10 research outputs found

    Implementasi Modul Fisika Modern Berbasis Konstruktivisme

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    Still limited learning resources available in the library and the inability of most college students to purchase learning resources either in the form of a book or module.Then the necessity created a learning resource in the form of learning materials in the form of modules. This research aims to look at the results of a study of college students in learning using a module-based constructivism. The research is the research action class (PTK) consisting of three cycles, each cycle consists of four stages, namely action planning, implementation, observation, evaluation and reflection. The subject of this study is a three-semester student physical education PGMIPAU. The object of this research is the result of student learning. From the results of the studyobtained the use of Constructivism-based modern physics module on cycle 1 median – median test results of students are 50.54, on average cycle 2 – align students ' test results was 61.00, and median – median 3 cycle test results of students are 66.00, so it can be concluded that the use of Constructivism-based modern physics modules can improve student learning outcomes

    Pemodelan Sistem Geothermal Berdasarkan Data Geolistrik Kabupaten Masamba Sulawesi Selatan

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    Pengukuran tahanan jenis dengan konfigurasi Schlumberger telah dilakukan di daerah panas bumi Pincara dengan cara mapping dan sounding. Secara geologi, hasil pengamatan geologi lapangan batuan didaerah penelitian didominasi oleh batuan granit dan granodiorit (batuan granitik), batuan lava, batuan breksi, batuan sedimen dan satuan batuan aluvium yang menempati bagian selatan daerah penelitian.. Pengukuran mapping pada bentangan arus AB/2 = 250m, 500m, 750m, dan memperlihatkan daerah bertahanan jenis rendah makin meluas dengan bertambahnya kedalaman ke arah tenggara dengan kontras tidak terlalu besar. Sedangkan anomali bertahanan jenis tinggi cenderung melebar kebagian baratlaut. Secara geologi daerah bertahanan jenis rendah ditafsirkan sebagai batuan sedimen cenderung lebih tebal kearah tenggara, sedangkan batuan yang bertahana jenis tinggi ditafsirkan sebagai batuan beku berupa granit yang tersebar dibagian baratlaut. Kondisi ini mencerminkan makin kearah tenggara batuan sedimen makin dalam dan secara tidak langsung mengindikasikan keberadaan reservoir.Pengukuran Sounding menunjukkan lintasan penampang tahanan jenis semu terdapat perbedaan nilai resistivity yang sangat mencolok pada bagian baratlaut dan tenggara, diduga akibat adanya perbedaan lithologi antara batuan resistif (granit) di bagian baratlaut dengan batuan yang kurang resistif di bagian tenggara (batuan rombakan)

    Komunikasi Ritual Tradisi Tujuh Bulanan (Studi Etnografi Komunikasi Bagi Etnis Jawa di Desa Pengarungan Kecamatan Torgamba Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Selatan)

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    Tradition Seven Monthly pregnancy is a ceremony for the first child seven months gestation. Seven monthly event is often done by Javanese because this tradition handed down from earlier ancestors. This study aims to determine the implementation of the seven monthly event on Javanese who lived in the Pengarungan village. To achieve these objectives, it raised some questions about how the situation in the event of seven monthly communication, communicative events in seven monthly events, and acts of communication in seven monthly event in the pengarungan village, subdistrict torgamba, labuhanbatu selatan districtThis type of research is qualitative. While research method used is an ethnographic study of communication. Most of the data were collected through observation and interviews. Informants were obtained by 5 people. Three people who existed as a guide Seven Monthly Event and two people who know and understand the events of seven monthly. Data collection techniques by using purposive sampling technique. After the interviews, participant observation, field notes, literature studies, documentation and internet searching. Test the validity of the data with triangulation and the extension of participation.The results obtained indicate that the communicative situation in seven monthly event is done at their own home, or parents home of the boy and was attended by parents, neighbors, and community members Pengarungan. This communicative events is based on genre, type of events werer, the topic, the purpose and function, the setting, participants, form a message, the content of the message, the rules of interaction, the norms of interpretation. While in communicative acts such as those that know and understand the implementation of seven monthly event is host of the events in seven months.Keywords : Tradition in Seven Monthly Events in the Pengarungan Village,tradition , ethnography of communicatio

    Improving Students' Achievement In Writing Hortatory Exposition Texts Through Dictogloss Technique

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    This research attempts to improve students' achievement in writing hortatory exposition text by using Dictogloss Technique. The result showed the improvement of students' achievement in writing hortatory exposition text. It was found that the mean of the students' scores in every test was improved. In the first test, the mean was 38.7 and there was 2.3% of the students who got up 75 points (Minimum Completeness Criteria), in the second test, it was 65.1 and 19.04% of the students who got up 75 points, and in the last one, the mean was 79.4 and there was 73.8% of the students who got up 75 points. The students felt enthusiastic, enjoyable, and active in teaching learning process through Dictogloss Technique. The result of the research showed the progress of achievement scores, it can be concluded that Dictogloss Technique gives contribution to improve students' achievement in writing hortatory exposition text

    Pembelajaran Kolaboratif Berbasis Lesson Study Menggunakan Model Guided Inquiry Di MTS Laboratorium Kota Jambi

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    Based on the observation do in MTS Laboratorium Kota Jambi, many of the content of physics learning should be taught with practical or use of instructional media done not because many of factors. It is because of practical limitations of the tools or no advanced media available . It would not be allowed , its solution must be sought in order to study physics can be do accordance with the curriculum indicator. This research offers a solution with collaborative learning based on lesson study using model guided inqury. Lesson study do in MTS Laboratorium Kota Jambi increased from 90 % to 100 % in the first cycle and 66.67 % completing in the second cycl

    Improving Students' Achievement In Writing Hortatory Exposition Texts Through Dictogloss Technique

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    This research attempts to improve students' achievement in writing hortatory exposition text by using Dictogloss Technique. The result showed the improvement of students' achievement in writing hortatory exposition text. It was found that the mean of the students' scores in every test was improved. In the first test, the mean was 38.7 and there was 2.3% of the students who got up 75 points (Minimum Completeness Criteria), in the second test, it was 65.1 and 19.04% of the students who got up 75 points, and in the last one, the mean was 79.4 and there was 73.8% of the students who got up 75 points. The students felt enthusiastic, enjoyable, and active in teaching learning process through Dictogloss Technique. The result of the research showed the progress of achievement scores, it can be concluded that Dictogloss Technique gives contribution to improve students' achievement in writing hortatory exposition text

    Utilization of Phytochemical Content of Nipah Leaf Extract in the Coastal Area of Indonesia

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    Nypa fruticans Wurmb or ‘nipa’ is a palm plant that includes mangrove commodities, found along the mouths of tropical and subtropical rivers. Nipah forests in Indonesia are spread on the coast of the islands of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua. Coastal communities in Indonesia usually use nipah as an ingredient in traditional medicine, food coloring, to various handicrafts. The main phytochemical composition of nipah is polyphenols, phenolics, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, and saponins. Therefore, the knowledge and utilization of this nipah plant need to be sought and studied more deeply to optimize its utilization. This study aims to find out the utilization of the phytochemical composition of nipah leaf extract on the coast of Indonesia. The results of the literature study on the phytochemical content of nipa leaves and their use have the potential as traditional medicine, and can act as antioxidants, antidiabetics, antimicrobials (antifungals and antibacterials), anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic. In addition to medicine, nipah plants are also used as roofs, livestock pens, or huts in gardens, brooms, handicrafts, fishing gear, as food coloring, as a source of food and beverages, to renewable energy fuel sources

    Resistensi Lalat Rumah, Musca Domestica Linnaeus (Diptera: Muscidae) Dari Empat Kota Di Indonesia Terhadap Permetrin Dan Propoksur

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    House flies (Musca domestica Linnaeus) is one of the common urban pests causing health, economics, and aesthetics problems. Although intensive control by using inseticides are carried out, there are reports of control failures, which are probably due to insect resistance. Bioassay tests with topical application to study the status as well as resistance mechanism of house flies collected from the city of Jakarta (JKT), Bandung (BDG), Yogyakarta (YGY) and Surabaya (SBY) to pyrethroid (permethrin) and carbamate (propoxur) insecticides were carried out. The results show that, as compared to the most susceptible strain (YGY), we found that BDG strain is highly resistant to permethrin with resistance ratio (RR) of 133.7 fold. SBY strain was the most resistant to propoxur with RR of 38.36 fold, followed by Bandung strain with RR of 18.22 fold. The addition of piperonyl butoxide (PBO) to either permethrin or propoxur in most of the strains caused a decrease in LD50 values and increasing the synergist ratio (SR) suggesting that the detoxifying enzyme mixed function oxidase (MFO) played an important role in the development of resistance to permethrin and propoxur. Our study is the first report of M. domestica resistance to permethrin and propoxur in Indonesia

    Analisis Pembelajaran IPA dengan Lesson Study Berbasis Transcript Based Lesson Analysis (Tbla) pada Materi Getaran dan Gelombang

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis pembelajaran IPA dengan lesson study berbasis Transcript Based Lesson Analysis (TBLA) dianalisis melalui perekaman dialog pembicaraan guru dan siswa serta pengamatan yang dilakukan oleh observer, penelitian ini berfokus untuk melihat respond siswa selama pembelajaran. Melalui analisis ini dapat dilihat bagaimana penerapan lesson study berbasis Transcript Based Lesson Analysis (TBLA), bagaimana analisis proses pembelajaran bersifat student centered atau bersifat teacher centered dapat dilihat melalui pola dialog yang muncul berdasarkan pembicaraan antar guru dan siswa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah studi kasus, Data dalam penelitian ini berbentuk data penelitian kualitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII.4 SMP Al-Falah Kota Jambi. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan rekam video selama pembelajaran, catatan lapangan observasi, dan dokumen yang lainnya. Penelitian ini berlansung dalam 2 siklus dilaksanakan pada bulan februari 2021 dengan 3 tahapan Lesson study yaitu plan, do, dan see. Berdasarkan dialog percakapan antara guru model dan siswa pada siklus I dan II ditunjukkan dalam dua grafik number of words. Siklus I dalam penelitian ini terlihat guru masih mendominasi percakapan, tidak banyak siswa yang memberikan respond dan menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan guru model. Pada siklus II pembelajran berlansung secara diskusi kelompok terlihat beberapa siswa yang aktif berdiskusi dalam memecahkan masalah yang disajikan oleh guru model, dilihat dari banyaknya percakapan yang muncul dalam grafik number of wold siklus II. Saran yang termuat dalam penelitian ini agar guru bisa menerapkan pembelajaran dengan lesson study berbasis Transcript Based Lesson Analysis (TBLA), dengan demikian dapat membantu guru dalam menganalisis proses pembelajaran yang berlansung pada setiap siswa yang dilihat dari dialog percakapan guru dan sisw

    Studi Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Ubi Jalar sebagai Sumber Prebiotik

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    Ubi jalar mengandung beberapa jenis oligosakarida yang mungkin berfungsi sebagai prebiotik, dan diharapkan setelah proses pengolahan, fungsi daari prebiotik dapat dipertahankan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk melakukan uji in vitro dan in vivo ekstrak ubi jalar sebagai prebiotik. Pengujian efektifitas sari ubi jalar terhadap pertumbuhan Bakteri asam laktat dilakukan menggunakan media de Mann Rogosa sharpe broth (MRSB), dengan perlakuan K (-): MRSB sebagai kontrol negatif; K (+) : MRSB + BAL sebagai kontrol positif ; P1 : MRSB + BAL + sari ubi jalar Sukuh ; P2 : MRSB + BAL + ari ubi jalar Betta-1 dan P3: MRSB+ BAL + sar ubi jalar Antin. Pengujian in vivo dilakukan dengan menguji pertumbuhan bakteri asam laktat (BAL) dan uji kompetisi pertumbuhan BAL dan Escheria coli (E.Coli) terhadap ekstrak ubi jalar yang terbaik dari hasil uji in vitro sebelumnya. Uji in vivo dilakukan dengan menggunakan 4 kelompok tikus percobaan, yang masing-masing terdiri dari 4 ekor tikus putih jantan galur Sprague-dawley berumur dua bulan. Berdasarkan hasil uji vitro menunjukkan ekstrak ubi jalar semua varietas memiliki nilai absorbansi yang semakin tinggi pada 0 dan 24 jam dengan panjang gelombang 660 nm. Hal tersebut menunjukkan ekstrak ubi jalar pada dapat menstimulir pertumbuhan BAL dengan baik. Ekstrak ubi jalar dapat menekan pertumbuhan E. Coli dan Menstimulir BAL terutama ubi jalar varietas Betta-1 dan Sukuh. Hasil uji in vivo menunjukkan ekstak ubi jalar pada dosis pemberian ekstrak ubi jalar 0,54 g/hari dan 1,08 g/hari belum efektif meningkatkan bekteri asam laktat fekal dan menekan pertumbuhan bakteri asam laktat E. Colli tikus percobaan