6 research outputs found

    In Vitro-Reconstituted Nucleoids Can Block Mitochondrial DNA Replication and Transcription

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    SummaryThe mechanisms regulating the number of active copies of mtDNA are still unclear. A mammalian cell typically contains 1,000–10,000 copies of mtDNA, which are packaged into nucleoprotein complexes termed nucleoids. The main protein component of these structures is mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM). Here, we reconstitute nucleoid-like particles in vitro and demonstrate that small changes in TFAM levels dramatically impact the fraction of DNA molecules available for transcription and DNA replication. Compaction by TFAM is highly cooperative, and at physiological ratios of TFAM to DNA, there are large variations in compaction, from fully compacted nucleoids to naked DNA. In compacted nucleoids, TFAM forms stable protein filaments on DNA that block melting and prevent progression of the replication and transcription machineries. Based on our observations, we suggest that small variations in the TFAM-to-mtDNA ratio may be used to regulate mitochondrial gene transcription and DNA replication

    A brief introduction to single-molecule fluorescence methods

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    One of the more popular single-molecule approaches in biological science is single-molecule fluorescence microscopy, which will be the subject of the following section of this volume. Fluorescence methods provide the sensitivity required to study biology on the single-molecule level, but they also allow access to useful measurable parameters on time and length scales relevant for the biomolecular world. Before several detailed experimental approaches will be addressed, we will first give a general overview of single-molecule fluorescence microscopy. We start with discussing the phenomenon of fluorescence in general and the history of single-molecule fluorescence microscopy. Next, we will review fluorescent probes in more detail and the equipment required to visualize them on the single-molecule level. We will end with a description of parameters measurable with such approaches, ranging from protein counting and tracking, single-molecule localization super-resolution microscopy, to distance measurements with Förster Resonance Energy Transfer and orientation measurements with fluorescence polarization

    Novel Ways to Determine Kinesin-1's Run Length and Randomness Using Fluorescence Microscopy

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    The molecular motor protein Kinesin-1 drives intracellular transport of vesicles, by binding to microtubules and making hundreds of consecutive 8-nm steps along them. Three important parameters define the motility of such a linear motor: velocity, run length (the average distance traveled), and the randomness (a measure of the stochasticity of stepping). We used total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy to measure these parameters under conditions without external load acting on the motor. First, we tracked the motility of single motor proteins at different adenosine triphosphate (ATP) concentrations and determined both velocity and (for the first time, to our knowledge, by using single-molecule fluorescence assays) randomness. We show that the rate of Kinesin-1 at zero load is limited by two or more exponentially distributed processes at high ATP concentrations, but that an additional, ATP-dependent process becomes the sole rate-limiting process at low ATP concentrations. Next, we measured the density profile of moving Kinesin-1 along a microtubule. This allowed us to determine the average run length in a new way, without the need to resolve single-molecules and to correct for photobleaching. At saturating ATP concentration, we measured a run length of 1070 ± 30 nm. This value did not significantly change for different ATP concentrations

    The Homotetrameric Kinesin-5 KLP61F Preferentially Crosslinks Microtubules into Antiparallel Orientations

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    The segregation of genetic material during mitosis is coordinated by the mitotic spindle, whose action depends upon the polarity patterns of its microtubules (MTs) [1, 2]. Homotetrameric mitotic kinesin-5 motors can crosslink and slide adjacent spindle MTs [3-11], but it is unknown whether they or other motors contribute to establishing these MT polarity patterns. Here, we explored whether the Drosophila embryo kinesin-5 KLP61F, which plausibly crosslinks both parallel and antiparallel MTs [7, 12], displays a preference for parallel or antiparallel MT orientation. In motility assays, KLP61F was observed to crosslink and slide adjacent MTs, as predicted. Remarkably, KLP61F displayed a 3-fold higher preference for crosslinking MTs in the antiparallel orientation. This polarity preference was observed in the presence of ADP or ATP plus AMPPNP, but not AMPPNP alone, which induces instantaneous rigor binding. Also, a purified motorless tetramer containing the C-terminal tail domains displayed an antiparallel orientation preference, confirming that motor activity is not required. The results suggest that, during morphogenesis of the Drosophila embryo mitotic spindle, KLP61F's crosslinking and sliding activities could facilitate the gradual accumulation of KLP61F within antiparallel interpolar MTs at the equator, where the motor could generate force to drive poleward flux and pole-pole separation. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved