion into the active pond zone has mainly occurred through mangrove planting on pond bunds. However, there is potential to create greenbelts along waterways by means of EMR measures, as propagule trap data from the field revealed that propagules of pioneer species were up to 21 times more abundant in creeks of the pond zone than near their source in the coastal zone. This was especially true during the prevailing onshore winds of the wet-season, suggesting that smart seasonal sluice gate management could help to efficiently trap seeds in target ponds. In the coastal zone, field experiments showed that permeable brushwood dams, aimed at expanding mangrove habitat, could not sufficiently overcome subsidence rates to increase natural mangrove expansion in the seaward direction, but did significantly increase the survival of already established (planted) seedlings compared to more wave-exposed sites. The survival and growth rate of EMR-supported plantings greatly varied between species. Out of the four planted species, Rhizophora mucronata had the highest survival (67%) but the lowest growth rate. Whereas the pioneer species Avicennia alba and Avicennia marina had lower survival rates (resp. 35 and 21%), but significantly higher growth rates, even resulting in fruiting young trees within a 16-month timeframe. Overall, we conclude that 1) EMR has potential in the pond zone, given that propagules were observed to reach well into the backwaters; and 2) that mangrove recovery in the coastal zone may be facilitated even at very challenging coastal sites by combining EMR with the planting of pioneer species

    To Plant or Not to Plant: When can Planting Facilitate Mangrove Restoration?

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    Global change processes such as sea level rise and the increasing frequency of severe storms threaten many coastlines around the world and trigger the need for interventions to make these often densely-populated areas safer. Mangroves could be implemented in Nature-Based Flood Defense, provided that we know how to conserve and restore these ecosystems at those locations where they are most needed. In this study, we investigate how best to restore mangroves along an aquaculture coast that is subject to land-subsidence, comparing two common mangrove restoration methods: 1) mangrove restoration by planting and 2) Ecological Mangrove Restoration (EMR); the assistance of natural mangrove regeneration through mangrove habitat restoration. Satellite data revealed that historically, landward mangrove expansion into the active pond zone has mainly occurred through mangrove planting on pond bunds. However, there is potential to create greenbelts along waterways by means of EMR measures, as propagule trap data from the field revealed that propagules of pioneer species were up to 21 times more abundant in creeks of the pond zone than near their source in the coastal zone. This was especially true during the prevailing onshore winds of the wet-season, suggesting that smart seasonal sluice gate management could help to efficiently trap seeds in target ponds. In the coastal zone, field experiments showed that permeable brushwood dams, aimed at expanding mangrove habitat, could not sufficiently overcome subsidence rates to increase natural mangrove expansion in the seaward direction, but did significantly increase the survival of already established (planted) seedlings compared to more wave-exposed sites. The survival and growth rate of EMR-supported plantings greatly varied between species. Out of the four planted species, Rhizophora mucronata had the highest survival (67%) but the lowest growth rate. Whereas the pioneer species Avicennia alba and Avicennia marina had lower survival rates (resp. 35 and 21%), but significantly higher growth rates, even resulting in fruiting young trees within a 16-month timeframe. Overall, we conclude that 1) EMR has potential in the pond zone, given that propagules were observed to reach well into the backwaters; and 2) that mangrove recovery in the coastal zone may be facilitated even at very challenging coastal sites by combining EMR with the planting of pioneer species

    Can cheniers protect mangroves along eroding coastlines? – The effect of contrasting foreshore types on mangrove stability

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    Mangrove forests are increasingly valued as wave-attenuating buffers in coastal flood defence strategies. However, as mangroves are vulnerable to wave-induced erosion, this raises the question, how can the stability of these protective mangrove forests be promoted? To address this question, we investigate how mangrove dynamics in a microtidal system can be related to different types of foreshores. We used remote sensing to investigate mangrove fringe stability over multiple years in relation to intertidal mudflat width (i.e., emerged at low tide) and the presence stability of cheniers, which are sand bodies on top of muddy foreshores that are characteristic for eroding coastlines. In addition, we investigated local and short-term foreshore effects by measuring wave propagation across two cross-shore transects, one with a mudflat and chenier and one with a deeper tidal flat foreshore. The satellite images (Sentinel-2) revealed that mangrove dynamics over multiple years and seasons were related to chenier presence and stability. Without a chenier, a mudflat width of 110 m (95%CI: 76–183 m) was required to make mangrove expansion more likely than mangrove retreat. When a stable chenier was present offshore for two years or more, a mudflat width of only 16 m (95%CI: 0–43 m) was enough to flip chances in favor of mangrove expansion. However, mangrove expansion remained heavily influenced by seasonal changes, and was highly event driven, succeeding only once in several years. Finally, although mudflat width was a direct driver of mangrove expansion, and could be targeted as such in coastal management, our field measurements demonstrated that cheniers also have an indirect effect on mangrove expansion. These sand banks significantly reduce wave height offshore, thereby likely creating favorable conditions for mudflat accretion landward, and thus mangrove habitat expansion. This makes stabilization - and possibly also the temporary creation - of cheniers an interesting target for mangrove conservation and restoration.Hydraulic Structures and Flood Ris

    How to restore mangroves for greenbelt creation along eroding coasts with abandoned aquaculture ponds

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    Globally, erosion of muddy tropical coasts that are dominated by aquaculture ponds, is an increasing problem. Restoration of mangrove greenbelts may counteract such erosion, by restoring the sediment balance. Hence, we aim to unravel the processes controlling natural mangrove regeneration in both “landward” (i.e., into aquaculture ponds) and seaward direction, using the fast eroding coastline of Demak (Indonesia) as case study. Firstly, we investigated which physical and chemical factors drive landward mangrove expansion by relating them to the presence/absence of mangrove seedlings in abandoned aquaculture ponds. Secondly, we investigated which physical parameters control seaward mangrove expansion by relating them to expansion and retreat at the sea-side of mature mangrove stands. Landward mangrove expansion into abandoned aquaculture ponds was positively related to both emergence time (%) and sediment stability (i.e., shear strength), which are in turn both associated to bed level elevation and pond drainage. Surprisingly, there was no effect of soil chemistry. Seaward expansion of existing mangrove stands was strongly associated to foreshore morphology. Mangroves only expanded in the presence of an elevated mudflat, whereas the absence of a mudflat in combination with a concave (hollow) profile was associated with mangrove retreat. Our findings suggest that restoration of a mangrove greenbelt can be stimulated landward by improving drainage of abandoned aquaculture ponds. This enhances sediment stability and allows ponds to accrete. Seaward expansion can be induced by restoring foreshore morphology. Present results are discussed in the context of large-scale applications.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Coastal Engineerin