11 research outputs found

    EFL Learners' Listening Strategy Awareness Viewed From Their Learning Styles in the Extensive Listening Class

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    . Albeit listening comprehension as the vital role of language input, most EFL students have a somewhat negligent concern of it in the process of mastering EFL. Accordingly, the listening educators need to confirm students' listening strategy awareness related to their learning styles for enhancing the quality of teaching listening. To this end, the study aims at assaying EFL students' listening strategy awareness between visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners who got an explicit strategy instruction of Extensive listening class and those who did not get the explicit strategy instruction. The participants of the study were 38 sophomore EFL students of English departments at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang. Listening strategy awareness questionnaire, learning style questionnaire, and interview were utilized as the data collection instruments. The results elucidated that explicit listening strategy instructions have raised students' direct attention strategies. Strategies of interpreting the meaning in their head and translating keywords that they have listened potentially impact on students' mental translation strategy awareness. Indeed, visual learners in the control group have a higher strategy awareness dealing with person knowledge than in an experimental group. Then, auditory learners have similar scores for both groups — meanwhile, a bit higher score of person knowledge possessed by the kinesthetic learners in the experimental group. However, the statistical findings elucidate that there are no significant differences between the experimental and control group. Interview results confim that explicit strategy instruction of extensive listening class enables learners to create a good atmosphere in listening class, and their competence of listening instruction

    Pemanfaatan Model Total Physical Response Dan Repetition Untuk Pengembangan Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Anak Usia Dini/tk

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    The application of Total Physical Response and repetition model to develop young learners learning is the combination of song, movement, and language by using audio, visual, and kinesthethic. This research aims at applying young learners learning model, which consists of; to look for and select nursery rhymes and movement implemented in TPR and repetition model, to determine steps and flow is used in English young learners learning, to create learning CD, and TPR and Repetition handout, to analyze the use of TPR and repetition in young leaners learning. The significance of the research is to contribute English young learners teachers learning model so the learners are able to learn English easily and attractively. The result of this research influences positive effect towards English young learners mastery because they are able to learn and sing simultenously to memorize new vocabularies using musical movement. It can be seen from the investigation result of the use of course design and lesson plan is 71,67, the investigation result of the use of course design, lesson plan, learning CD, and TPR handout is 72,5. Moreover, the application TPR and repetition before and after learning it has improvement 34,15. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the application of Total Physical Response and repetition model to develop young learners / kindergaten learning can be applied well and give motivation to learn English easily

    Peningkatan Penguasaan Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Guide Lawang Sewu Semarang

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    Perkembangan pariwisata nasional menuntut guide untuk lebih meningkatkan kualitas dan profesionalitasnya sebagai kader pariwisata yang handal dan siap menyongsong Visit Jateng tahun 2013 dan AFTA tahun 2015. Dari penjelasan tersebut, kami para pengabdi memfokuskan pengabdian kami terhadap peningkatan penguasaan kemampuan bahasa Inggris para guide di Lawang Sewu sehingga mampu berbicara dan menceritakan obyek-obyek wisata lokal maupun nasional dihadapan para turis mancanegara. Dari program pelatihan bahasa Inggris tersebut dihasilkan peningkatan kemampuan berbicara dan menulis singkat dari para guide dan mereka menjadi lebih sadar terhadap tugas dan tanggung jawab seorang guide yang profesional

    Ibm Kelurahan Manyaran Kecamatan Semarang Barat Dalam Penerapan Metode Total Physical Response Dan Repetition Untuk Pengenalan Bahasa Inggris Pada Anak Usia Dini/tk

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    Pengenalan bahasa Inggris sedini mungkin merupakan hal yang sangat penting sehingga perlu adanya kesadaran untuk guru agar lebih dapat menciptakan teknik, metode, dan model pembelajaran yang menarik dan bisa diaplikasikan oleh anak usia dini di dalam kegiatan mereka sehari-hari sehingga anak usia dini tidak berpikir bahwa belajar bahasa Inggris adalah hal yang membebani mereka justru menjadi hal yang menyenangkan untuk mereka. Ini menjadi pertimbangan pengabdi untuk membuat pembelajaran bahasa Inggris anak usia dini atau TK menjadi hal yang menyenangkan dan atraktif dengan model pembelajaran Total Physical Response (TPR) dan Repetition menggunakan nyanyian dan gerak tubuh. Target luaran pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah penerapan metode yang menyenangkan dan bisa ditiru oleh orang tua di rumah dalam pengenalan bahasa Inggris untuk anak usia dini yakni metode Total Physical Response dan Repetition serta peningkatan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk anak usia dini yang dilakukan oleh guru dengan metode Total Physical Response dan Repetition

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris dan Manajemen Pemasaran melalui Web Bagi Pemilik Homestay Desa Wisata Kandri Semarang

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    Homestay merupakan bagian penting promosi wisata lokal yang sangat membantu pengembangan pariwisata khususnya desa wisata di desa Kandri Semarang. Hal ini harus didukung dengan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris para pemilik homestay di desa tersebut yang seharusnya siap menerima wisatawan mancanegara yang datang. Tetapi pada Kenyataannya kemampuan mereka cenderung relatif rendah karena rata-rata memiliki latar belakang pendidikan yang minim. Berdasarkan pernyataan tersebut, tim pengabdi kami memfokuskan pengabdian masyarakat untuk meningkatkan daily conversation bahasa Inggris, pengelolaan web homestay, manajemen pelayanan dan pemasaran, serta tata kelola homestay bagi pemilik homestay desa wisata Kandri Gunungpati Semarang. Dari program pelatihan pengabdian masyarakat tersebut dihasilkan peningkatan kemampuan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris, peningkatan pengelolaan web homestay yang mendukung promosi desa wisata, peningkatan manajemen pelayanan dan pemasaran homestay bagi para pemilik homestay desa wisata Kandri Semarang

    The Role Of Blended Learning In Enhancing Students' Writing Paragraph

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    The use of efficient and appropriate learning media-based learning is needed at all levels of education. In English language teaching (ELT) at the university level, the use of media can help to improve paragraph writing. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of Blended Learning on improving learning outcomes of EFL university students' writing paragraphs in English. This quasi-experimental research entailed non-parametric statistical analysis. The results indicated a statistically significant improvement after getting treatment of blended learning. The average pretest score was 65.9 and the average posttest score was (86.6) which means higher than the pre-test. These results also indicated that the Blended Learning model stimulated students to explore more ideas in writing activities. In addition, the results of the questionnaire showed that 85% of students were enthusiastic and enjoyed the learning process. Since the dearth of the research sample, further research has to be conducted in a broad research sample to be a more generalizable pedagogical implication

    Revealing Student's Reading Interest Through Creative WhatsApp Status

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    Along with the rapid development of technology and digital era, this research investigated and reveal millennial students about their reading habit and interest. Specifically, this paper investigates about students' reading interest through creative WhatsApp status. This study was carried out by 18 students taking “Basic Reading” class and “Cultural Based Reading” class. It was conducted with descriptive qualitative method by using interview and observation of the students' WhatsApp status screenshot. It is found that 89% students of English Department Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang are more interested in reading fiction than the factual text. Besides, students also find that learning using experiment with social media is fun and challenging

    Students' Motivation in Learning Online of Reading Comprehension Narrative Text Through Google Classroom

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    This article aims to describe the students' motivation in learning online narrative text on students' reading comprehension through Google Classroom of 24 students tenth-grade students at SMK Muhammadiyah Kradenan. This study used pre experimental design one group pre-test post-test and conducted at May 2020. The data was obtained through pretest, posttest and questionnaire. The data of this current study were analyzed by using SPSS consisted reliability, validity, T- test and percentage (questionnaire). The result from this article showed the students' motivation in learning online narrative text using Google Classroom also got positive responses and they learned with high motivation. It can be concluded that there was a different result before the treatment and after the treatment. Therefore, there was students' motivation in learning online narrative text on students' reading comprehension through Google Classroom