57 research outputs found

    Facet joints infiltration: A viable alternative treatment to physiotherapy in patients with low back pain due to facet joint arthropathy

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    Background: There is a paucity of information on treatment options and outcome of treatment of patients that have MRI findings of FJA presenting with low back pain in the developing country. This prospective cohort study conducted mainly in the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital Gwagwalada, Abuja Nigeria is to compare the short-term clinical outcome between two groups, one having undergone facet joints infiltration (FJI) and the other physiotherapy for facet joint arthropathy (FJA).Materials and Methods: All patients with clinical lower back pain (LBP) and MRI features of FJA were recruited into this prospective study randomly. All the FJI patients had depot methylprednisolone and the physiotherapy patients had McKenzie regimen. Outcome questionnaires comprising Oswentry disability index scores (ODI), visual analogue scores (VAS), and patient satisfaction scores (PSS) were completed at all clinic visits. Follow-up was for 6 months for both groups. The results were analyzed using SPSS 17.0.Result: There were 10 FJI patients and 8 physiotherapy patients (1.25: 1). The outcome scores comprised the following ODI, VAS, and PSS. The FJI group had a better score compared to the physiotherapy group at short-term evaluation and this difference was statistically significant. The female patients in both groups fare better compared to the male counterparts.Conclusions: FJI offered added benefit over physiotherapy in LBPs diagnosed with FJA. Patients with FJI have a significant reduction in pain symptom than the patients in the physiotherapy group. Though majority of the patients reported satisfactory outcome, the FJI patients group had a better outcome

    Effects of Roasted Yam (Discorea rotundata Poir.) on Erythrocyte Osmotic Fragility and Other Haematologic Values in Male Albino Rats

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    The effects of roasted yam (Discorea rotundata Poir.) were studied on some hematologic parameters in male albino rats. Twenty four (24) adult male rats were divided into three groups of eight rats per group.Group I served as the control group, in which the rats were given normal rat chow. Group II rats served as the sham control and received normal rat chow mixed with 25% of finely ground yam, while group IIIserved as experimental group and received normal rat chow mixed with 25% of finely ground roasted yam. At the end of the experimental period (6 weeks), animals in all the groups were sacrificed and bloodsamples were taken for the determination of red blood cell (RBC) count, hemoglobin (Hb) concentration, and packed cell volume (PCV) and erythrocyte osmotic fragility. It was observed that roasted yamingestion reduced RBC count, PCV, and Hb concentration while it increased erythrocyte osmotic fragility rats (

    Effects of aqueous extract of Ocimum gratissimum on haematological parameters of Wistar rats

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    The effect of aqueous extract of Ocimum gratissimum on hematological parameters of Wister rats was studied. Twenty five rats with weight ranging between 100-160g were used. The rats were divided into five groups; with group one as the control group. Increasing doses (0.2, 0.4,0.8, 1.6g kg-1 body weight) of the extract were administered orally to the other four groups for a period of four weeks. Significant (P< 0.05) decreases in the level of hemoglobin (Hb), packed cell volume (PCV), red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC) and other hematological parameters were observed

    Atropine exposure in adolescence predispose to adult memory loss in Wistar rats

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    Some of the brain malfunctions in adulthoods have been linked to the developmental process in their childhood, especially in most adolescent who have been exposed to one form of drug abuse or another. This study investigated the effect of atropine exposure at adolescence on the memory and histology of the frontal cortex of Wistar rats and its effects on adult memory. 20 male adolescent Wistar rats were used for the study. The rats were divided into two groups of 10 rats each. The first group were administered with100 mg/kg body weight of atropine (Atr), and the other 10 rats were given 10 mL/kg body weight of normal saline (NS) for 7 days at adolescence. On 8th day, the rats were subjected to novel object recognition test (NOR) and ‘Y’ maze test to assess their memory function, 5 rats from each group were euthanized using ketamine and were perfused transcardially with 4% paraformaldehyde. Thereafter, the brains were removed and processed for histology using H&E and Giemsa stain. The remaining 5 rats from each group were reared till adult (65 days postpartum) without treatment denoted as Atr-I and NS-I respectively. The same memory tests and histology study were conducted on the rats at adulthood. Data were analysed using Student t test and P<0.05 was set as significant level. Atr and Atr-1showed decline in memory neither index from NOR compared with NS and NS-I respectively. Atr-I shows decline in Y maze compared to NS-I. The study concludes that atropine exposed rats show significant signs of neural cell death in the frontal cortex which progresses into adulthood as evidence from the histological findings


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    ABSTRACT The construction of Jebba Dam in the1980s had resulted in the displacement of about 6,000 rural dwellers from 42 villages who were later resettled into 21 planned settlements in the hinterland. The introduction of social infrastructures in the new resettled village was supposed to bring improved living conditions among the resettlers in new locations as against conditions in their former settlements. This study is a survey of the households&apos; present situation as a means of assessing their living conditions.30% of the rural household heads were interviewed through the use of questionnaires in order to measure changes that have taken place in their new settlements as well as in their living conditions. The process of factor analysis has revealed that there have been various aspects of rural change depicted by socioeconomic patterns differentiated at variance by settlements. It has also been established that that disparity exists on the resettlement impacts among the villages in their new locations. While some are advantaged in term of accessibility to public goods and services on the basis of their locations, others are relatively disadvantaged. Although the relocation activities and Jebba lake creation brought about improved opportunities in fishery, employment access roads, etc., effort should be made to monitor and maintain the resources to enhance sustainability

    Cytotoxic potentials of thiocyanate administration on the liver of male wistar rats (RattusNorvegicus)

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    The use of thiocyanate as an anti-sickling drug is currently on the increase among sickle cell disease (SCD) patients. The continuous use of this substance without sufficient toxicity data does not guaranty continuously functional and healthy  internal organs among the SCD patients that are susceptible to multi-organ failure such as hepatic failure. Hence this study was performed to elucidate the  consequence(s)of thiocyanate administration on the liver of adult male wistar rats.Twenty adult male wistar rats with an average weight of 234.5g were used. The rats were grouped into four (A, B, C &amp; D) with five animals in each group. Group A represented the control and was given only 1ml of distilled water daily while B,C,&amp;D received 1ml of thiocyanate solution at doses of 10mg/Kg/day, 20mg/Kg/day, &amp; 30mg/Kg/day for twenty-eight (28) days. The administration was carefully done with the use of an oral cannula. Thereafter, the rats were sacrificed via cervical dislocation. The rats were dissected and blood samples were immediately collected from the apex of the heart for the analysis of serum total bilirubin. A fraction of the liver was cut to prepare homogenates for biochemical enzymes (alanine   aminotransferase-ALT, aspartate aminotransferase- AST) analysis. Thereafter the animals were wholly perfused with normal saline and then fixed with 4%   paraformaldehyde. The fixed liver tissues were then taken for histological   assessments. The slide sections (H&amp;E and PAS stains) in the treated groups  showed varying degrees (mild to severe disruption of hepatocellular morphology plus prominence and widening of sinusoids) of thiocyanateinduced liver damage. But hepatocellular appearance was normal in the control group. Biochemical assays of serum total bilirubin and tissue AST increased fairly with increasing dose although this was not significant. The increase in tissue level of ALT in group B was also not significant with respect to the control. But increase in ALT level was found to be significant in groups C&amp;D when compared with the control. Therefore, this study can be used to infer that SCN use in sickle cell disease management regimen can cause hepatocellular damage in wistar rats.Key Words: Thiocyanate,Biochemical enzymes,Hepatocellular morphology,  Anti-sicklin

    Effect of paint fumes on histoarchitecture of the testes of adult male Wistar rats

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    Aim: To investigate the effect of paint fumes on the histoarchitecture of the testes. Methodology: In this study, we reported sixteen (16) Wistar rats mainly male of an average weight of 180g. Four groups of four rats each were divided into groups A-D. The treated rats were exposed to paint fumes for 8 hours daily, group A for three weeks, B for four weeks and C for five weeks. Group D animals (control group) were exposed to air for 8 hours for five weeks. On the last day of exposure, animals were euthanized, sacrificed and thoraco-abdominal incision was performed after which one testis was received from each rats, preserved in 10% formal saline and further processed for histological study using Hematoxylin and eosin technique. Results: The testes of the paint fumes exposed group shows necrotic cell death of the germ cells (spermatogonia) and reduced sperm cells in the central lumen. This is an indication of altered spermatogenesis. Conclusion: Paint fumes that contain volatile organic compound cause the necrotic death of testicular germ cells in exposure dependent manner and there were reduced sperm cells in the lumen. This can lead to infertility

    Effect of paint fumes on histoarchitecture of the testes of adult male Wistar rats

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    Aim: To investigate the effect of paint fumes on the histoarchitecture of the testes.Methodology: In this study, we reported sixteen (16) Wistar rats mainly male of an average weight of 180g. Four groups of four rats each were divided into groups A-D. The treated rats were exposed to paint fumes for 8 hours daily, group A for three weeks, B for four weeks and C for five weeks. Group D animals (control group) were exposed to air for 8 hours for five weeks. On the last day of exposure, animals were euthanized, sacrificed and thoraco-abdominal incision was performed after which one testis was received from each rats, preserved in 10% formal saline and further processed for histological study using Hematoxylin and eosin technique.Results: The testes of the paint fumes exposed group shows necrotic cell death of the germ cells (spermatogonia) and reduced sperm cells in the central lumen. This is an indication of altered spermatogenesis.Conclusion: Paint fumes that contain volatile organic compound cause the necrotic death of testicular germ cells in exposure dependent manner and there were reduced sperm cells in the lumen. This can lead to infertility. Keywords: histoarchitecture, testes, spermatogonia, infertilit

    Outcome analysis of surgical treatment of Blount disease in Nigeria

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    Objective: The objective was to evaluate the results of surgery of Blount diseases using the postoperative metaphysealdiaphyseal angle (MDA) at 2-year follow-up.Background: The goal of surgery in Blount disease is to restore the normal configuration of the articular surface of the proximal end of the tibia in proper relationship to the mechanical axis of the limb. Our hypothesis is that patients will demonstrate significant clinical improvements following surgery and predictive models can be developed.Materials and Methods: All patients who had surgery for Blount disease from January 2002 till December 2007 at the National Orthopaedic Hospital Lagos Nigeria and follow-up for 2 years were included. Data extracted were gender, affected limb, Blount&#8217;s type, age when deformity was noted, and age at presentation, preoperative femoral tibial angle (TFA), Langenskiold score, preoperative MDA, and postoperative MDA. Linear regression was used to assess the predictive effect of selected clinical and radiographic measures on post-MDA. The model was adjusted for confounders: age deformity noted, age at presentation, affected limb, Blount&#8217;s type, and gender. Variables in the adjusted model achieving significance at P &lt; 0.05 were included in a multiple regression analysis.Results: Eighty-six knees in 57 patients were included. The mean preoperative and postoperative MDA at 2 years was 34.6&#176; &#177; 8.9&#176; and 10.6&#176; &#177; 4.3&#176;, respectively. Seventy-three knees (84.9%) have correction of &#8804;10&#176; with recurrence in 13 (15.1%) knees at 2 years (P &lt; 0.001). The postoperative MDA was graded into good outcome if &#8804;10&#176;. There was a significant improvement between preoperative MDA and postoperative MDA (P &lt; 0.001). The multilinear analysis demonstrated that the preoperative MDA was a significant predictor of the postoperative MDA. The postoperative MDA was predicted with a standard error of 0.92 with the following formula: post-MDA = &#771;1.027 + 0.404 pre-MDA.Conclusion: The mean postoperative MDA of 84.9% of the knees operated at 2 years was 9.4&#176; &#177; 3.1&#176; with recurrence rate of 15.1%. Postoperative MDA is a good outcome measure for surgical treatment of Blount disease and surgical correction should aim at producing post MDA &#8804;10&#176;

    Fabrication and Testing of a Manual Charcoal-Fired Groundnut Fryer

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    Groundnut is an agricultural product that is of great value to both man and animals. It serves as raw material for industries. Frying is the process of generating characteristic aroma, flavour and colour required by consumers for acceptance of such fried food. The wide range usage of groundnut and its products has led to increase in its demand. However, the local methods of roasting Groundnut seeds after it has been shelled has some associated problems and difficulties which make it ineffective, laborious and time consuming. A manually operated Groundnut seed roaster was constructed with the aim of improving on the traditional methods commonly used in the Nigeria. The machine shows the roasting efficiency (Er) to be in the realm of 98.0% with percentages of seed damaged (loss) in the range of 2.00-20.0%.   The average and optimum time for roasting was estimated to be in the range of 4 minutes. Keywords: Groundnut, charcoal, groundnut fryer, mechanization, heat , manual DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/9-4-0