3 research outputs found

    Budaya Komunikasi dalam Meningkatkan Partisipasi Politik Perempuan. (Analisis Partisipasi Politik Perempuan di Partai Politik)

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    Culture is a form of communication habits of interaction that is built up in society. Patriarchal hegemony affects the dominant form of interaction and sub-dominant between male and female, have an impact on the lives of women reached the level of communication behavior. As a result, women in political roles at several barriers faced among others, the domestication of women who gave birth to a more intense interaction model is built on communal group (ingroup) and will be faced with the threat of cultural shock (culture shock) when dealing with multicultural culture outgroup political area is the domain of men. Women become silent (silent) due to frustrated communication (Communication frustated) because the behavior of ethnocentrism, and experience the tension (anxiety) in communication. Stereotypes also one of the factors inhibiting women because of the quality of the universal generalized to the ability that is identical with the domestic. As a result, women do not occupy a strategic position of decision makers, and not involved in the process and results of political decisions that are less accommodating toward women. Political culture is still very strong with masculinity tend to use harsh methods and the most votes, and put men in decision-making, with the pattern of political rights of women administrators neglected, on the other hand women do not have the courage to be critical of the treatment these discriminatory. Yet culture is the result of the human mind open to change. If the problem of low female roles result from cultural communication although the approaches and strategies carried out with such communication approaches, capacity building of women by building an extensive interaction within the community, improve self-concept in a positive direction, and approach to parenting in the family

    Dampak Penggunaan Jejaring Sosial (Facebook) terhadap Komunikasi Verbal Pelajar di Smk DDI Parepare

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    This study aimed to find out how big the response of students to the social networks and examines the impact of the use of social networking on verbal communication and non-verbal students in vocational DDI Pare Pare. This study used descriptive qualitative approach that describes the impact of social networking through analysis and using observation, interview and documentation as well as based on the learner activity. This study is based on the theory of Raph Larosa and C. Reitzes (1993) they assume that the individual development can occur through interaction with others. In line with the George Herbert Mead (1934) argued that humans should develop ideas through interaction with others. Burhan (2009) adds that technology has created a global interaction so that each individual has unwittingly created a real society and virtual communities. These results indicate that the positive and negative impact on the use of social networking verbal and nonverbal personal communication students in vocational DDI Pare Pare is reflected in the way we communicate and gestures they use. The written language they use to interact consciously or not often they say. While their non-verbal language reflected yan code they use in life nayata