13 research outputs found

    Enhanced Preconditioner for JOREK MHD Solver

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    The JOREK extended magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) code is a widely used simulation code for studying the non-linear dynamics of large-scale instabilities in divertor tokamak plasmas. Due to the large scale-separation intrinsic to these phenomena both in space and time, the computational costs for simulations in realistic geometry and with realistic parameters can be very high, motivating the investment of considerable effort for optimization. In this article, a set of developments regarding the JOREK solver and preconditioner is described, which lead to overall significant benefits for large production simulations. This comprises in particular enhanced convergence in highly non-linear scenarios and a general reduction of memory consumption and computational costs. The developments include faster construction of preconditioner matrices, a domain decomposition of preconditioning matrices for solver libraries that can handle distributed matrices, interfaces for additional solver libraries, an option to use matrix compression methods, and the implementation of a complex solver interface for the preconditioner. The most significant development presented consists in a generalization of the physics based preconditioner to "mode groups", which allows to account for the dominant interactions between toroidal Fourier modes in highly non-linear simulations. At the cost of a moderate increase of memory consumption, the technique can strongly enhance convergence in suitable cases allowing to use significantly larger time steps. For all developments, benchmarks based on typical simulation cases demonstrate the resulting improvements

    Nonlinear MHD modeling of soft β\beta limits in W7-AS

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    An important question for the outlook of stellarator reactors is their robustness against pressure driven modes, and the underlying mechanism behind experimentally observed soft β\beta limits. Towards building a robust answer to these questions, simulation studies are presented using a recently derived reduced nonlinear MHD model. First, the initial model implementation is extended to capture fluid compression by including the influence of parallel flows. Linear benchmarks of a (2, 1) tearing mode in W7-AS geometry, and interchange modes in a finite β\beta, net-zero current carrying stellarator with low magnetic shear are then used to demonstrate the modeling capabilities. Finally, a validation study is conducted on experimental reconstructions of finite β\beta W7-AS discharges. In agreement with past experimental analysis, it is shown that (i) the MHD activity is resistive, (ii) a soft β\beta limit is observed, when the plasma resistivity approaches the estimated experimental value, and (iii) low nn MHD activity is observed at intermediate β\beta values, particularly a nonlinearly dominant (2, 1) mode. The MHD activity is mild, explaining the soft β\beta limit, because the plasma volume remains separated into distinct sub-volumes in which field lines are ergodically confined. For the assumed transport parameters, the enhanced perpendicular transport along stochastic magnetic field lines can be overcome with the experimental heating power. The limitations in the current modeling are described, alongside an outlook for characterising soft β\beta limits in more detail in future work.Comment: Submitted to Nuclear Fusio

    MHD simulations of formation, sustainment and loss of Quiescent H-mode in the all-tungsten ASDEX Upgrade

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    Periodic edge localized modes (ELMs) are the non-linear consequences of pressure-gradient-driven ballooning modes and current-driven peeling modes becoming unstable in the pedestal region of high confinement fusion plasmas. In future tokamaks like ITER, large ELMs are foreseen to severely affect the lifetime of wall components as they transiently deposit large amounts of heat onto a narrow region at the divertor targets. Several strategies exist for avoidance, suppression, or mitigation of these instabilities, such as the naturally ELM-free quiescent H-mode (QH-mode). In the present article, an ASDEX Upgrade equilibrium that features a QH-mode is investigated through non-linear extended MHD simulations covering the dynamics over tens of milliseconds. The equilibrium is close to the ideal peeling limit and non-linearly develops saturated modes at the edge of the plasma. A dominant toroidal mode number of n=1n=1 is found, for which the characteristic features of the edge harmonic oscillation are recovered. The saturated modes contribute to heat and particle transport preventing pedestal build-up to the ELM triggering threshold. The non-linear dynamics of the mode, in particular its interaction with the evolution of the edge safety factor is studied, which suggest a possible new saturation mechanism for the QH-mode. The simulations show good qualitative and quantitative agreement to experiments in AUG. In particular, the processes leading to the termination of QH-mode above a density threshold is studied, which results in the transition into an ELM regime. In the vicinity of this threshold, limit cycle oscillations are observed.Comment: Revised version with modifications from review process include

    Plasma Surrogate Modelling using Fourier Neural Operators

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    Predicting plasma evolution within a Tokamak reactor is crucial to realizing the goal of sustainable fusion. Capabilities in forecasting the spatio-temporal evolution of plasma rapidly and accurately allow us to quickly iterate over design and control strategies on current Tokamak devices and future reactors. Modelling plasma evolution using numerical solvers is often expensive, consuming many hours on supercomputers, and hence, we need alternative inexpensive surrogate models. We demonstrate accurate predictions of plasma evolution both in simulation and experimental domains using deep learning-based surrogate modelling tools, viz., Fourier Neural Operators (FNO). We show that FNO has a speedup of six orders of magnitude over traditional solvers in predicting the plasma dynamics simulated from magnetohydrodynamic models, while maintaining a high accuracy (MSE ≈\approx 10−510^{-5}). Our modified version of the FNO is capable of solving multi-variable Partial Differential Equations (PDE), and can capture the dependence among the different variables in a single model. FNOs can also predict plasma evolution on real-world experimental data observed by the cameras positioned within the MAST Tokamak, i.e., cameras looking across the central solenoid and the divertor in the Tokamak. We show that FNOs are able to accurately forecast the evolution of plasma and have the potential to be deployed for real-time monitoring. We also illustrate their capability in forecasting the plasma shape, the locations of interactions of the plasma with the central solenoid and the divertor for the full duration of the plasma shot within MAST. The FNO offers a viable alternative for surrogate modelling as it is quick to train and infer, and requires fewer data points, while being able to do zero-shot super-resolution and getting high-fidelity solutions

    Probing non-linear MHD stability of the EDA H-mode in ASDEX Upgrade

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    Regimes of operation in tokamaks that are devoid of large ELMs have to be better understood to extrapolate their applicability to reactor-relevant devices. This paper describes non-linear extended MHD simulations that use an experimental equilibrium from an EDA H-mode in ASDEX Upgrade. Linear ideal MHD analysis indicates that the operational point lies slightly inside of the stable region. The non-linear simulations with the visco-resistive extended MHD code, JOREK, sustain non-axisymmetric perturbations that are linearly most unstable with toroidal mode numbers of n = \{6 \dots 9\}, but non-linearly higher and lower n become driven and the low-n become dominant. The poloidal mode velocity during the linear phase is found to correspond to the expected velocity for resistive ballooning modes. The perturbations that exist in the simulations have somewhat smaller poloidal wavenumbers (k_{\theta} \sim 0.1 to 0.5 cm^{-1} ) than the experimental expectations for the quasi-coherent mode in EDA, and cause non-negligible transport in both the heat and particle channels. In the transition from linear to non-linear phase, the mode frequency chirps down from approximately 35 kHz to 13 kHz, which corresponds approximately to the lower end of frequencies that are typically observed in EDA H-modes in ASDEX Upgrade

    Simulations of COMPASS vertical displacement events with a self-consistent model for halo currents including neutrals and sheath boundary conditions

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    The understanding of the halo current properties during disruptions is key to design and operate large scale tokamaks in view of the large thermal and electromagnetic loads that they entail. For the first time, we present a fully self-consistent model for halo current simulations including neutral particles and sheath boundary conditions. The model is used to simulate vertical displacement events (VDEs) occurring in the COMPASS tokamak. Recent COMPASS experiments have shown that the parallel halo current density at the plasma-wall interface is limited by the ion saturation current during VDE-induced disruptions. We show that usual magneto-hydrodynamic boundary conditions can lead to the violation of this physical limit and we implement this current density limitation through a boundary condition for the electrostatic potential. Sheath boundary conditions for the density, the heat flux, the parallel velocity and a realistic parameter choice (e.g. Spitzer's resistivity and Spitzer-Harm parallel thermal conductivity) extend present VDE simulations beyond the state of the art. Experimental measurements of the current density, temperature and heat flux profiles at the COMPASS divertor are compared with the results obtained from axisymmetric simulations. Since the ion saturation current density (Jsat) is shown to be essential to determine the halo current profile, parametric scans are performed to study its dependence on different quantities such as the plasma resistivity and the particle and heat diffusion coefficients. In this respect, the plasma resistivity in the halo region broadens significantly the Jsat profile, increasing the halo width at a similar total halo current