3 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Konseptual Kewirausahaan dalam Bisnis Pembentukan Wirausaha Baru untuk Mengatasi Pengangguran

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    Tujuan dari tulisan ini memaparkan secara deskriptif tinjauan konseptual melalui data angkatan kerja dan pengangguran yang ada, sehingga bagaimana berwirausaha, dan sejauhmana kewirausahaan melalui penciptaan wirausaha baru dapat mengantisipasi pengangguran. wirausaha yang sering di istilahkan dengan jiwa entrepreneur, berarti orang yang memulai (the originator) sesuatu usaha bisnis baru, atau seorang manajer yang berupaya memperbaiki sebuah unit keorganisasian melalui serangkaian Perubahan-Perubahan produiktif. Terdapat beberapa permasalahan yang harus diketahui oleh seorang wirausaha, yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan usaha, yaitu (1) masalah internal, seperti aspek pasar, aspek produksi, aspek organisasi, aspek SDM. (2) Masalah eksternal, seperti akses informasi yang mendukung usaha, kebijakan pemerintah, dan persaingan. Sehingga perlu adanya ciri yang merupakan identitas yang melekat pada diri seorang wirausaha, yakni kepemimpinan, inovatif, cara pengambilan keputusan, sikap tanggap terhadap Perubahan, bekerja ekonomis dan efisien, memiliki visi masa depan, dan sikap terhadap resiko

    Pengaruh Regulasi Dan Ketersediaan Anggaran Terhadap Kinerja Pelayanan Aparatur Skpd Dan Implikasinya Pada Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Di Provinsi Aceh

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    Human resource take the strategy position among the other resource in organization/institution. But in reality, there are still many organitations do not cosider the important thing of the human resource for organization sustainable. Therefore, many enterprises officers and viewed as the most important asset of organization. The improvement of the workers quality in many institution are hoped to be able in increasing the social service. The result of survey contemporary, showed that there are still many problems in Aceh province such as ; the weaknesses for the competativeness nationally. The management of institution (Good Govermence) is hot running well. The understanding of regulation and its implementation is still very limited. The quality of the goverment officer, and the process to develop the human resources in Aceh are not still running well. This research is focused on the impact of the regulation and the budget availability which able to increase the public service in five districts of Aceh province. The result of this research showed that a good regulation and its implumentations, it will have significant constribution and its influence toward the public service around 15,16%. While a good budget avaibility and its implumentation toward the public service, it will give a significant contribution toward the officer service and its influence around 25

    Analisis Kebijakan Dividen Terhadap Harga Saham Pada Sektor Industri Konsumsi Periode 2000-2010

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    Dividend policy is one of the company function to reach the increasing of company value. Company should determine dividend policy in a good way because with it company can decide how many percent from company profit would be shared to the stock holders until the company target to increase prosperous of stockholders can be full filled. The purpose of this research is to know how far the dividend policy variable which are liquidity, profitability, risk, financing, investment and ownership to stock price company which are unite in consumers goods industry period 2000-2010. Sample that used are 25 companies. Research method used to reach that point is description method or systematically visual of fact, characteristic or relationship inter phenomenon from the matter that is investigated then test hypothesis or variable relationship from statistic calculation by analyzed verivicative using Path Analysis method. Simultaneously test result show that variable dividend policy which are only risk factor and Financing significantly influence to stock price