92 research outputs found

    The Effect of Magnetic Field Tilt and Divergence on the Mass Flux and Flow Speed in a Line-Driven Stellar Wind

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    We carry out an extended analytic study of how the tilt and faster-than-radial expansion from a magnetic field affect the mass flux and flow speed of a line-driven stellar wind. A key motivation is to reconcile results of numerical MHD simulations with previous analyses that had predicted non-spherical expansion would lead to a strong speed enhancement. By including finite-disk correction effects, a dynamically more consistent form for the non-spherical expansion, and a moderate value of the line-driving power index α\alpha, we infer more modest speed enhancements that are in good quantitative agreement with MHD simulations, and also are more consistent with observational results. Our analysis also explains simulation results that show the latitudinal variation of the surface mass flux scales with the square of the cosine of the local tilt angle between the magnetic field and the radial direction. Finally, we present a perturbation analysis of the effects of a finite gas pressure on the wind mass loss rate and flow speed in both spherical and magnetic wind models, showing that these scale with the ratio of the sound speed to surface escape speed, a/vesca/v_{esc}, and are typically 10-20% compared to an idealized, zero-gas-pressure model.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, for the full version of the paper go to: http://www.bartol.udel.edu/~owocki/preprints/btiltdiv-mdotvinf.pd

    Magnetically confined wind shock

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    Many stars across all classes possess strong enough magnetic fields to influence dynamical flow of material off the stellar surface. For the case of massive stars (O and B types), about 10\% of them harbour strong, globally ordered (mostly dipolar) magnetic fields. The trapping and channeling of their stellar winds in closed magnetic loops leads to {\it magnetically confined wind shocks} (MCWS), with pre-shock flow speeds that are some fraction of the wind terminal speed that can be a few thousand km s−1^{-1}. These shocks generate hot plasma, a source of X-rays. In the last decade, several developments took place, notably the determination of the hot plasma properties for a large sample of objects using \xmm\ and \ch, as well as fully self-consistent MHD modelling and the identification of shock retreat effects in weak winds. In addition, these objects are often sources of Hα\alpha emission which is controlled by either sufficiently high mass loss rate or centrifugal breakout. Here we review the theoretical aspects of such magnetic massive star wind dynamics.Comment: Accepted for publication invited chapter of the Handbook of X-ray and Gamma-ray Astrophysics published by Nature Springer. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1509.06482, arXiv:1605.0497

    Magnetically Confined Wind Shocks in X-rays - a Review

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    A subset (~ 10%) of massive stars present strong, globally ordered (mostly dipolar) magnetic fields. The trapping and channeling of their stellar winds in closed magnetic loops leads to magnetically confined wind shocks (MCWS), with pre-shock flow speeds that are some fraction of the wind terminal speed. These shocks generate hot plasma, a source of X-rays. In the last decade, several developments took place, notably the determination of the hot plasma properties for a large sample of objects using XMM-Newton and Chandra, as well as fully self-consistent MHD modelling and the identification of shock retreat effects in weak winds. Despite a few exceptions, the combination of magnetic confinement, shock retreat and rotation effects seems to be able to account for X-ray emission in massive OB stars. Here we review these new observational and theoretical aspects of this X-ray emission and envisage some perspectives for the next generation of X-ray observatories.Comment: accepted for publication by Advances in Space Research (special issue "X-ray emission from hot stars and their winds"

    Diving into the magnetosphere of the Of?p star HD108

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    We analyse optical and X-ray spectroscopy of the Of?p star HD108, known for its strong dipolar magnetic field and its optical line profile variability with a timescale of 54±354 \pm 3 yrs, interpreted as the stellar rotation period. Optical emission lines have now recovered from their minimum emission state reached in 2007 - 2008. The variations of the equivalent width of the Hα\alpha emission provide constraints on the inclination of the rotation axis (ii) and the obliquity of the magnetic axis (ÎČ\beta). The best agreement between model and observations is found for (ii, ÎČ\beta) pairs with i+ÎČ≃85∘i + \beta \simeq 85^{\circ} and i∈[30∘,55∘]i \in [30^{\circ},55^{\circ}]. The Balmer emission lines display stochastic variability at the ∌5\sim 5 % level on timescales of a few days. TESS photometry unveils transient modulations on similar timescales in addition to prominent red noise variations. A Chandra X-ray observation of December 2021, when the star was at a higher emission level, indicates a slight increase of the flux and a spectral hardening compared to the August 2002 XMM-Newton observation, taken near minimum emission state. Magnetohydrodynamic simulations are used to compute synthetic X-ray spectra. With our current best estimate of the M˙B=0\dot{M}_{B=0} mass-loss rate, the simulated X-ray luminosity and spectral energy distribution agree very well with the observations. Finally, the radial velocities vary on a period of 8.5 years with a peak-to-peak amplitude of 10 - 11 km s−1^{-1}, suggesting orbital motion with an unseen companion of at least 4 M⊙_{\odot}.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA
