4,184 research outputs found

    Chiral transition in a magnetic field and at finite baryon density

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    We consider the quark-meson model with two quark flavors in a constant external magnetic field BB at finite temperature TT and finite baryon chemical potential μB\mu_B. We calculate the full renormalized effective potential to one-loop order in perturbation theory. We study the system in the large-NcN_c limit, where we treat the bosonic modes at tree level. It is shown that the system exhibits dynamical chiral symmetry breaking, i. e. that an arbitrarily weak magnetic field breaks chiral symmetry dynamically, in agreement with earlier calculations using the NJL model. We study the influence on the phase transition of the fermionic vacuum fluctuations. For strong magnetic fields, qB5mπ2|qB|\sim5m_{\pi}^2 and in the chiral limit, the transition is first order in the entire μBT\mu_B-T plane if vacuum fluctuations are not included and second order if they are included. At the physical point, the transition is a crossover for μB=0\mu_B=0 with and without vacuum fluctuations.Comment: 11 pages. 5figs. V2: fixed a few typos and added refs. Submitted to PRD. V3: Added refs and substantial revision of tex

    Sonoluminescence as Quantum Vaccum Radiation

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    We argue that the available experimental data is not compatible with models of sonoluminescence which invoke dynamical properties of the interface without regard to the compositional properties of the trapped gas inside the bubble.Comment: 2 pages,Revtex,No figures,Submitted to PRL(comments

    Mesons and tachyons with confinement and chiral restoration, and NA60

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    In this paper the spectrum of quark-antiquark systems, including light mesons and tachyons, is studied in the true vacuum and in the chiral invariant vacuum. The mass gap equation for the vacua and the Salpeter-RPA equation for the mesons are solved for a simple chiral invariant and confining quark model. At T=0 and in the true vacuum, the scalar and pseudoscalar, or the vector and axial vector are not degenerate, and in the chiral limit, the pseudoscalar groundstates are Goldstone bosons. At T=0 the chiral invariant vacuum is an unstable vacuum, decaying through an infinite number of scalar and pseudoscalar tachyons. Nevertheless the axialvector and vector remain mesons, with real masses. To illustrate the chiral restoration, an arbitrary path between the two vacua is also studied. Different families of light-light and heavy-light mesons, sensitive to chiral restoration, are also studied. At higher temperatures the potential must be suppressed, and the chiral symmetry can be restored without tachyons, but then all mesons have small real masses. Implications for heavy-ion collisions, in particular for the recent vector meson spectra measured by the NA60 collaboration, are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Symmetries and Ambiguities in the linear sigma model with light quarks

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    We investigate the role of undetermined finite contributions generated by radiative corrections in a SU(2)×SU(2)SU(2)\times SU(2) linear sigma model with quarks. Although some of such terms can be absorbed in the renormalization procedure, one such contribution is left in the expression for the pion decay constant. This arbitrariness is eliminated by chiral symmetry.Comment: 9 pages. Added references through the text; an author was added due to an important contribution; corrected typos; the title also was changed. Submitted to Modern Physics Letter

    Thermodynamic potential with correct asymptotics for PNJL model

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    An attempt is made to resolve certain incongruities within the Nambu - Jona-Lasinio (NJL) and Polyakov loop extended NJL models (PNJL) which currently are used to extract the thermodynamic characteristics of the quark-gluon system. It is argued that the most attractive resolution of these incongruities is the possibility to obtain the thermodynamic potential directly from the corresponding extremum conditions (gap equations) by integrating them, an integration constant being fixed in accordance with the Stefan-Boltzmann law. The advantage of the approach is that the regulator is kept finite both in divergent and finite valued integrals at finite temperature and chemical potential. The Pauli-Villars regularization is used, although a standard 3D sharp cutoff can be applied as well.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, extended version, title change

    Mechanisms for Stable Sonoluminescence

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    A gas bubble trapped in water by an oscillating acoustic field is expected to either shrink or grow on a diffusive timescale, depending on the forcing strength and the bubble size. At high ambient gas concentration this has long been observed in experiments. However, recent sonoluminescence experiments show that in certain circumstances when the ambient gas concentration is low the bubble can be stable for days. This paper presents mechanisms leading to stability which predict parameter dependences in agreement with the sonoluminescence experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures on request (2 as .ps files

    Strong and Radiative Meson Decays in a Generalized Nambu--Jona-Lasinio Model

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    We investigate strong and radiative meson decays in a generalized Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. The one loop order calculation provides a satisfactory agreement with the data for the mesonic spectrum and for radiative decays. Higher order effects for strong decays of ρ\rho and KK^* are estimated to be large. We also discuss the role of the flavour mixing determinantal interaction.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, 2 figs available upon request, CRN 92-4

    Momentum Dependent Vertices σγγ\sigma \gamma \gamma, σργ\sigma \rho \gamma and σρρ\sigma \rho \rho : The NJL Scalar Hidden by Chiral Symmetry

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    We calculate the momentum dependence of three particle vertices σγγ\sigma \gamma \gamma, σργ\sigma \rho \gamma and σρρ\sigma \rho \rho in the context of a Nambu Jona Lasinio type model. We show how they influence the processes γγσππ\gamma \gamma \rightarrow \sigma \rightarrow \pi \pi, ργσ\rho \rightarrow \gamma \sigma and γγρρ\gamma \gamma \rightarrow \rho \rho and how chiral symmetry shadows the presence of the σ\sigma.Comment: 9 pages (latex), 5 figures available from the authors, preprint Coimbra 940506, IJS-TP-94/10, accepted for publication in Zeit. f. Physik

    Pion Observables in the Extended NJL Model with Vector and Axial-Vector Mesons

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    The momentum-space bosonization method of a Nambu and Jona-Lasinio type model with vector and axial-vector mesons is applied to ππ\pi\pi scattering. Unlike the case in earlier published papers, we obtain the ππ\pi\pi scattering amplitude using the linear and nonlinear realizations of chiral symmetry and fully taking into account the momentum dependence of meson vertices. We show the full physical equivalence between these two approaches. The chiral expansion procedure in this model is discussed in detail. Chiral expansions of the quark mass, pion mass and constant fπf_\pi are obtained. The low-energy ππ\pi \pi phase shifts are compared to the available data. We also study the scalar form factor of the pion.Comment: 39 pp, LaTeX file, uses epsf, 7 figures (appended as compressed tar files in pion.uu