67 research outputs found
Pergeseran Kekuatan Politik Di Dprd Provinsi Jawa Tengah
The election 2009 is a quite phenomenal because the Democratic Party won the legislatif election the same President/Vice President election while the PDIP strunggle for the second time failed, where as in Central Jawa positions untenable. The election 2004 PDIP won 24 seats, 2009 23 seats and 2014 27 seats.The research is are qualitative case study approach. The main characteristic of are good case study is to demonstrate are deep understansing of the case.The results that the number of seats and party that is able to put cedres in DPRD Central Java Province in 2004 was 7 party in 2009 11 political party and 2014 there were 8 political parties all of wich affect the opportunity to occupy posutions in the Provincial Parliament Central Java
Perbandingan Pengelolaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Kota Semarang Dan Kota Surabaya Tahun 2010-2015
. Green Open Space is an importat element in creating qualified city in realizing ecological city in order of ecological city realization. The government policy related to the 30% proportion provision constitute the minimum size in an effort to ensure an urban development balance. Management of green open space is one of general policy and regional development programs in environment space sector by the municipality to fulfill extents of green open space. Manajement of green open space in the city of Semarang and Surabaya is done through of planning, organizing, directing, and monitoring. Research method uses descriptively qualitative approach with observation, interview, and literary review as the data collecting technique. The interviewees are Sub Field Head of Spatial Planning and Environment of Bappeda Semarang, Landscape Gardening Division Head of Hygiene and Landscaping Gardening Department of Semarang, Sub Section Head of Spatial Planning, Housing and Environment of Bappeko Surabaya, Staff of Green open Space Planning of Hygiene and Green Open Space of Surabaya In the manajement comparative of green open space in the city of semarang and Surabaya in 2010-2015, the are similarities and differences. Differences in management of Green Open Space in Semarang and Surabaya there is in quality of human resources, leadership style, budget and the involvement of private sector. The presence of this research can be used as an input in the management of Green Open Space in the city of Semarang and Surabaya Recommendation could be done to Semarang city is to improve the quality of human resources of relevan agencies and conducting CSR with private sector. Whereas the recommendation could be done to Surabaya city is to give strict punishment for the people who founded illegal building on land designated as Green Open Space
Strategi Pdi-perjuangan Dalam Pemilu Presiden Dan Wapres Tahun 2014
Research entitle "PDI-Struggle Strategy in Central Java in General Election of President and Vice President in 2014" is a qualitative research that momentum Presidential Election 2014. This study begins from the observation of the PDI-P in Central Java province in Pilgub in 2013 who take a decision to nominate candidates for the pair of internal party, namely Ganjar Pranowo and Heru Sudjatmoko. The success of the PDI-P in the year 2013 was also continued with victory in the legislative elections held in april 2014, PDI-P Central Java Province scooped 27 seats, up four seats compared to the 2009 election. Two such events have a strong attraction for study because in 2014 there was also a general election for president and vice president. On the one hand the PDI-Struggle Central Java two wins in the race for political office, on the other hand suffered two defeats in the presidential and vice presidential elections in 2004 and 2009. For this reason this study was conducted to determine the strategy chosen in the elections until the end proved to victory
Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Kebijakan Pengembangan USAha Agribisnis Perdesaan (Puap) Di Kecamatan Batang Kabupaten Batang
Study on Evaluation of Rural Agribusiness Development Policy (PUAP) in the District of Batang, Batang county is a fairly interesting discussion in line with the policies of poverty alleviation in rural areas.Developing countries such as Indonesia have major problems, namely poverty and unemployment, especially in rural areas. Therefore, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia issued Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 16 / Permentan / OT.140 / 2/2008 on February 11, 2008 on general guidelines for Rural Agribusiness Development (PUAP) to overcome the limitation of capital sources for farmers. In the framework of the implementation of PUAP Minister of Agriculture has established a Rural Agribusiness Development Team of the Minister of Agriculture No. 545 / Kpts / OT.160 / 9/2007. Batang district is the recipient of funds. In the implementation of the Rural Agribusiness Development Policy (PUAP) also implemented by the Denasri Wetan sub district, Kasepuhan sub district, and Sambong sub district. The activities of the Rural Agribusiness Development Policy (PUAP) are savings and loans. Therefore, the formulation of the problem in this research is "How do the Implementation of Rural Agribusiness Development Policy (PUAP) Denasri Wetan sub district, Kasepuhan sub district, and Sambong sub district?" And "What are the factor that support and obstacle in the implementation of developing an Agribusiness rural areas (PUAP) policy in Denasri Wetan sub district, Kasepuhan sub district, and Sambong sub district? ".This type of research is a qualitative descriptive type. The primary data source was obtained through interviews, observation, and documentation and secondary data sources obtained from the archives, books, journals and other sources. Mechanical analysis with analysis from various sources, data reduction, until the conclusion according to the results obtained from the field.From the results of research conducted by the author, the conclusion that can be drawn from this study are: first, PUAP policy implemented by the 162 villages and sub-districts in Batang. In the study sites, Denasri Wetan sub district is categorized very good in the implementation of policies, but both of the comparative sub-districts such as Kasepuhan sub district and Sambong sub district are still developing and encountering some obstacles in its implementation. Second, supporting factors and obstacles of implementing the Policy Board PUAP derived from Gabungan Kelompok Tani (Gapoktan) and the user community themselves.Advice that can be given by author to relevant agencies namely the Executive Agency and the Food Security Extension (BP2KP) and Supervisor Mitra Tani (PMT) are continuing to improve, maintain performance and cooperation between actors in the monitoring and evaluating of policies PUAP Gapoktan organizers and together provide the best solutions to the problems that arise in the field. Whereas, recommendation for further research is the author can analyze the user community dependence Direct Community Assistance (BLM) PUAP toward PUAP funds from the government
Analisis Akuntabilitas Politik Reses, Studi Tentang Kegiatan Reses Anggota DPRD Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Recess as one vertically upward aspirations of the people to the government , through the Central Java Provincial Parliament visits to selected areas (constituencies) . Mechanisms are rarely recess in the publication , as well as the rationality of the implementation and budgeting are less accommodate the aspirations of society , it will be a problem of political accountability as well as the development and welfare of the people of Central Java . Communication patterns that do board members when the recess is also not clear , so it was less than the maximum aspiration .Based on these problems the research is intended to determine the mechanism of the Central Java Provincial Parliament recess actual , political accountability and review . The method used in this study is a qualitative research method . With the primary data source through in-depth interviews with relevant parties , such as the Central Java Provincial Parliament and their constituents . Then the kinds of observations , and collect the documents necessary to be able to assess the problem.The results of this study , namely , the method recess DPRD members in part of Central Java province varied enough to be able to capture the aspirations constituents , be it to do with the budget , social issues , Government policy , as well as other problems . Then the initiative of the board members to continue and fight for these aspirations to be accommodated is still minimal , only a few members who can realize it . Overall conclusion is that political accountability activities Recess Central Java Provincial Parliament still less when viewed from several aspects of public accountability of Parliament to the public administration
Pelaksanaan Perda Nomor 10 Tahun 2008 Dalam Menangani Pekerja Seks Komersial (Psk) Di Kabupaten Kendal (Studi Kasus Lokalisasi Alaska Desa Kalipuru Kecamatan Patean Kab.kendal)
Social problem is an action which is inappropriate with mores in society and it can be harmful for many people. Social problem happens as there is a deviation in society and if there is no resolution to solve it, it will not create a piece in society. One of social problems in Kendal is prostitution. Prostitution is difficult to be solved, and in order to stop PSK is needed preventive, curative, and repressive steps. These steps are expected to decrease the growth of prostitution. The research method used in this study is qualitative approach which uses observation, interview, and library research to collect the data. The participants in this research are Kasi Penegakan Perda Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Kendal regency, Kasi social service of rehabilitation in Kendal regency, leader of prostitution community in Alaska, and coordinator of peer educator in prostitution community in Alaska. The result of this research shows that in order to press the growth of prostitution in Kendal regency based on regional rules in Kendal regency number 10 year 2008 about the rehabilitation of prostitution, the implementation in Kendal regency is not effective yet as the implementation still gets policing movement. The rest of movements are conducted by social service in Central Java province. If prostitute cannot fulfill the punishment, the prostitute will be released by paying tax to the administrator. The recommendation which can be done for Kendal regency is increasing the quality of human resource in regional united worker (SKPD) which relates to implementation of regulation in Kendal regency number 10 year 2008 about the rehabilitation of prostitution and increasing the communication and coordination among regional united worker (SKPD)
Swadaya Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan (Studi Tentang Pembangunan Jalan Usaha Tani di Desa Kalimendong Kabupaten Wonosobo)
Effort to improve the application of economic development model is to modernize in every aspect of community life that underlies every policy of development practice. The development-oriented model of economic growth, leads to the fragility of social society system. One of the component to support the development model is how to utilize the existing social capital in society. Most Indonesian people live in the rural areas with livelihood as farmer. The agricultural sector is a sector that has a large contribution in the national economy, the provision of road infrastructure is very supportive of the acceleration of economic growth. But in the provision of infrastructure facilities can never be separated from community involvement in every stage of activity itself. This research was conducted by using research method of mix method sequential exploratory sequence from qualitative descriptive approach as the dominant approach of quantitative approach as supporting approach. Data collection used in this research is interview, observation, documentation and questionnaire. The informant consisted of the head of development affairs of Kalimendong village, the head of Sido Makmur farmers, and the community, the questionnaire was given to the respondents of the Kalimendong village community. The results showed that the utilization of social capital in Kalimendong village done by Sido Makmur farmers which belong to social capital bridging that bringing of Kalimendong village community doing farming road construction with self-reliance. At each stage of development, the community is very enthusiastic to follow every activity although not supported by stimulant funds from the government. Activities are still carried out using self-reliance community to realize the activities. Farming road construction will be more optimal if the administration is in detail, and do not disappoint the community's trust
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