53 research outputs found

    Implementasi Latdamping Dalam Rangka Menghasilkan Rks Berbasis Kebutuhan Melalui Model Eds

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    This school action research is aimed at increasing the ability of School Development Team in designing School Development Program through training in a form of (Pelatihan and Pendampingan or LATDAMPING ) The subjects of this research are School Development Team ( SDT ) of SMA N 5, SMA PGRI 2, SMA Bina Kasih and SMA Unggul Ikabama Kota Jambi.The Data about School Development Program was collected through interview, document, observation and instrument. This research consists of two cycles. The result of sycle 1 states that achievement of SMA N 5 is 75%, SMA PGRI 2 reached 76%, SMA Bina Kasih reached 76% too and SMA Unggul Ikabama got 68%. There increasing percentage of each school is SMA N 5 50%, SMA PGRI 2 50%, SMA Bina Kasih 58.8% and SMA Unggul Ikabama 60%. In cycle two, the four schools got high increase. The result of SMA N 5 reached 84%, SMA PGRI 2 reached 88%, SMA Bina Kasih reached 86%, and SMA Unggul Ikabama 78% Based on this result can be concluded that LATDAMPING is significant enough to increase the ability of SDT in designing School Development program

    Role of Human Resource, Facilities, and Infrastructure in Early Warning System of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever in Dumai, Riau

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    Background: Dengue/dengue hemorrhagic fever (DF/DHF) has been one of the most important resurgent tropical diseases in the past 3 decades, with expanding geographical distribution of both the viruses and the mosquito vectors, increased frequency of epidemics, development of hyper-endemicity (co-circulation of multiple virus serotypes), and the emergence of DHF in new areas. Early warning systems (EWS) are in most instances, timely surveillance systems that collect information on epidemic-prone diseases in order to trigger prompt public health interventions. An EWS is an instrument for communicating information about impending risks to vulnerable people before a hazard event occurs, thereby enabling actions to be taken to mitigate potential harm, and sometimes, providing an opportunity to prevent the hazardous event from occurring. This study aimed to describe the role of human resource, facilities, and infrastructure in EWS of dengue haemorrhagic fever in Dumai, Riau. Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study conducted in Dumai, Riau. A sample of informants was selected for this study, including personnel from Dumai City Health Office, health center doctors, and communicable disease control personnel. The study theme was adequacy of resources for DHF EWS. The data were collected by in-depth interview, observation, and document review. Results: The qualification, competence, and number of human resources for DHF surveillance and EWS at Dumai Municipality Health Office had not conformed with the standards. Facilities and infrastructure, including computing devices, were sufficient in number. However, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for DHF surveillance program and EWS was non-existent. Conclusion: Health personnel for DHF control and prevention are limited in number competence and qualification. SOP for DHF surveillance program and EWS is non-existent. Keywords: Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever, human resource, facilities, infrastructure, warning syste

    Hubungan Kondisi Fisik Rumah dan Pekerjaan dengan Kejadian Tuberkulosis Paru di Desa Bandar Khalipah Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan Tahun 2015

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    Tuberculosis remains a major global health problem, which causes pain in millions of people every year. One factor that also affects the pulmonary TB is a job. Type of job determine the risk factors that must be faced by every individual. Another important factor for pulmonary TB transmission is house. This study aims to determine the relationship of the physical condition of the house and work with the incidence of pulmonary TB in Bandar Khalipah, Percut Sei Tuan. This research\u27s design was Case Control with a total sample of 60 respondents, consisting of 30 sample cases, who were the patients with pulmonary tuberculosis that were recorded in recorded medical records in Puskesmas Bandar Khalipah, and 30 control samples that residents living around the house with pulmonary tuberculosis by matching with a case in point age and gender. Accourding to the result of this research, there was a significant differenec between the citizen\u27s house who suffer from pulmonary tuberculosis with the citizens who didn\u27t suffer from it. The data shows, that Odds Ratio Of over crowded 4,57, ventilation is 2,51, type of floor is ,70, lighting is 3,28, and humidity is 4,17 it is estimated that the physical condicition of citizen\u27s house (over crowing, ventilation, lighting and humidity) indicate that there is relation between the physical condition of the house with the prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis in Bandar Khalipah, Percut Sei Tuan. Therefore, citizens should seek shelter and environmental health for healthful housing. Bandar Khalipah community health centre in order to conduct outreach about the terms of a healthful housing

    Analisa Kualitas Air Sungai Silahi Salbe dan Keluhan Kesehatan Kulit Masyarakat Desa Togu Domu Nauli Kecamatan Dolok Pardamean Kabupaten Simalungun Tahun 2013

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    Analysis of Silahi rivers water quality and health disorders at comunity on ToguDomu Nauli village, Sub-district Dolok Pardamean, Simalungun regency. Silahi river waterwas one of water source which used by Togu Domu Nauli people. In order to assure waterquality which used by people is safety therefore need a water quality control. The purpose ofthis study is to analyze Silahi river water quality for physic quality, biological quality,chemical quality and health disorders which sequanced by river water used. The method usedwas decriptive, crossectinal study with 384 population. Sampling based on simple randomsampling thus got 79 sample. The result are obtained that physic quality of Silahi river waterThe physical parameters which are not eligible for health which,colors 36.1-38.2 TCU,turbidity ranged from 0.95 to 1.13 NTU. While qualified temperature at 22.10C, TDS 57-59mg/l, TSS, 7-12 mg/l, is odorless. Chemical parameters which are not eligible for health orquality that is above standards DO revolves around 7.31-7.50 mg/l BOD range 2.7-5.09 mg/ll, COD range 7.0-10.4 mg/l. The parameters meet the standard quality raw pH 7.0-7.2,ammoniac-0.0003 0.0005 mg/l, phosphate 0.08-0.20, nitrate 1.4-1.7 mg/l, DO 7.31-7.50 mg/l,total coliform 38-140/100 ml, colifaecal 9 -70/100 ml.The results of study indicate thatpercentage of respondent with the skin diseases is 57 people (74.0%). So suggested to makewater filter, further research needs to be done about the water quality of Lake Toba aroundthe village of Nauli, Domu and Togu research about personal hygiene Togu Domu Naulivillage community

    Associations of Duration of Exposure and Years of Service with Trans-Trans Muconic Acid Level among Printing Industry Workers in Medan, North Sumatera

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    Background: Trans, trans-Muconic acid is a metabolite of benzene in humans. The determination of its concentration in urine is used as a biomarker of occupational or environmental exposure to benzene. Benzene, also known as benzol, is a colorless liquid with a sweet odor. Benzene evaporates into air very quickly and dissolves slightly in water. Benzene is used in various industries incuding printing industry to make other chemicals. Benzene in the eyes may cause general irritation and damage to cornea. People who breathe benzene for long periods may experience harmful effects in the tissues that form blood cells, especially the bone marrow. This study aimed to analyze the associations of duration of exposure and years of service with trans-trans muconic acid level among printing industry workers in Medan, North Sumatera. Subjects and Method: This was a cross sectional study carried out at printing industry in Medan, North Sumatera. A sample of 16 printing workers were selected for this study. The dependent variable was trans-trans muconic acid level. The independent variables were age, sex, duration of exposure, and years of service. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by a multiple linear regression. Results: The associations of age and sex with trans-trans muconic acid was stastically non-significant. The associations of duration of exposure and years of service with trans-trans muconic acid were stastically significant. The longer duration of exposure and the longer years of service, the higher trans-trans muconic acid level indicating the higher benzene level. Conclusion: Trans-trans muconic acid level is associated with duration of exposure and years of service. Keywords: age, sex, duration of exposure, years of service, trans-trans muconic aci

    Efektifitas Fermentasi Gula sebagai Atraktan Nyamuk

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    The impact of mosquitoes and mosquito repellent can cause health hazards to humans, as well as the expensive of mosquito trap is a problem at this time. The purpose of study on the fermentation of sugar as a mosquito attractant is to determine whether there is any difference in the number of mosquitoes trapped by the fermentation of sugar concentration variation and long of observation. This research was conducted at the center for Environmental health Engineering field. This study is quasi-experimental, and the method used is Completely Randomized Factorial Design (RAL) The first factor is fermented of sugar concentration which are; 0%, 5%, 15%, 25%, and 35%. The second factor is long observation on day-1, day-2, day-3, day-4, day-5, and day-6. This study was conducted from March until June 2015.. The sample used in this study is 300 adult mosquitoes for each treatment. Data were analyzed using Kruskal Wallis Statistical test and continued Duncan test. The result showed that there is a difference of five variations fermentation of sugar concentration on the number of mosquitoes trapped. There is no difference in the number of mosquitoes trapped with long observations. Fermentation of sugar concentration in 35% indicates as the effective concentration because there is a significant difference from five other variations of the fermentation of sugar concentration. The higher sugar material, the stronger the adhesion of the fermentation of sugar. Long observation of the number of mosquitoes trapped showed that there is no significant difference from day to day-2 until day-5, and start decline at day-6. Fermentation of sugar can be used as an alternative for vector control especially the mosquito as the safe attractant for the environment and humans. The fermented sugar as a mosquito attractant should be used more than one in a room
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