64 research outputs found

    Time Trends in Histopathological Findings in Mammaplasty Specimens in a Dutch Academic Pathology Laboratory

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    Background: Reduction mammaplasties are often performed at a relatively young age. Necessity of routine pathological investigation of the removed breast tissue to exclude breast cancer has been debated. Past studies have shown 0.05%-4.5% significant findings in reduction specimens, leading to an ongoing debate whether this is cost-effective. There is also no current Dutch guideline on pathological investigation of mammaplasty specimens. Because the incidence of breast cancer is rising, especially among young women, we re-evaluated the yield of routine pathological investigation of mammaplasty specimens over three decades in search of time trends. Methods: Reduction specimens from 3430 female patients examined from 1988 to 2021 in the UMC Utrecht were evaluated. Significant findings were defined as those that may lead to more intensive follow-up or surgical intervention. Results: Mean age of patients was 39 years. Of the specimens, 67.4% were normal; 28.9% displayed benign changes; 2.7%, benign tumors; 0.3%, premalignant changes; 0.8%, in situ; and 0.1%, invasive cancers. Most patients with significant findings were in their forties (P < 0.001), the youngest patient being 29 years. Significant findings increased from 2016 onward (P = 0.0001), 86.8% found after 2016. Conclusions: Over three decades, 1.2% of mammaplasty specimens displayed significant findings on routine pathology examination, with an incidence rising to 2.1% from 2016 onward. The main reason for this recent increase is probably attributable to super-specialization by the pathologists. While awaiting formal cost-effectiveness studies, the frequency of significant findings for now seems to justify routine pathological examination of mammaplasty reduction specimens

    Deep Learning-Based Grading of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ in Breast Histopathology Images

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    Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a non-invasive breast cancer that can progress into invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). Studies suggest DCIS is often overtreated since a considerable part of DCIS lesions may never progress into IDC. Lower grade lesions have a lower progression speed and risk, possibly allowing treatment de-escalation. However, studies show significant inter-observer variation in DCIS grading. Automated image analysis may provide an objective solution to address high subjectivity of DCIS grading by pathologists. In this study, we developed a deep learning-based DCIS grading system. It was developed using the consensus DCIS grade of three expert observers on a dataset of 1186 DCIS lesions from 59 patients. The inter-observer agreement, measured by quadratic weighted Cohen's kappa, was used to evaluate the system and compare its performance to that of expert observers. We present an analysis of the lesion-level and patient-level inter-observer agreement on an independent test set of 1001 lesions from 50 patients. The deep learning system (dl) achieved on average slightly higher inter-observer agreement to the observers (o1, o2 and o3) (Îșo1,dl=0.81,Îșo2,dl=0.53,Îșo3,dl=0.40\kappa_{o1,dl}=0.81, \kappa_{o2,dl}=0.53, \kappa_{o3,dl}=0.40) than the observers amongst each other (Îșo1,o2=0.58,Îșo1,o3=0.50,Îșo2,o3=0.42\kappa_{o1,o2}=0.58, \kappa_{o1,o3}=0.50, \kappa_{o2,o3}=0.42) at the lesion-level. At the patient-level, the deep learning system achieved similar agreement to the observers (Îșo1,dl=0.77,Îșo2,dl=0.75,Îșo3,dl=0.70\kappa_{o1,dl}=0.77, \kappa_{o2,dl}=0.75, \kappa_{o3,dl}=0.70) as the observers amongst each other (Îșo1,o2=0.77,Îșo1,o3=0.75,Îșo2,o3=0.72\kappa_{o1,o2}=0.77, \kappa_{o1,o3}=0.75, \kappa_{o2,o3}=0.72). In conclusion, we developed a deep learning-based DCIS grading system that achieved a performance similar to expert observers. We believe this is the first automated system that could assist pathologists by providing robust and reproducible second opinions on DCIS grade

    CONFIDENT-trial protocol: A pragmatic template for clinical implementation of artificial intelligence assistance in pathology

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    Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) has been on the rise in the field of pathology. Despite promising results in retrospective studies, and several CE-IVD certified algorithms on the market, prospective clinical implementation studies of AI have yet to be performed, to the best of our knowledge. In this trial, we will explore the benefits of an AI-assisted pathology workflow, while maintaining diagnostic safety standards. Methods and analysis This is a Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials-Artificial Intelligence compliant single-centre, controlled clinical trial, in a fully digital academic pathology laboratory. We will prospectively include prostate cancer patients who undergo prostate needle biopsies (CONFIDENT-P) and breast cancer patients who undergo a sentinel node procedure (CONFIDENT-B) in the University Medical Centre Utrecht. For both the CONFIDENT-B and CONFIDENT-P trials, the specific pathology specimens will be pseudo-randomised to be assessed by a pathologist with or without AI assistance in a pragmatic (bi-)weekly sequential design. In the intervention group, pathologists will assess whole slide images (WSI) of the standard hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained sections assisted by the output of the algorithm. In the control group, pathologists will assess H&E WSI according to the current clinical workflow. If no tumour cells are identified or when the pathologist is in doubt, immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining will be performed. At least 80 patients in the CONFIDENT-P and 180 patients in the CONFIDENT-B trial will need to be enrolled to detect superiority, allocated as 1:1. Primary endpoint for both trials is the number of saved resources of IHC staining procedures for detecting tumour cells, since this will clarify tangible cost savings that will support the business case for AI. Ethics and dissemination The ethics committee (MREC NedMec) waived the need of official ethical approval, since participants are not subjected to procedures nor are they required to follow rules. Results of both trials (CONFIDENT-B and CONFIDENT-P) will be published in scientific peer-reviewed journals

    Progressive APOBEC3B mRNA expression in distant breast cancer metastases

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    __Background:__ APOBEC3B was recently identified as a gain-of-function enzymatic source of mutagenesis, which may offer novel therapeutic options with molecules that specifically target this enzyme. In primary breast cancer, APOBEC3B mRNA is deregulated in a substantial proportion of cases and its expression is associated with poor prognosis. However, its expression in breast cancer metastases, which are the main causes of breast cancer-related death, remained to be elucidated. __Patients and methods:__ RNA was isolated from 55 primary breast cancers and paired metastases, including regional lymph node (N = 20) and distant metastases (N = 35). APOBEC3B mRNA levels were measured by RT-qPCR. Expression levels of the primary tumors and corresponding metastases were compared, including subgroup analysis by estrogen receptor (ER/ESR1) status. __Results:__ Overall, APOBEC3B mRNA levels of distant metastases were significantly higher as compared to the corresponding primary breast tumor (P = 0.0015), an effect that was not seen for loco-regional lymph node metastases (P = 0.23). Subgroup analysis by ER-status showed that increased APOBEC3B levels in distant metastases were restricted to metastases arising from ER-positive primary breast cancers (P = 0.002). However, regarding ERnegative primary tumors, only loco-regional lymph node metastases showed increased APOBEC3B expression when compared to the corresponding primary tumor (P = 0.028). __Conclusion:__ APOBEC3B mRNA levels are significantly higher in breast cancer metastases as compared to the corresponding ER-positive primary tumors. This suggests a potential role for APOBEC3B in luminal breast cancer progression, and conse

    Deep learning supported mitoses counting on whole slide images: A pilot study for validating breast cancer grading in the clinical workflow

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    INTRODUCTION: Breast cancer (BC) prognosis is largely influenced by histopathological grade, assessed according to the Nottingham modification of Bloom-Richardson (BR). Mitotic count (MC) is a component of histopathological grading but is prone to subjectivity. This study investigated whether mitoses counting in BC using digital whole slide images (WSI) compares better to light microscopy (LM) when assisted by artificial intelligence (AI), and to which extent differences in digital MC (AI assisted or not) result in BR grade variations. METHODS: Fifty BC patients with paired core biopsies and resections were randomly selected. Component scores for BR grade were extracted from pathology reports. MC was assessed using LM, WSI, and AI. Different modalities (LM-MC, WSI-MC, and AI-MC) were analyzed for correlation with scatterplots and linear regression, and for agreement in final BR with Cohen's Îș. RESULTS: MC modalities strongly correlated in both biopsies and resections: LM-MC and WSI-MC (R 2 0.85 and 0.83, respectively), LM-MC and AI-MC (R 2 0.85 and 0.95), and WSI-MC and AI-MC (R 2 0.77 and 0.83). Agreement in BR between modalities was high in both biopsies and resections: LM-MC and WSI-MC (Îș 0.93 and 0.83, respectively), LM-MC and AI-MC (Îș 0.89 and 0.83), and WSI-MC and AI-MC (Îș 0.96 and 0.73). CONCLUSION: This first validation study shows that WSI-MC may compare better to LM-MC when using AI. Agreement between BR grade based on the different mitoses counting modalities was high. These results suggest that mitoses counting on WSI can well be done, and validate the presented AI algorithm for pathologist supervised use in daily practice. Further research is required to advance our knowledge of AI-MC, but it appears at least non-inferior to LM-MC

    RNA Helicase DDX3 Regulates RAD51 Localization and DNA Damage Repair in Ewing Sarcoma

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    We previously demonstrated that RNA helicase DDX3X (DDX3) can be a therapeutic target in Ewing sarcoma (EWS), but its role in EWS biology remains unclear. The present work demonstrates that DDX3 plays a unique role in DNA damage repair (DDR). We show that DDX3 interacts with several proteins involved in homologous recombination, including RAD51, RECQL1, RPA32, and XRCC2. In particular, DDX3 colocalizes with RAD51 and RNA:DNA hybrid structures in the cytoplasm of EWS cells. Inhibition of DDX3 RNA helicase activity increases cytoplasmic RNA:DNA hybrids, sequestering RAD51 in the cytoplasm, which impairs nuclear translocation of RAD51 to sites of double-stranded DNA breaks thus increasing sensitivity of EWS to radiation treatment, both in vitro and in vivo . This discovery lays the foundation for exploring new therapeutic approaches directed at manipulating DDR protein localization in solid tumors

    Microenvironment‐induced restoration of cohesive growth associated with focal activation of P ‐cadherin expression in lobular breast carcinoma metastatic to the colon

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    Invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) is a special breast cancer type characterized by noncohesive growth and E‐cadherin loss. Focal activation of P‐cadherin expression in tumor cells that are deficient for E‐cadherin occurs in a subset of ILCs. Switching from an E‐cadherin deficient to P‐cadherin proficient status (EPS) partially restores cell–cell adhesion leading to the formation of cohesive tubular elements. It is unknown what conditions control EPS. Here, we report on EPS in ILC metastases in the large bowel. We reviewed endoscopic colon biopsies and colectomy specimens from a 52‐year‐old female (index patient) and of 18 additional patients (reference series) diagnosed with metastatic ILC in the colon. EPS was assessed by immunohistochemistry for E‐cadherin and P‐cadherin. CDH1 /E‐cadherin mutations were determined by next‐generation sequencing. The index patient's colectomy showed transmural metastatic ILC harboring a CDH1 /E‐cadherin p.Q610* mutation. ILC cells displayed different growth patterns in different anatomic layers of the colon wall. In the tunica muscularis propria and the tela submucosa, ILC cells featured noncohesive growth and were E‐cadherin‐negative and P‐cadherin‐negative. However, ILC cells invading the mucosa formed cohesive tubular elements in the intercryptal stroma of the lamina propria mucosae. Inter‐cryptal ILC cells switched to a P‐cadherin‐positive phenotype in this microenvironmental niche. In the reference series, colon mucosa infiltration was evident in 13 of 18 patients, one of which showed intercryptal EPS and conversion to cohesive growth as described in the index patient. The large bowel is a common metastatic site in ILC. In endoscopic colon biopsies, the typical noncohesive growth of ILC may be concealed by microenvironment‐induced EPS and conversion to cohesive growth

    Intraductal cisplatin treatment in a BRCA-associated breast cancer mouse model attenuates tumor development but leads to systemic tumors in aged female mice

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    BRCA deficiency predisposes to the development of invasive breast cancer. In BRCA mutation carriers this risk can increase up to 80%. Currently, bilateral prophylactic mastectomy and prophylactic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy are the only preventive, albeit radical invasive strategies to prevent breast cancer in BRCA mutation carriers. An alternative non-invasive way to prevent BRCA1-associated breast cancer may be local prophylactic treatment via the nipple. Using a non-invasive intraductal (ID) preclinical intervention strategy, we explored the use of combined cisplatin and poly (ADP)-ribose polymerase 1 (PARP1) inhibition to prevent the development of hereditary breast cancer. We show that ID cisplatin and PARP-inhibition can successfully ablate mammary epithelial cells, and this approach attenuated tumor onset in a mouse model of Brca1-associated breast cancer from 153 to 239 days. Long-term carcinogenicity studies in 150 syngeneic wild-type mice demonstrated that tumor incidence was increased in the ID treated mammary glands by 6.3% due to systemic exposure to cisplatin. Although this was only evident in aged mice (median age = 649 days), we conclude that ID cisplatin treatment only presents a safe and feasible local prevention option if systemic exposure to the chemotherapy used can be avoided
