14 research outputs found

    The Interconnection between Processes of State and Class Formation: Problems of Conceptualisation

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    In recent years a great deal of attention has been given to the exploitative character of the political and economic relations between the rich industrial ('developed') countries and the poor agrarian ('underdeveloped' or 'developing') countries, as interconnected parts of the global capitalist 'system'. The global network of capitalist relations or system has been called 'imperialism' and the parts or components of this whole have been named centers and peripheries or metropoles and satellites

    Myth and process : two meanings of the concept of the nation

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    Great power rivalry in the nuclear age

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    The nature of peace and the dynamics of international politics

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    For many centuries now, plans and proposals have been made for 'eternal peace' (Kant), for collective security of international disarmament or for substituting the rule of international law for the state of war. Though these efforts have not been completely in vain, they have hardly been successful. Why not? [...

    Is a Marxist Theory of State Possible?

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    Nation-states have become, for better or for worse, the basic units into which humanity in a more and more interdependent world is divided. Notwithstanding what the predominant mode of production in the states of the present world may be, states all over the world are organised in a remarkably similar manner. They all have armies or at least police forces, custom officials, secret services, a diplomatic service, central taxation systems and civil bureaucracies divided into departments headed by cabinet ministers

    World in flux: the development of global power relations and order

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