5 research outputs found

    Partisipasi Masyarakat Desa Tunggul Boyok dalam Melestarikan Pohon Kempas (Kompassia SP) sebagai Tempat Bersarang Lebah Madu di Desa Tunggul Boyok Kecamatan Bonti Kabupaten Sanggau

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    One of the potential tree forests which economically significant for rural communities is the presence of Kempas tree (Kompassia sp) around the Tunggul Boyok villages in Bonti district Sanggau regency. The existences of this Kempas tree for rural communities are quite high economic value because this tree becomes the breeding of honeybees. Activity preserve the kempas tree today only through community participation and institutional village by village communities in the form of Tunggul Boyok farmer groups, therefore the research is needed to describe how the forms of participation of the rural communities in preserving kempas tree. The survey results revealed the forms of participation of rural communities of Tunggul Boyok in preserving Kempas trees among others. The community jointly maintains Kempas trees to prevent damage, in the event of damage to society that damages the kempas tree sanctioned according to mutual agreement and has been disseminated to the whole communities. The whole society is allowed to burn materials around Kempas trees in any form or society is prohibited turn on the fire in the forest, especially near the kempas tree. The public good required to keep the kempas tree as private property that comes from the legacy of parents as well as the property of others. Keyword : Kempas tree, participation, preservation, Sanggau regency, Tunggul Boyok village. Keyword : Kempas tree, participation, preservation, Sanggau regency, Tunggul Boyok village

    Masa Inkubasi Penyakit Karat Daun Dan Tingkat Kerusakan Pada Bibit Perupuk (Lophopetalum Multinervium) Di Persemaian PT. Inhutani II Mandor

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    This study aimed to determine the level of damage to seedlings Perupuk caused by leaf rust disease and know the incubation time is needed leaf rust pathogen that infects seedlings Perupuk and study the development of leaf rust disease symptoms on seedlings Perupuk. Observation of the stricken plant was conducted using descriptive, of direct observation in the field and conducted an assessment of the extent of damage caused by the attack while the incubation time in the laboratory. The results showed that the leaf rust disease incubation time attacking seedlings Perupuk (Lophopetalum multinevium) were 19 hours and the percentage of plants damaged by leaf rust disease were 71.22%. This was high and affects the quality of Perupuk growth at the sites. While the average level of crop damage due to attack Perupuk leaf rust disease on study sites were classified in the category that was equal to 44.26%. Keyword: Perupuk, attack rate, decay rate, incubation time

    Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Desa Tunggul Boyok dalam Pengelolaan Madu Alam di Kecamatan Bonti Kabupaten Sanggau

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    Abstrack Local wisdom society is a reflection of culture in maintaining and managing the environment, forests and natural resources. The study aims to reveal and bring back the Local wisdom that is believed to society long ago until today. The study used descriptive qualitative survey and interview techniques, the selection of informants is the snowball sampling technique. The number of informants were taken in this study was 35 informants. The results reveal that villagers Tunggul Boyok wisdom in the management of natural honey are forms of Local wisdom as a ban on felling trees and honey bees nest farming ban around the tree where the bees nest. Such prohibition is assessed from the customs is very crucial because Tapang tree is a known human incarnation Dayang Sebunai. According to public confidence if Kempassia sp felled tree as well as treason. Ceremony / customs before and after harvesting as : Tree Care and cleaning around the tree Tapang, ahead of Muar Manyi tradition (the bees for honey harvesting), Early evening already assembled group (after sunset) and held the division of the working group). Society in assigning work group again there are some parts such as: group tebaok maker (torches to repel bees), group jatak maker (ladder to climb into the tree), a group that prepares food and Muar Manyi . Keyword : Community, local wisdom, natural honey

    Keberadaan Ramin (Gonystylus Bancanus (Miq.) Kurz) di Kawasan Hutan Lindung Ambawang Kecil Kecamatan Teluk Pakedai Kabupaten Kubu Raya

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    There are the variability of peat swamp forest, one of there domination is Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz). Ramin is as one type of constituent of the forest, Ambawang kecil. Currently, its existence endangered due to illegal logging. This research aimed to obtain information about ramin at each level of growth(The number of individuals in the form of availability, level of dominance, and the density of ramin at each level of growth). That information may be the initially to determine the appropiate of silviculture treatment. This research used the line terraced method, with a width of 20 m, the length of each line 200 m as much as 8 lines, the line spacing of 100 m, and the direction of the scratch line 109 ° 18 55.99 E. Determination of the initial purposive sampling done on line, based on the consideration of the information field that that location pretty much there is vegetation ramin, the characteristics of the soil with peat moss in marshy waterlogged conditions. The results of recearch showed that ramin is dominant in seedlings and saplings of growth level (INP=44,65%, 82,96% respectively). Syzygium sp is dominant in poles of growth level (INP=73,60%) and koompassia malacensis is dominant in tree of growth level (=53,78%). Viewed from its density, ramin have fewer number of individuals seedling of growth level (2500/btg/ha) more density mainly for tre of growth level (0,31 btg/ha). Key words : Gonystylus bancanus, seedling, sapling, poles, tree, peat swamp fores