3 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Kognitif IPA Fisika Siswa dengan Joyful Learning di Kelas VII SMPN 3 XIII Koto Kampar

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    Abstrck: This research aims to determine the increase in cognitive science physics learning achievement of students with joyful learning. This research was conducted in SMPN 3 XIII Koto Kampar in August 2015. This research subject is 20 students of class VIIa as a control group with conventional learning and 21 students of class VIIb as an experimental group class with joyful learning. This research is pre-experimental design forms Intact Group Comparison. Instrument of collecting data in this research is a cognitive achievement test consisting of 10 multiple choice items. Descriptive analysis of the results obtained by the average absorption and effectiveness of learning of students in the experimental class of 80% and 70.5% control class with high category and effective. Mastery learning classical to experimental class categorized due to the percentage of 90.47%, while the control group did not complete with percentage of 70%. Completeness of indicators competency achievement in the experimental class of 100% and 70% control class declared complete. The results of inferential analysis through the sign test obtained a value of tcount>ttable (2,897>2,023), which means there is improvement of the cognitive learning science Physics with joyful learning of the use of conventional learning. It can be concluded with joyful learning can improve cognitive achievement of students of class VII SMPN 3 XIII Koto Kampar in the subject matter temperature and measurement

    Peningkatan Soft Skills melalui Model Pembelajaran Generatif pada Pelajaran Fisika Kelas XI Mipa 1 SMA Babussalam Pekanbaru

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the application of the generative learning model to increase the soft skills of students on class eleven science 1 at SMA Babussalam Pekanbaru. The study was conducted in high school Babussalam Pekanbaru from May to September 2015 by using one group pretest-posttest design applied to a single class. The subjects are consisted of 31 female students. Data was collected by given questionnaire before and after implementation of generative learning model. This research showed that there was an increasing on the student's soft skills scores that marked gain of 0.46. Increasing the ability of individual students is dominated by a student who has a Gain on high effectiveness category that is 12 students. Observing from the aspect grain acquired skills picture that to clause 0.2 Gain communication skills obtained with very low category. For grain aspect of problem solving skills gained Gain 0.6 with the high category. For the aspect grain Gain 0.4 collaboration skills gained with low category. For the aspect grain leadership skills gained Gain 0.6 with the high category. It can be concluded that the generative learning module is effective for increasing the soft skills of students on class eleven science 1 at SMA Babussalam Pekanbaru

    Hubungan Persepsi terhadap Iklim Kelas dengan Motivasi Belajar Fisika Siswa SMA Kelas XI IPA Se Kecamatan Simpang Kanan Rokan Hilir

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    The purpose of this research is to know the correlation between perception of classroom climate and students learning motivation physics. This research is correlational. The population in this study were students of class XI IPA Simpang Kanan sub-distric, sample in this study is one class from each school are Class XI IPA with a total of 115 people. and the sample in this study is one class from each school are Class XI IPA with a total sample of 43 people, The data collection instrument used is kuisioner classroom climate and and students learning motivation physics. The result of this research showed that there is a significant positive correlation between perception of classroom climate and students motivation to learn physic subject. Data analysis technique used is the Pearson product moment correlation test . Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential. Based on the results of the analysis showed that there is a positive and significant correlation between perceptions of classroom climate with motivation to learn physics students, regression equation was á¿© = 39.077 + 0.353 x, coefficient of correlation was 0,505 and Fcount > Ftable (14,001 > 3,99). Contribution perception of classroom climate and students motivation to learn physic subject was 22,5%. The conclusion indicate that the perception of classroom climate relate to students motivation to learn physic in SMA class XI IPA simpang kanan sub-district