137 research outputs found

    Pseudospin excitations in coaxial nanotubes

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    In a 2DEG confined to two coaxial tubes the `tube degree of freedom' can be described in terms of pseudospin-1/2 dynamics. The presence of tunneling between the two tubes leads to a collective oscillation known as pseudospin resonance. We employ perturbation theory to examine the dependence of the frequency of this mode with respect to a coaxial magnetic field for the case of small intertube distances. Coulomb interaction leads to a shift of the resonance frequency and to a finite lifetime of the pseudospin excitations. The presence of the coaxial magnetic field gives rise to pronounced peaks in the shift of the resonance frequency. For large magnetic fields this shift vanishes due to the effects of Zeeman splitting. Finally, an expression for the linewidth of the resonance is derived. Numerical analysis of this expression suggests that the linewidth strongly depends on the coaxial magnetic field, which leads to several peaks of the linewidth as well as regions where damping is almost completely suppressed.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Angular dependence of the tunneling anisotropic magnetoresistance in magnetic tunnel junctions

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    Based on general symmetry considerations we investigate how the dependence of the tunneling anisotropic magnetoresistance (TAMR) on the magnetization direction is determined by the specific form of the spin-orbit coupling field. By extending a phenomenological model, previously proposed for explaining the main trends of the TAMR in (001) ferromagnet/semiconductor/normal-metal magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) [J. Moser et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 056601 (2007)], we provide a unified qualitative description of the TAMR in MTJs with different growth directions. In particular, we predict the forms of the angular dependence of the TAMR in (001),(110), and (111) MTJs with structure inversion asymmetry and/or bulk inversion asymmetry. The effects of in-plane uniaxial strain on the TAMR are also investigated

    Magnetoanisotropic Andreev Reflection in Ferromagnet/Superconductor Junctions

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    Andreev reflection spectroscopy of ferromagnet/superconductor (FS) junctions is an important probe of spin polarization. We theoretically investigate spin-polarized transport in FS junctions in the presence of Rashba and Dresselhaus interfacial spin-orbit fields and show that Andreev reflection can be controlled by changing the magnetization orientation. We predict a giant in- and out-of-plane magnetoanisotropy of the junction conductance. If the ferromagnet is highly spin polarized---in the half-metal limit---the magnetoanisotropic Andreev reflection depends universally on the spin-orbit fields only. Our results show that Andreev reflection spectroscopy can be used for sensitive probing of interfacial spin-orbit fields in FS junction.Comment: Pages 6-10 contain supplemental materia

    Probing topological transitions in HgTe/CdTe quantum wells by magneto-optical measurements

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    In two-dimensional topological insulators, such as inverted HgTe/CdTe quantum wells, helical quantum spin Hall (QSH) states persist even at finite magnetic fields below a critical magnetic field BcB_\mathrm{c}, above which only quantum Hall (QH) states can be found. Using linear-response theory, we theoretically investigate the magneto-optical properties of inverted HgTe/CdTe quantum wells, both for infinite two-dimensional and finite-strip geometries, and possible signatures of the transition between the QSH and QH regimes. In the absorption spectrum, several peaks arise due to non-equidistant Landau levels in both regimes. However, in the QSH regime, we find an additional absorption peak at low energies in the finite-strip geometry. This peak arises due to the presence of edge states in this geometry and persists for any Fermi level in the QSH regime, while in the QH regime the peak vanishes if the Fermi level is situated in the bulk gap. Thus, by sweeping the gate voltage, it is possible to experimentally distinguish between the QSH and QH regimes due to this signature. Moreover, we investigate the effect of spin-orbit coupling and finite temperature on this measurement scheme.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    Beating of Friedel oscillations induced by spin-orbit interaction

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    By exploiting our recently derived exact formula for the Lindhard polarization function in the presence of Bychkov-Rashba (BR) and Dresselhaus (D) spin-orbit interaction (SOI), we show that the interplay of different SOI mechanisms induces highly anisotropic modifications of the static dielectric function. We find that under certain circumstances the polarization function exhibits doubly-singular behavior, which leads to an intriguing novel phenomenon, beating of Friedel oscillations. This effect is a general feature of systems with BR+D SOI and should be observed in structures with a sufficiently strong SOI.Comment: 3 figure
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