24 research outputs found

    Perancangan Buku Travel Guide Wisata Belanja Grosir Pakaian di Kota Surabaya Berbasis Fotografi sebagai Sarana Informasi Institut Bisnis dan Informatika STIKOM Surabaya

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    The purpose of designing a city guide book wholesale clothing shopping Surabaya based photography as a means of information. To give an information about wholesale shopping city of Surabaya. Further studies conducted using qualitative research methods are observation, interviews, documentation, and literature. To obtain the data used and supports the creation of a shopping travel city guide book wholesale clothing Surabaya based photography as a means of information. Data were analyzed using multiple stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. After analyzing the data, found a city guide book concept shopping wholesale clothing Surabaya based photography as a means of information. Keyword "Elegant", description "Elegant Elegant, neat, elegant, graceful, supple. The main concept of the book itself is a travel guide book wholesale clothing shopping Surabaya-based photography to illustrate the location, atmosphere, and photos of activities that are in the market. The concept of "Elegant" aims to illustrate the location, atmosphere, and photos of activities that are in the market

    Perancangan Buku Pengenalan Reptil Iguana Hijau Berbasis Fotografi Sebagai Sarana Informasi Bagi Masyarakat Surabaya

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    The purpose of designing a book based green iguana reptile introduction of photography as a means of information for the people of Surabaya. To introduce and provide a knowledge of the green iguana reptiles, and also provides maintenance information reptile green iguana well. Further studies conducted using qualitative research methods are observation, interviews, documentation, and literature. To obtain the data used and supports the creation of a book-based green iguana reptile introduction of photography as a means of information for the people of Surabaya. Data were analyzed using multiple stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. After analyzing the data, found a book concept based green iguana reptile introduction of photography as a means of information for the people of Surabaya. Keyword "Beauty", the description of "beauty" is a state of unsightly nature and character of a person, place, object, or idea that provides perceptual experience of pleasure, meaning, or satisfaction. An entity that is admired, has a feature that is associated in perfection. The concept of "beauty" aims to show that the Green Iguana Reptile are exotic animals and pets can be

    Perancangan Desain Kemasan Premium Village Leather Berbasis Kayu dan Resin sebagai Upaya Menungkatkan Brand Awareness

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    The purpose of designing the packaging premium Village Leather based on the wood and resin is to increase brand awareness. The research done by using qualitative research methods by doing interviews, observation and documentation, and study of the library to get data that is used as a supporter of the making of the concept of design promotion media. The data has been analyzed using several stages, i.e. data reduction, presentation of data and the conclusions. From the analysis of the data found some key words that refers to the communication strategy promotional media that will be used to reach the target audiance intended. After the analysis of the data, clean the concept of keyword or design premium packaging design that is "precious". Description of the concept of precious is something valuable, glorious, and have aesthetic value more. The concept of "precious" aims to show that the design of the packaging premium Village Leather is seuah packaging design that has a different appeal to the other. The concept of precious aims to convey the identity of Village Leather through the design of the premium packaging design with the achieved brand awareness

    Perancangan Buku Safety Riding dengan Teknik Ilustrasi Karikatur untuk Menumbuhkan Kesadaran Keselamatan Berkendara untuk Remaja di Surabaya

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    Safety riding is a principle or knowledge of riding with safe , where the rider behavior must have adequate levels of security for oneself and others . The rapid growth in the number of vehicles and driver in Indonesia is not balanced with the sufficient increase of enough safety for motorcycle rider, the number of accidents is realy high , especially the case of accidents in adolescents , it is extremely dangerous given the teens are the future generation of a nation . The number of accident rate indicates a lack of awareness of road safety , there are still many who do not consider road safety is something that should be prioritized while ride a motorcycle . Therefore, this study aims to create a book of safety riding with caricature illustration techniques to raise awareness of road safety for young people in Surabaya

    Perancangan Buku Fotografi Nama-nama Hewan Ternak Dengan Sistem Isyarat Bahasa Indonesia (Sibi) Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Anak Tunarungu Di Tklb-b Karya Mulia Surabaya

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    The purpose of this study was to design Photography Books Animal Names With Indonesian Broadcasting System ( SIBI ) For Deaf Children Learning Media in TKLB - B Karya Mulia Surabaya . Education is now very much forward to the next generation , just to note again is the children who have physical limitations . They need to be learning and understanding more through special books especially for children with hearing impairment. Textbooks should be developed using Indonesian sign language system

    Perancangan Buku Estetika Tato dengan Teknik Fotografi Guna Meningkatkan Citra Tato Kepada Masyarakat

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    Everything to do with tattoos, must relate to the criminal offense has been stuck in our minds. Bad image to those who have a tattoo on the body has confined the creativity of some people. The reason is, there is a presumption that all criminals caught certainly had marks on his body called tattoo. Tattoos have long known to humanity. That said, one of the expressions of tattoos as works of art has existed since several centuries BC in some tribes. Tattooing or body painting or tattoo is an image or symbol that is engraved on the skin using a needle similar tools. Usually, images and symbols that are decorated with colorful pigments. In the old days, people are still using manual techniques and traditional materials to tattoo someone. Now, people have been using the needle of iron, which is sometimes driven by the engine to "carve out" a tattoo. Based on the bad image of the tattoo community, the researchers tried to bridge to make the book as an effort to improve the image of the tattoo. Advantage of using the media guide in this research is to arouse the reader's emotions to be able to hold it directly, feel, and see the details of how the contents contained in the book. The function of the book itself is to convey information in the form of stories, knowledge, reports, and others. The book can hold a lot of information depends on the number of pages it has

    Penciptaan Buku Pop-up Mesatua Bali Berjudul “I Lubdhaka” Dengan Teknik Pull Tab Sebagai Upaya Pelestarian Budaya Tradisional

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    Mesatua Bali is a tradition of storytelling the Parents to Children. However , currently Mesatua Bali The culture began to shift because influence of foreign culture and It is rare even society the apply culture of Masatua Bali. Hence this study aims to the creation pop-up books Mesatua Bali titled “I Lubdhaka” with pull tab techniques as aneffort to preservation the traditional culture. he study was conducted using with qualitative research methods is to conduct interviews, observation , documentation and literature book study to meet the needs of the data used as materials for concepts the creation pop-up books Mesatua Bali. Through the data analysis is done by a few keywords that are capable of supporting a creative strategy in the creation pop-up books Mesatua Bali to achieve the goal target audience. From the data analysis , the author found the concept “Swadharma”. Description of concept " Swadharma " That has Clearly (Something ) obligation to do, will provide awareness and interest to the children to have an obligation to maintain and conserve the traditional culture