41 research outputs found

    Relationship of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson in Mark Gatiss's Sherlock Television Series

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    This thesis aims to reveal the interdependency between Sherlock Holmes and John Watson in Sherlock television series. Their interdependency can be in a form of social needs or emotional needs. To fulfill their needs, both of them need an attachment toward each other. Thus, their attachment develops into an interdependency relationship. In fulfilling their needs, both of them doing the exchange process between cost and reward form their relationship. Also, there are some reasons which made both of them develop a very close relationship. In conclusion, Sherlock and John have their own outcomes or rewards which can be achieved only in their relationship. Also, Sherlock and John, in order to fulfill their emotional or social needs they have to bear the consequenc

    Reksa Dana sebagai Salah Satu Alternatif Investasi

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    An investor always search for the best investment to protect and grow his/her wealth. There are many investment instruments that provide high-return with high-risk and vice versa. Choosing the right instrument for an investor may depend on the risk profiles, amount of fund, time horizon, knowledge and the goal to achieve. Despite of the risks, mutual/investment fund is one of the profitable investment instruments

    Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja, Kompetensi, Serta Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT. Sucofindo (Persero) Cabang Palembang

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    This research aims to find impact of work discipline, competence, occupational health and safety to employees performance on Sucofindo, Co. Ltd Branch Palembang. Design used in this research is associative. Variables used are four variables, those are independent variables which Work Discipline (X1), Competence (X2), and Occupational Health and Safety (X3), and also dependent variables is Employees Performance (Y). Population in this research as much 135 persons. Sampling technique useed probability sampling, sampling method used cluster sampling. Sample used as much as 101 persons. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression.According to the research result, find: (1) Work discipline, competence, occupational health and safety simultaneously have positive and significant effects to employees performance on on Sucofindo, Co. Ltd Branch Palembang, (2) Work discipline and competence partially have positive and significant effects to employees performance on on Sucofindo, Co. Ltd Branch Palembang, and (3) Occupational health and safety have no significant effects to employees performance on on Sucofindo, Co. Ltd Branch Palembang

    Kajian Estetika Kursi Berbahan Dasar Rotan Sintetis pada Rumah Tinggal

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    Synthetic rattan is a alternative materials that use of a plastic base material as a replacement element. The origin of the presence of synthetic rattan is one of the government's efforts and craftsmen rattan cane to avoid shortages and to help preserve the environment. Texture, color, shape, type of cane synthetic rattan is a diverse and easily applied to other materials such as aluminum, iron and others. Rattan chair is not very popular presence, craftsmen rattan export more abroad, many of them think that the seats of rattan is still traditional, but the presence of synthetic rattan chairs made ​​from many forms that can be created in accordance with the development of a more modern era. Made from synthetic wicker chair has its own advantages and drawbacks same thing with the original rattan, depending on taste or desire in your selection

    Persepsi Masyarakat Tentang Gadai Emas di Pegadaian Syariah Cabang Setia Budi Medan

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    The title of this the public perception about pawning gold of Pegadaian Syariah Cabang Setia Budi Medan. The purpose of the research is to determine the extent to which understanding of the public about process of pawning gold to give by Pegadaian Syariah. The data used in this research are primary data and secondary data. The collecting of the primary data is done by giving the questionnaire to the customer of Pegadaian Syariah, while the secondary data are obtained from Pegadaian Syariah, books, literature, internet and others. The analysis method that used in this research is descriptive analysis using SPSS 16,0 version. The result of this research understanding customer's or community about pawning gold is various. No one understands anyone not understands. But my observation, that has become a permanent customer's of Pegadaian Syariah understanding about pawning gold to given and they have opinion about how to pawn gold of Pegadaian Syariah very easy and not many requirements

    The Perceptions of Pre-Service Science Teachers and Science Teachers About Climate Change

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    The global climate phenomenon in the context of climate change is the impact of both the dynamic complex climate system and human behaviors that affect environmental sustainability. Human is an important component that should be considered in science teaching that is believed to improve human attitudes towards the environmental sustainability. The research aims to investigate the perceptions of pre-service science teachers and science teachers in South Sumatra who teach climate change and global warming. The data were collected from 17 science teachers and 53 pre-service science teachers from April to August 2016. The instruments were 17 modified questions which were developed from Pruneau\u27s framework. There are three linear perceptions regarding climate change. First, greenhouse effect causes global warming and global warming causes climate change. Second, ozone leakage causes global warming and global warming causes acid rain. Third, greenhouse effect causes ozone leakage and ozone leakage causes global warming; then it causes climate change and other climatic phenomena. Both pre-service science teachers and science teachers argue that climate change is caused by global warming. Actually, climate change is not only global warming but also global cooling. Those phenomena occur because of interactions among climate system components. They do not believe that education is able to change human attitudes in saving environmental sustainability from global climate change disasters. They believe that media give stronger effects than teachers in shaping those perceptions. Factually, most of wrong perceptions come from media

    Culture Approach as Innovation in Development of Infrastructure

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    The cultural approach to implementing public infrastructure policies is new. The approaches commonly used in implementing policies are structural approaches (organizational roles), procedural and management approaches (network planning and control; program evaluation and review techniques), behavioral approaches: communication, complete information at each stage and a political approach (interdepartemental aspects of politics). This shows that, the cultural approach is an innovation of policy implementation to establish a model of policy implementation innovation with a cultural approach, researchers investigate in a case study of a simultaneous village building program (GSM) in the Tulang Bawang regency of Lampung Province. This study uses a qualitative approach that describes and explains the symptoms and trends in phenomena that appear at the research location.The results obtained, the implementation of the GSMK program is based on the value of mutual cooperation which in local terms Lampung is called sakai sambayan. Sakai Sambayan, covering a broad understanding, such as mutual cooperation, help to help, tolerance to others and to others both morally and materially at times of pleasure and distress.This value provides a spirit in the implementation of the GSMK program in Tulang Bawang Regency. The GSMK program is a movement carried out by, from, and for the people of Tulang Bawang Regency to do good together in an effort to accelerate infrastructure development in 147 villages simultaneously throughout the Tulang Bawang Regency with a budget sourced from non-government organizations, private parties from each village and Community Direct Assistance (BLM) of the APBD of Tulang Bawang Regency. This program is considered quite successful by many people, the innovation of cultural approaches in the implementation of policies makes it an alternative so that policies can be successful and goals can be achieved. Keywords: Cultural Approaches; Innovation; Implementation of infrastructure programs DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/9-9-07 Publication date:September 30th 201