2 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study of Exegetical Narrations Related to the Verse of Holy Prophet's Sin Based on the Exegetic Principles and Rules

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    According to exegesis, the necessary condition for the validity and accuracy of every exegetic opinion- including exegetic narrations- is their conformity with accepted exegetic principles and rules. Therefore, the comparative analysis of transmitted exegeses on the basis of the principles and rules of exegesis is an important method to examine and evaluate how much these opinions are valid and accurate. Different narrations and exegetic opinions have been proposed for the second verse of the Chapter Victory (Surah 48) in order to explain the meaning of the term "sin", its attribution to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny), and asking "forgiveness" for it. The present paper analyzes each of these exegetic opinions and their semantic significations and implications from different dimensions discussed in the principles of exegesis, including their conformity with lexical root in singulars and compounds, literary rules, contextual implication, verses and narrations with similar theme, necessities and admissa, and intellectual propositions, and tries to assess and evaluate the validity and accuracy of each opinion in relation to rational exegetic principles. It seems that the exegetic opinion transmitted from Imam Reza (peace be upon him) has more conformity and agreement with the principles of exegesis than other mentioned opinions. Mohammad Kazem Rahman Setayesh[1]  Mohammad Majid Sheikh Baha'i[2]   [1] Assistant professor of department of sciences of the Holy Quran and Hadith, University of Qom, [email protected] [2] Corresponding author, PhD student of sciences of the Holy Quran and Hadith, Usul al-Deen (Principles of Religion) University of Qom, [email protected]

    آثار اخلاقی کنترل تعرض جنسی در قرآن کریم و روایات اسلامی

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    زمینه و هدف: تعرض جنسی یکی از جلوه‌های انحرافات اجتماعی و اخلاقی است که آثار نامطلوبی بر حوزه‌های مختلف فردی و اجتماعی می‌گذارد. به همین دلیل هدف اصلی پژوهش حاضر، بررسی موارد و مصادیق تعرض جنسی از منظر فقهی و همچنین بررسی آثار اخلاقی کنترل تعرض جنسی نزد آموزه‌های دینی اعم از آیات و روایات است. مواد و روش‌ها: پژوهش حاضر با رویکرد توصیفی ـ تحلیلی و با بهره‌گیری از منابع اسنادی و کتابخانه‌ای نظیر آیات و روایات و همچنین دیدگاه‌های فقها و اسلام‌شناسان شیعی نگاشته شده است. یافته‌ها: شیوه‌های کنترل تعرض جنسی باعث تقویت نهاد خانواده، ایجاد روحیه تعادل و میانه‌روی در اخلاق جامعه، دوری‌گزینی ثانویه از انحرافات جنسی، تقویت گرایش به ازدواج، جلوگیری از بی‌بند و باری اخلاقی، حفظ عفت و کرامت بشر و همچنین جلوگیری از تعرضات جنسی نوظهور در میان کودکان و نوجوانان می‌شود که همگی از مصادیق کنترل اخلاق در حوزه روابط فردی و جمعی هستند. نتیجه‌گیری: مصادیق متعیّن تعرض جنسی در فقه و آموزه‌های اسلامی طیف متعددی از تعرض جنسی فیزیکی، کلامی و غیر کلامی هستند که نشانگر اهمیت کرامت انسان، جلوگیری از خدشه‌دارشدن امنیت روانی و فیزیکی وی، تنبه و آگاه‌سازی جامعه از آثار نامطلوب اخلاقی و ارائه راه حل برای زیست اخلاقی مناسب و ایده‌آل است.Background and Aim: Sexual abuse is one manifestation of social and ethical deviations with unfavorable effects on the various individual and social domains. Due to the same reason, the primary goal of the present study is investigating the cases and examples of the sexual abuse from the jurisprudential perspectives as well as investigation of the ethical effects of the sexual abuse control as stated in the religious teachings, including holy Quran’s ĀYĀT and narrations. Materials and Methods: The present study has been authored with a descriptive-analytical approach and through the use of documentary and library resources like holy Quran’s ĀYĀT and narrations as well as the perspectives of the Shiite jurisprudents and individuals with knowledge about Islam. Findings: Methods of the sexual abuse control causes the corroboration of the family’s foundation, creation of a spirit of balance and moderation in the society’s ethics, secondary avoidance of the sexual deviations, strengthening of the tendencies towards marriage, prevention of immoralities and lewdness, preservation of the human beings’ chastity and veneration as well as prevention of the newly emerging sexual abuses amongst the children and adolescents; all of the aforesaid cases are amongst the examples of the ethical control in the area of the individual and collective relations. Conclusion: The known examples of sexual abuse incorporate a vast spectrum of physical, verbal and nonverbal sexual abuse as mentioned in jurisprudence and Islamic teachings and this is reflective of the importance of human veneration, prevention of the damage to the physical and psychological security of the human beings, punishment and informing of the society for and about the unfavorable unethical deeds and offering solution for proper and ideal ethical life.   Please cite this article as: Baghdadi E, Rahman Setayesh MK, Arabian A. Ethical Effects of Controlling Sexual Abuse in the Holy Quran and Islamic Narrations. Bioethics Journal, Special Issue on Bioethics and Citizenship Rights 2020; 255-266