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    ABSTRAK Keteraturan kunjungan balita keposyandu untuk memantau tumbuh kembang dan status gizi anak. Merupakan upaya untuk mengurangi masalah gizi dengan meningkatkan kunjungan ibu ke posyandu setiap bulan. Survey pendahuluan di puskesmas pesantren 1 balita dengan Berat Badan kurang sebanyak 43.58 (3,42%). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Hubungan Antara Keteraturan kunjungan posyandu balita dengan status gizi balita di posyandu 1 kelurahan betet wilayah kerja puskesmas pesantren 1 kota kediri 2020. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian cross sectional. Populasi adalah seluruh balita yang ada diposyandu 1 kelurahan betet wilayah kerja puskesmas pesantren 1 sebanyak 45 balita. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan Total Sampling. Instrument penelitian yang digunakan adalah Kuisoner dan KMS. Hasil penelitian kemudian dianalisa menggunakan  uji statistik  spearman rank. Hasil penelitian tentang keteraturan kunjungan posyandu, menunjukkan responden yang rutin mengunjungi posyandu 8 – 12 kali dalam 1 tahun sebagian besar (68,9%) yaitu 31 orang dan balita yang memiliki status gizi baik ≤ 2 SD sampai 2 SD hampir stengahnya (48,9%) yaitu 22 orang. Hasil uji statistik menggunakan uji Spearman Rank p value = 0,000 berarti lebih kecil dari α = 0,05 dengan demikian didapatkan  H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima yang berarti dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan antara keteraturan kunjungan posyandu balita dengan status gizi balita diposyandu kelurahan betet wilayah kerja puskesmas pesantren 1 kota kediri 2020. Keteraturan kunjungan posyandu sangat penting dalam memonitoring perkembangan dan pertumbuhan balita terutama pada status gizi balita. Diharapkan para ibu dapat lebih aktif lagi dalam melakukan kunjungan posyandu. Kata kunci : Keteraturan kunjungan posyandu, Status Gizi, Balita               ABSTRACT Regularity visits to the posyandu to monitor children under five years old and the status of growth of child nutrition .Is an effort to reduce the problem of nutrition by boost reciprocal visit by mother to posyandu every month .Survey introduction at puskesmas pesantren 1 toddlers with a weight as many as 43.58 ( 3.42 % ) .The purpose of this research is to know the relationship between regularity posyandu visit children under five years old with nutritional status of children below five year in one urban village posyandu betet the working areas of puskesmas pesantren one city kediri 2020. Design research used is research cross sectional .Was all the child population is working area urban village rotund diposyandu 1 puskesmas boarding 45 toddlers as many as 1 .Of the sample with a total of sampling .Instrument and research used is kuisoner kms .The results of research and analysis use statistical tests spearman rank. The results of research on regularity posyandu visits , shows respondents who regularly visit posyandu 8 -12 times in 1 year the majority ( 68,9 %, 31 people and children under five who have good nutrition ≤2 primary school to 2 primary school almost half ( 48,9 %, 22 people .Use statistical testing test the spearman rank p value = 0,000 meaning a smaller of α = 0.05 thus obtained h0 were rejected and h1 accepted which means it can be concluded that there was a correlation between regularity posyandu visit children under five years old with nutritional status of children under the age of five years posyandu betet urban village the working areas of puskesmas pesantren one city kediri 2020. The regularity of its had a visit from the posyandu is very important in on the monitoring of what developments had occurred and toddlers and babies growth especially on nutritional status of children under the age of five years .It is expected that the mother could be more active in again in as well as the posyandu a vocal critic of the. Key words: regularity as well as the posyandu a vocal critic of the , nutritional status of children under , children under five years old