491 research outputs found

    Multichannel calculation of excited vector Ï•\phi resonances and the Ï•(2170)\phi(2170)

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    A multichannel calculation of excited JPC=1−−J^{PC}=1^{--} ϕ\phi states is carried out within a generalization of the Resonance-Spectrum Expansion, which may shed light on the classification of the ϕ(2170)\phi(2170) resonance, discovered by BABAR and originally denoted X(2175). In this framework, a complete spectrum of bare ssˉs\bar{s} states is coupled to those OZI-allowed decay channels that should be most relevant for the considered energy range. The included SS- and PP-wave two-meson channels comprise the lowest pseudoscalar, vector, scalar, and axial-vector mesons, while in the qqˉq\bar{q} sector both the 3S1^{3}S_1 and 3D1^{3}D_1 states are coupled. The only two free parameters are tuned so as to reproduce mass and width of the ϕ(1020)\phi(1020), but come out reasonably close to previously used values. Among the model's TT-matrix poles, there are good candidates for observed resonances, as well other ones that should exist according to the quark model. Besides the expected resonances as unitarized confinement states, a dynamical resonance pole is found at (2186−i246)(2186-i246) MeV. The huge width makes its interpretation as the ϕ(2170)\phi(2170) somewhat dubious, but further improvements of the model may change this conclusion.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, RevTex4; v2: very recent experimental result, some extra discussion, and 2 references added; v3: 3 new figures, 2 new equations, and some rephrasing; version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Comment on Intrinsic and dynamically generated scalar meson states

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    The scalar-meson assignments of Shakin and Wang in a generalized Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model are contradicted by recent experimental information. Also the strict distinction made by these authors between ``intrinsic'' and ``dynamically generated'' states is contested, as well as a number of other statements.Comment: 7 pages, (v2 cosmetics, v3 corrections in one reference), to be published in Phys.Rev.

    A chiral model for bar{q}q and bar{q}bar{q}qq$ mesons

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    We point out that the spectrum of pseudoscalar and scalar mesons exhibits a cuasi-degenerate chiral nonet in the energy region around 1.4 GeV whose scalar component has a slightly inverted spectrum. Based on the empirical linear rising of the mass of a hadron with the number of constituent quarks which yields a mass around 1.41.4 GeV for tetraquarks, we conjecture that this cuasi-chiral nonet arises from the mixing of a chiral nonet composed of tetraquarks with conventional bar{q}q states. We explore this possibility in the framework of a chiral model assuming a tetraquark chiral nonet around 1.4 GeV with chiral symmetry realized directly. We stress that U_{A}(1) transformations can distinguish bar{q}q from tetraquark states, although it cannot distinguish specific dynamics in the later case. We find that the measured spectrum is consistent with this picture. In general, pseudoscalar states arise as mainly bar{q}q states but scalar states turn out to be strong admixtures of bar{q}q and tetraquark states. We work out also the model predictions for the most relevant couplings and calculate explicitly the strong decays of the a_{0}(1450) and K_{0}^*(1430) mesons. From the comparison of some of the predicted couplings with the experimental ones we conclude that observable for the isovector and isospinor sectors are consistently described within the model. The proper description of couplings in the isoscalar sectors would require the introduction of glueball fields which is an important missing piece in the present model.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Real-time detection of single electron tunneling using a quantum point contact

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    We observe individual tunnel events of a single electron between a quantum dot and a reservoir, using a nearby quantum point contact (QPC) as a charge meter. The QPC is capacitively coupled to the dot, and the QPC conductance changes by about 1% if the number of electrons on the dot changes by one. The QPC is voltage biased and the current is monitored with an IV-convertor at room temperature. We can resolve tunnel events separated by only 8 μ\mus, limited by noise from the IV-convertor. Shot noise in the QPC sets a 25 ns lower bound on the accessible timescales.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, submitte

    Two photon decay of neutral scalars below 1.5 GeV in a chiral model for bar{q}q and bar{q}bar{q}qq states

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    We study the two photon decay of neutral scalars below 1.5 GeV in the context of a recently proposed chiral model for bar{q}q and bar{q}bar{q}qq states. We find good agreement with experimental results for the a_{0}(980)->gamma gamma. Our calculations for f_{0}(980)->gamma gamma shows that further work is necessary in order to understand the structure of this meson. The model predicts Gamma(a_{0}(1450)->gamma gamma)=0.16+/-0.10KeV, Gamma(sigma->gamma gamma)=0.47+/-0.66 KeV, Gamma(f(1370)->gamma gamma)=0.07+/-0.15 KeV, Gamma(f(1500)->gamma gamma)=0.74+/-0.78 KeV.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Effects of S-wave thresholds

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    The opening of a new S-wave threshold is frequently accompanied by an abrupt dip in the magnitude of an amplitude for an already-open channel. One familiar example is the behavior of the I=0 S-wave ππ\pi \pi scattering amplitude at KKˉK \bar K threshold. Numerous other examples of this phenomenon in recent data are noted, and a unified description of the underlying dynamics is sought.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures. Two additional references; typographic correction. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Semiconductor few-electron quantum dot operated as a bipolar spin filter

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    We study the spin states of a few-electron quantum dot defined in a two-dimensional electron gas, by applying a large in-plane magnetic field. We observe the Zeeman splitting of the two-electron spin triplet states. Also, the one-electron Zeeman splitting is clearly resolved at both the zero-to-one and the one-to-two electron transition. Since the spin of the electrons transmitted through the dot is opposite at these two transitions, this device can be employed as an electrically tunable, bipolar spin filter. Calculations and measurements show that higher-order tunnel processes and spin-orbit interaction have a negligible effect on the polarization.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Mixing among light scalar mesons and L=1 q\bar{q} scalar mesons

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    Following the re-establishment of the \sigma(600) and the \kappa(900), the light scalar mesons a_0(980) and f_0(980) together with the \sigma(600) and the \kappa(900) are considered as the chiral scalar partner of pseudoscalar nonet in SU(3) chiral symmetry, and the high mass scalar mesons a_0(1450), K^*_0(1430), f_0(1370) and f_0(1710) turned out to be considered as the L=1 q\bar{q} scalar mesons. We assume that the high mass of the L=1 q\bar{q} scalar mesons is caused by the mixing with the light scalar mesons. For the structure of the light scalar mesons, we adopted the qq\bar{q}\bar{q} model in order to explain the "scalar meson puzzle". The inter-mixing between the light scalar nonet and the high mass L=1 q\bar{q} nonet and the intra-mixing among each nonet are analyzed by including the glueball into the high mass scalar nonet.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Strong and radiative decays of the scalars f0(980) and a0(980) in a hadronic molecule approach

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    We analyze the electromagnetic and strong decay properties of the light scalars a0(980) and f0(980) within a hadronic molecule interpretation. Both scalars are discussed within a covariant and gauge invariant model which also allows for finite size effects due to their spatially extended structure in the K Kbar-bound state picture. Allowing for f0-a0 mixing we also study its influence on the radiative decays f0/a0 to gamma gamma, f0/a0 to gamma omega, and f0/a0 to gamma rho as well as the phi production of the f0 and a0. Furthermore, we apply our formalism to describe the strong f0 to pi pi and a0 to pi eta decay properties.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, typos corrected, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
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