21 research outputs found
Rekonstruksi Sistem Peradilan Pidana Indonesia dalam Perspektif Kemandirian Kekuasaan Kehakiman
Criminal justice system as a tool of law enforcement, didn't work optimally in Indonesia. It often being used by executive power because its position and function didn't independent and subordinated by executive power. Judicial power is an independent power, but other subsistem in CJS such as investigative power, prosecution power, and Executors power structurally and functionally are under executive power, and as result that their roles as a power instrument to service power's interest. This research purpose to set ideal format in integrated CJS working , to manifest judicial power in the independency and integrated criminal law enforcement through reconstruction and reorientation of criminal justice system construction, substantial and cultural. Main object in this research is criminal law enforcement policy, juridical normative and sociological approach, primary and secondary data as a main data to qualitative analyzing. The result of this research show that function of subsystem in criminal justice system (such as investigation, prosecution, and execution power ) have not show independent yet, cause of under the executive power. Anyway judicial power is set as independent power out of executive power, in organizationing, budgeting, staffing, and carrier system under one roof system that subordinated by Supreme Court . Here CJS is unsystemic but partially and fragmentair. This situation result subsytem rivality and in the end can be barrier in CJS performances. There is policy measures to implement integrally of independency criminal justice system by systemic approach to reset related policy in the law substance, the law structure and the law culture
Hukum Pidana Adat Sub-culture Kehidupan Hukum Di Indonesia
Law as a weergave (refiection) in a society lives and created by the society itself therefore the iaw in society becoming the refiection of socio-phiiosophic values mf society itself. Indonesian society has its characteristics of being communal, social-religious and prioritizing the harmony of society hence here the life of Indonesian Law automatically imbued by those values. Indonesian Customary Law is the law that created and desired by the Indonesian society itself based on the value of its socio-phiiosophic to regulate the life of society, nation, and state. The existence of customary law characterized as rooted, paculier and society-based, means the customary law lives and develops in accordance to the values of the society and can not be replaced since it is the spirit and the will of society. The Dutch Law shifted and turned the customary (customary criminal) law off. The characteristic differences caused the discrepancy or the value gap occured. The customary criminal law has its characteristics such a) comprehensive and unifying; b) is opened; c) differentiating the probiems; d) justice by request and e) actions in the form of reaction or correction. Substantially, the customary criminal law has several differences to the Criminal Code, they are: according to the Criminal Code there will be a certain person only that can be convicted, meanwhile on the customary criminai law not only a person but law firm and the actor's family can also be asked for taking responsibilities. According to Criminai Code a person can only be convicted if the actions the person did were having the element of accident or negligence, while in the customary criminai law, the element of error is not an absolute element; on the Criminal Code been known and distinguished between assistance, persuade and participated in a crime, for which is unknown in the customary criminal law. All who took part against the rules of customary law are required to be accounted for; in the customary criminai law doesn't recognize the trial term, as its reulated in the Criminal Code; Criminal Code based on the system ofprae-exsistence regels while the customary criminal iaw doesn t; the customary iaw doesn t differentiate between civil law and criminal law; Criminal Code has its pattern as being intellectual and rational while in the other hand the customary criminal law has its base on cosmic think and prioritizing the harmony of society. The application of customary criminal law in the process of criminal justice having its base on the Act No. 1 Year1951 concerning Temporary Actions to Organize Events Unitary Structure of Power and Civil Courts, Article 5 paragraph (3) sub b. Institutionalization of customary criminal law in the life of the Indonesian national law occurs through three tracks, namely the judicial track, legislation track, and academic track
Kedudukan Yayasan Pasca Berlakunya Undang-undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2004 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2001 Tentang Yayasan
This article aims to determine the position of the foundation after theanactment of legislation foundation Number 28 of 2004 concerningamandments to the LawNumber 16 of 2001 on the Foundation. By using normative methods can be concluded the foundation is a legal entity that has the sole purpose is social, religious, and humanitarian who founded by observing the formal requirements specified in the legislation foundation. Changes of a Law Act Number 28 of 2004 on the Foundation gives a true understanding of the public about the foundation, to ensure legal certainty and the rule of law and restore the function of the foundation as legal institutions in order to archieve certain goals of social, religious, and humanitarian based on the principle of transparency and accountability. The establishment of foundation begins with the separation of founder assets to be incorporated as the authorized capital foundation. Separation founder assets into foundations can not be given meaning as investment, because the founding foundation philosophy is non-profit. In practic there are deviations in the management of the conflict between the board and the abuse of the institution foundation
Aspek Hukum Penerapan Green Banking dalam Kegiatan Kredit di PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
This article has a purpose to find out about law aspects of green banking implementation in banking world, especially in PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Corporation). The method used in this article is the law emphirical research that is descriptive, with qualitative approach, the sources of law material that is included in this article come from primary, secondary and tertiary law material where the collecting data technic is done by interviewing the related interview. From the result of this article, it is known that green banking is not completely implemented and does not have proper regulation
Tanggungjawab Ahli Waris Debitur dalam Kredit dengan Jaminan Fidusia di PT Bni Sentra Kredit Kecil Solo
This research aims to find and to explain about liability of debtor's heirs in credit settlement with fiduciary guarantee. Methods used in the collection of data using this type of empirical legal research that is both descriptive and prescriptive approach to Statue approach and conceptual approach generate primary and the data were analyzed using the method of secondary analysis interactive. Based on the results of this research, in fiduciary credit when debtor dies, the responsibility of settlement loans transferred to heirs. Obligations that set out in Article 123 of the Civil Code and Article 1100 Civil Code, and Article 1318 Civil Code, heirs automatically bear the burden of debt once the credit debtor dies, therefore the heirs obliged to make payments on the debt. Rights set out in 833 Civil Code, Article 1023 Civil Code, and Article 1318 Civil Code, confirmed that heirs have the right to continue the credit agreement and have the right on property, to those inheritance rights the heirs may refuse. Law No. 42 of 1999 on fiduciary doesn't set about liability of debtor's heirs for Fiduciary Agreement, only Article 4 Law on Fiduciary set implicitly when agreement in principal switch into heirs, and also to Fiduciary Agreement work the same. Implementation in BNI SKC Solo, heirs stated unequivocally who inherit the debt of debtor dies, and this valid and binding the heirs. Bank need to verify heirs documents since beginning Credit Agreement in order get enough information about the background of debtor dies family, this can prevent the NPL caused debtor dies
Kebijakan Pelaksanaan Diversi sebagai Perlindungan Bagi Anak yang Berkonflik dengan Hukum pada Tingkat Penuntutan di Kejaksaan Negeri Kudus
Anak adalah bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari keberlangsungan hidup manusia dan keberlangsungan sebuah bangsa dan Negara perlu mendapatkan perlindungan. Perlindungan bagi anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum dalam suatu sistem peradilan pidaana anak dilakukan melalui proses diversi yang berorientasi pada keadilan restorative. Pelaksanaan diversi diatur dalam Undang-Undang RI Nomor 11 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak yang wajib dilakukan pada setiap tingkatan mulai dari tingkat penyidikan, penuntutan, dan pemeriksaan perkara anak di pengadilan negeri dengan ketentuan yang diatur dalam UU SPPA ini. Penelitian menganalisis kebijakan formulasi hukum pidana tentang diversi sebagai perlindungan bagi anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum dalam hukum positif Indonesia, bagaimana implementasi diversi sebagai suatu perlindungan bagi anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum pada tingkat penuntutan serta kendala-kendala apa yang timbul sehubungan dengan pelaksanaan diversi di tingkat penuntutan dan upaya untuk mengatasi kendala-kendala tersebut. Metode pendekatan penelitian yuridis empiris dan data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kebijakan formulasi hukum pidana tentang diversi sebagai perlindungan bagi anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum dalam hukum positif Indonesia yaitu dalam UU RI Nomor 11 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak yang berorientasi pada suatu keadilan restoratif telah sesuai dengan apa yang diamanatkan dalam Konvensi Hak-Hak Anak dan dalam pelaksanaan upaya diversi khususnya pada tingkat penuntutan telah menuju ke arah yang lebih baik dengan keluarnya Peraturan Jaksa Agung Nomor : 006/PER-006/A/J.A/04/2015 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Diversi Pada Tingkat Penuntutan yang menjadi pedoman bagi jaksa dalam melakukan upaya diversi. Namun demikian dalam pelaksanaan upaya diversi tersebut yang masih terdapat kendala-kendala yang timbul baik yang sifatnya yuridis maupun teknis diantaranya kurangnya sosialisasi peraturan pemerintah mengenai pedoman pelaksanaan diversi yang baru dikeluarkan, kurangnya pemahanan para pihak mengenai pelaksanaan diversi serta kurangnya keahlian jaksa anak untuk memahami dan mengerti nilai-nilai dalam menerapkan konsep diversi yang berorientasi pada pendekatan restoratif justice sehingga untuk mengatasi kendala-kendala tersebut diperlukan perhatian dari pemerintah untuk segera mengeluarkan peraturan pelaksana yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan diversi, serta adanya sosialisasi bagi para pihak mengenai diversi dan diperlukan adanya pendidikan dan pelatihan khusus tentang penanganan anak yang berkonflik dengan hukum bagi para jaksa anak pada khususnya
Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Kepentingan Bank sebagai Perusahaan Target Akuisisi
This article aims to know what legal protection for banks as the target company in the acquisition, as mandated by article 5 of Government Regulation No.28 of 1999 on Merger, Consolidation and Acquisition bank. This research uses the legislation and conceptual approach. Source material law use either be primary and secondary legal materials. Mechanical collection of legal materials were used that the study of literature. The analysis technique use is the syllogism and interpretation using deductive thinking patterns. Based on the result of this research, that there is some protection to the bank`s target of both preventive and repressive set out in the legislation. Legal protection stipulated in the legislation itself is nothing explicitly regulated there is also a set implicitly that acquisition must obtain permission from the head of the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) in advance, then the criteria that should be met by the new controlling shareholder in order to acquire bank will be tested and assessed by the OJK, and the arrangements regarding the requirement to hold sufficient capital to shareholders of the controlling shareholder in the bank
Sinkronisasi Hukum Surat Pengakuan Hutang Kupedes Bri tanpa Legalisasi Berdasarkan Se Nose : 25-dir/adk/09/2013
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah sinkronisasi hukum dan urgensi surat pengakuan hutangKUPEDES tanpa legalisasi berdasarkan SE NOSE :25-DIR/ADK/09/2013, permasalah serta solusinya. Dalampenelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif tentang sinkronisasi hukum dengan menggunakanmetode analisis data kualitatif yang disajikan secara deskriptif, menggambarkan kebijakan terkait ketentuannormatifnya serta memberikan jawaban mengenai urgensi hukum surat pengakuan hutang kredit KUPEDEStanpa dilegalisasi oleh Notaris dalam SE NOSE:25-DIR/ADK/09/2013. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan, yangpertama sinkronisasi secara horisontal yaitu telah selaras dengan Pedoman Pelaksanaan Kredit Bisnis Mikro(PPK-BM) BRI, yang kedua sinkronisasi hukum secara vertikal telah selaras dengan Undang-Undang No.10tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan, kurang selaras dengan prinsip kehati-hatian buku ketiga KUHPerdata, selarasdengan PBI Nomor 14/22/PBI/2012, kurang selaras dengan SK Dir.BI No.2 /162/ KEP/DIR, kurang selarasdengan Undang-Undang No.2 tahun 2014 Perubahan atas Undang-Undang No.30 tahun 2004, kurang selarasdengan Undang-undang No.4 tahun 1996 tentang Hak Tanggungan, dengan urgensi surat pengakuan hutangtanpa legalisasi KUPEDES BRI yaitu antara lain adalah bagi intern BRI, bagi Debitur serta bagi perbankannasional. Penelitian ini menyarankan surat pengakuan hutang tanpa legalisasi Notaris perlu dipertimbangkankembali oleh Direksi BRI