47 research outputs found

    Hubungan Karakteristik dan Lingkungan Fisik Rumah dengan Keluhan Kesehatan Mata Pengrajin Ulos di Kelurahan Kebun Sayur Kecamatan Siantar Timur Kotamadya Pematangsiantar Tahun 2012

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    Relationship of characteristics and physical environment of houses with the eye complaints of those ulos craftsmen at Kelurahan Kebun Sayur Kecamatan Siantar Timur Kotamadya Pematangsiantar in 2012. Eye complaint is caused by using the sense of vision during working that usually accompanied by a uncomfortable vision. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship of characteristics and physical environment of houses with the eye complaints of those ulos craftsmen at Kelurahan Kebun Sayur Kecamatan Siantar Timur Kotamadya Pematangsiantar in 2012. The method used in this study was an analytic survey with cross sectional design. The sample was total from all populations. The result of research showed that 68,2% of respondents in age was not susceptible, 54,5% had myopia, 72,7% was layout tool work, 65,9% was to see objects 25-30 cm, 59,1% was working long time > 8 hours/day, 61,4% had working period > 3 years, 86,4% workspace lighting was not eligible, 72,7% workspace ventilation was not eligible, and 79,5% its workspace temperature was eligible. The result of statistics test with Chi-square obtained that age and distance to see object had no significant association with the complaint of eyes while the refractive eye abnormalities, working long time, and working period had significant association. The result of statistics test with Fisher Exact was obtained that the layout tool work and room temperature had no significant association with the eyes complaint while lighting and space ventilation have a significant association with the complaint of eyes. For the craftsmen who live in Kelurahan Kebun Sayur should keep residential health environment especially on lighting and space ventilation to weave ulos

    Analisa Kandungan Timbal (Pb) pada Minyak Sebelum dan Sesudah Penggorengan yang Digunakan Pedagang Gorengan Sekitar Kawasan Traffic Light Kota Medan Tahun 2012

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    Analysis of lead (pb) in cooking oils before and after frying that used by merchant at traffic light area of Medan city in 2012. Some fried food merchants located at the intersection of the highway near the traffic lights, where it was risk contaminated by lead resulting smoke emission vehicles. Lipophilic of lead could be attached to the cooking oils. This study was descriptive research, intended to know the levels of lead (Pb) in the cooking oils before and after fried that used fried merchants caused smoke pollution. The object of this study were 10 points cooking oils samples consist of 5 samples before and 5 samples after fried. The results of the study showed that there was one sample before frying cooking oils that were not eligible under the Regulation of BPOM RI No. HK. 2009, while the other four were eligible. For samples of cooking oils after fried, all points were not eligible. Behaviors of merchants at five intersections also was still not in accordance with the principles of food hygiene and sanitation in food processed to avoid contamination of lead (Pb). It was recommended to the Medan City Health Department to coach and supervise the fried food trade that were found sold friend food in the highway intersections

    Proses Pengolahan dan Kualitas Air Minum di Kompleks Perumahan Karyawan PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia (PT. CPI) Duri-Riau Tahun 2014

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    Water is one of the important matter after the air, nobody can life without drinking until 4-5 days. Drinking water which is not qualified, can resulting disease or even death. Water treatment can prevents disease and resulting qualified drinking water. PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia (PT. CPI) is one of the companies which has a water treating plant to makes drinking water from raw water The purpose of this research is to know the process of water treatment, the quality of raw water after treatment and quality of distributed drinking water to employees housing PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia Duri. This research was descriptive survey using simple random sampling technique with 1102 populations and 30 samples. Data were analyzed descriptively in tabulation and narration. The result of the research showed that the water treatment was using coagulation, floculation, sedimentation and desinfectan process. Based on the analysis of obtaained data, the quality of raw water was qualified, whereas the quality of water which was finish the treatment and the quality of distributed drinking water to employees housing on Maret 2014 were not qualified in one parameter. Most of the respondents have been using water as drinking water. The conclusion of this research is the water treatmen process in PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia was conventional water treatment (complete water treatment). Overall water quality is good, it is recommended to improve adsorption using activated carbon, renew and re-examine the tools used and provision of information about water quality to water users

    Analisis Kandungan Merkuri (Hg) dan Kadmium (Cd) pada Beberapa Jenis Ikan Asin yang di Produksi di Kelurahan Bahari Kecamatan Medan Belawan Tahun 2015

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    Salted fish is one of fishery products that have an important position and also is one of the nine basic foods on a national scale.Curring aims that preserve the fish doesn't relieves metal properties. Metal properties can not demolished. Metal will dissolved in the water and absourbed by microoganism then eaten by fish and finally that's happen bioaccumulation and biomagnification so that fish which make processing, it doesn't relieve metal properties that contained the fish. The method used in this research is descriptive survey. Samples were obtained from salted fish producers in kelurahan Bahari, Subdistrict of Medan Belawan, checked in Health Laboratory, Province of North Sumatra and Center for Research and Industry of Medan.The five samples of salted fish are ikan Lemuru (Sardinella Aurta), ikan Gelama (Pseudoceina amoyensis), ikan Kresek(Trissa mytax), ikan Gembung (Restreluger kenagona), dan ikan Cincaru (Eleutheronema aurta). To determine the content of mercury (Hg) and Cadmium (Cd) is performed by Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom(SSA) method. To result showed that the content of Mercury (Hg) in salted fish produced in Kelurahan Bahari has been qualified according to BPOM in 2009, which is 0.5 ppm. The content of Cadmium (Cd) contained in a salted fish which exceed the NAB set by BPOM, namely Lemuru fish 0.480 ppm.The four different salted that fish are qualify according to BPOM in 2009, which is 0.1 ppm. Society may consume salted fish produced in Kelurahan Bahari with the exposure limit and not constantl

    Hubungan Karakteristik dan Pengetahuan Tentang Lingkungan Sehat dengan Keputusan Konsumen dalam Mebeli Sayuran Organik di Carrefour Plaza Medan Fair Tahun 2013

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    The correlation of the characteristics and the knowledge of environmental health with the consumers descision in purchasing the organic vegetables at Carrefour Medan Fair Plaza in year 2013. Vegetables are the most important food source which must be consumed everyday by the people due to the protein, vitamin, mineral and fiber which are so expedient for human's body. In line with the development of science and technology which bring the people about the importance of the food ingredient's quality for health and environmental sustainability. One of the effort which can be done is by consuming the organic vegetables. The aimed of this study was to describe the correlation of the characteristic, the knowledge of environmental health, the organic vegetables' product, and the advantage of organic vegetables for health with the consumers decision in buying the organic vegetables at Carrefour Medan Fair Plaza 2013. This research was an analytical descriptive with Cross Sectional Study design. The research population was 8000 consumers who bought the organic vegetables at Carrefour Medan Fair Plaza with sample around 98 people. The research sample was taken by accidental sampling. The result of this research showed that the majority of respondent's characteristic was at the age 19-44 years old (75,5%), whose income >Rp. 2.000.001 (82,7%), in line with the academic level (86,7%), and whose family members ≤ 4 people (82,7%) in a household. The analysis result was showing that there was no a significant correlation of the age variable (p=0,838) and the knowledge about environmental health (p=0,077) in line with the decision in buying the organic vegetables. In other hand, another research result was showing that there was a significant correlation of the income variable (p=0,016), the educational (p=0,006), the family members (p=0,035), the knowledge about the product (p=0,002), and the knowledge about the advantage of buying the organic vegetable for health (p=0,000) in line with the consumer decision in buying the organic vegetables. The consumer is expected to endure the consumption of organic vegetables and to increase the knowledge and the awareness of the importance of keeping the health and environmental by choosing the vegetables product

    Hubungan Kondisi Sanitasi Dasar dengan Keluhan Kesehatan Diare Serta Kualitas Air pada Pengguna Air Sungai Deli di Kelurahan Sukaraja Kecamatan Medan Maimun Tahun 2012

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    Correlation between basic sanitary condition and Diarrhea with the water quality in Sukaraja Subdistrict Medan Maimun District 2012. Diarrhea on Deli river users was fairly high. The cause was suspected by unhealthy basic sanitation and people\u27s habits in using river water as water source. The study aimed to analyze the correlation between condition of basic sanitation and diarrheaon Deli river users and to know Deli water riverquality. The study was conducted by descriptive method with cross sectional study design. This research conducted along the riverside area of Deli on Sukaraja village Medan Maimun Sub District with 59 housewives sample.The result showed there was correlation between sanitation of water resources (p=0,024), family latrines (p=0,016), garbage disposal (p=0,045) and diarrhea, and there was no correlation between sanitation of waste water treatment (p=0,050) and diarrhea. From the results oflaboratory tests,river water quality in upstream area did not exceed the the specified threshold value, such as temperature, nitrate, selenium, and E. coli. According to PP no. 82 tahun 2001, while in middle and downstream area number of E. Coli was foundhad exceeded the specified threshold value. Based on the result of study, Deli river in middle and downstream area had contaminated by feces and there was a significant correlation betweenbasic sanitation and diarrhea. Suggested forLocal Government Medan District to be more intensive on water supply and environmental health program and people to care about their basic sanitation

    Analisis Kandungan Cadmium (Cd), Timbal (Pb) dan Formaldehid pada Beberapa Ikan Segar di Kub (Kelompok USAha Bersama) Belawan, Kecamatan Medan Belawan Tahun 2015

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    Fresh fish is the type of fish which has the same characteristic as living fish, in shape, smell, taste and texture, hasn't gone through preserving process or any other further processing. The fish which is taken mostly comes from Belawan Sea, with the size of 1 kg, 0.5 kg an 0.3 kg. One of the closest fish market with the Belawan Sea is KUB (Kelompok Usaha Bersama). The purpose of this research is to find out the content of cadmium (Cd), metal (Pb) and formaldehyde in the fresh fish which comes from KUB Belawan. The method is descriptive survey to analize the content of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and formaldehyde in some fresh fish. The result showed that the level of cadmium (Cd) in tuna fish (Euthynnus affinis) with the size of 1 kg, 0,5 kg and 0,3 kg are 0,04 mg/kg, 0,01 mg/kg and 0,003 mg/kg and in white snapper fish (Lates calcarifer) are 0,01 mg/kg, < 0,003 mg/kg and < 0,003 mg/kg. The result showed that the level of lead (Pb) in tuna fish with the size of 1 kg, 0,5 kg and 0,3 kg are 0,167 mg/kg, 0,131 mg/kg and 0,101 mg/kg and in white snapper fish are 0,140 mg/kg, < 0,0025 mg/kg and < 0,0025 mg/kg. Formaldehyde showed is negative result. Based on SNI 7387:2009 regarding the maximum limit of heavy metal pollution in food product, which was drafted by taking into account the Ditjen POM Decision No.03725/B/SK/VII/1989, the level of cadmium and lead in tuna fish and white snapper are under the treshold limit value which are 0,1 mg/kg and 0,3 mg/kg. The highest level of cadmium and lead was found in fish with the bigger size and the value of formaldehyde in fishes that were taken from KUB Belawan is negative. The fish from Belawan Sea is safe to consume, but it's better to consume the small size fish instead of the bigger ones