136 research outputs found
Accessible and Inclusive Online Course Design in Higher Education
The growth of online learning has expanded the reach of higher education to more diverse students than ever before; however, students often face barriers to equitable access to online instructional materials, course activities, and assessments. The challenge of meeting the needs of diverse learners was both highlighted and exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic and the rapid shift to remote teaching and learning at many institutions. Disabled students were one group that was particularly affected. Research has explored faculty and students’ (with and without disabilities) perceptions of online learning; however, less is known about instructional designers’ and their team leaders’ roles and perceptions of inclusive online course design. We posit that instructional designers are well-positioned to lead the charge in designing accessible and inclusive online courses that will better serve disabled students. Thus, this article-based dissertation presents three studies focused on accessible and inclusive online learning. Chapter one will introduce the research space and elaborate on the issues of accessible and inclusive online course design in higher education and the role that instructional designers and their team leaders play. Chapter two will present a literature review on accessible and inclusive online course design in higher education. The themes and gaps that emerged from the literature review led to the proposal of two qualitative studies. Chapter three is a qualitative exploration of online learning leaders’ (i.e., those who lead teams of instructional designers) perceptions of accessible and inclusive online learning. Leaders provided insight into the institutional and systemic barriers impacting instructional designers’ ability to collaborate in the creation of accessible and inclusive online learning experiences. Chapter four is a qualitative study focusing on instructional designers’ experiences, perceptions, and knowledge and skills related to accessible and inclusive online course design. These studies, when taken together, are intended to fill the gap in the literature about instructional design teams’ current and potential role in ensuring that diverse learners can effectively access, participate, and feel a sense of belonging in online higher education. Chapter five provides a synthesis of the findings from the three studies, explores the scholarly significance, and presents areas for future research
Il Sessantotto a cavallo tra i blocchi: socialismi dal volto umano a Est e a Ovest
The article investigates the political change of the 1970s, due to the emergence of new political
movements, and their dialogue with political parties. In particular, it provides an in-depth
analysis of the relationship between French and Italian socialist parties, on one side, and the
political movements of opposition in the Eastern countries. The research will give some food
for thought about the idea of the 1970s as a cleavage in the history of international relations,
concerning new forms of politics
Implementation of the European legislation to protect farm animals: a case-study on French inspections to find solutions to improve compliance
In the European Union, at least 1% of farms are inspected every year and sanctions are applied to those that do not comply with the legislation on animal welfare. These on-farm inspections can result in measures to correct welfare problems detected. They can also highlight major risks that will require a focus of efforts and help prevent further non-compliances. Here, we analysed the reports from inspections of French cattle farms between 2010 and 2013 to check whether inspection stimulates improvement and to propose ways to improve how animal welfare legislation is implemented through the cross-compliance system. French inspectors use 32 items to assess overall compliance of farms inspected. We found that compliance improves on farms that are re-inspected but not in other farms (8% of severely non-compliant farms). Nine items do not influence the overall assessment whereas eight have a huge impact. The importance attributed to items varies from the first to the second visit to a farm. The major risks are absence of farm records, lack of basic care (practices or enclosures likely to harm animals, insufficient feeding) and inadequate skills (no veterinarian consulted, insufficient qualified staff). To improve compliance with EU animal welfare legislation and the efficiency of the inspection system, we suggest organising consultation between inspectors, ministry central services and welfare experts to: (i) refine the checklist and harmonise interpretations of item compliance; (ii) make sure all farmers are aware of the legislative requirements and the major risks of non-compliance; and (iii) define plans for a step-wise improvement of non-compliant farms
Les relations dangereuses. French Socialists, Communists and the human rights issue in the Soviet bloc
Since the mid-1960s, Western public opinion has focused
on the issue of human rights violations in the Soviet
bloc, which has been a matter for increasing concern.
Growing Dissent in Eastern European countries and the CSCE
process compelled the Left in Western Europe to face the contradictions
and inconsistencies of the communist countries. This
issue became a key topic in domestic political debate in France
\u2013 a country of freedom by definition \u2013 where many Eastern European
\ue9migr\ue9s established themselves.
In this book, Dissent is used as a prism through which to study
relations between the Parti Communiste and the Parti Socialiste
in France, and Eastern European governments. The main focus
is the political confrontation between the two main parties of
the French Left \u2013 from the union de la gauche to their cohabitation
in government in the early 1980s.
The study is based on wide-reaching research using primary
archive documents, as well as press analyses and interviews,
mainly in France and Italy, but also in the United Kingdom, the
United States, Spain and the Netherlands. The book examines
international relations, domestic policies and cultural history
to paint a complex picture of the fight for leadership of the French
Left during the 1970s
L'appuntamento mancato. La Sinistra italiana e il Dissenso nei regimi comunisti (1968-1989)
Nell\u2019agosto 1968, il PCI condann\uf2
l\u2019invasione sovietica di Praga:
la prospettiva di una collaborazione
in seno alla sinistra italiana
prendeva forma, preannunciando
nuovi scenari nel contesto politico
della \uabdemocrazia bloccata\ubb.
La speranza di ritrovare un\u2019intesa
tra PCI e PSI svan\uec tuttavia
rapidamente: tra gli anni Settanta
ed Ottanta, i rapporti tra i due partiti
si incrinarono, consegnando
alla storia una sinistra lacerata,
permeata da forti diffidenze
reciproche ed incapace
di un dialogo costruttivo.
Il giudizio sull\u2019esperienza
del blocco comunista fu,
al contempo, causa e sintomo
di tale profonda divisione.
Il confronto politico e la riflessione
culturale intorno alla contraddizione
principe del \uabsocialismo reale\ubb
\u2013 la repressione dell\u2019opposizione
interna \u2013 offrono spunti inediti
per comprendere il nodo irrisolto
nei rapporti tra le forze politiche
della sinistra del nostro Paese.
Nel passato, e nel presente
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