62 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Hypnoteaching Method to Increase Student’s Skills on Creative Thinkingand Notion in Solubility and Solubility Products Matter

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    This research described the effectiveness of hypnoteaching method to increase student’s skills on creative thinking and notion in solubility and solubility products matter.  Subject of this research was 32 students of XI IPA2 SMAN 13 Bandarlampung in academic years 2011-2012.  This research used the one shot chase study. Effectiveness of hypnoteaching learning was measured based on the increasing affective value before and after aplicated it on difined time. The results showed that it could increased both skills.  The creative thinking increased for the first to fifth observation was 21%, 30%, 34%, 44%, and 48%, changed from low to sufficient level. It’s mean that just a small amount to limit a half of students mastered its. The other one, notion skill increased for the first to fifth meeting was 27%, 45%, 61%, 70% and 65%, changed from low to good level. It’s mean that just a small amount to big amount of students mastered its

    Animation Media Development of Multiple Representation Based on Science Material of Reaction Rate Determinant Factors

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    Many Chemical concepts are abstract. Generally, chemical learning at this momen only in makroscopic and symbolic dimension, whereas submicroscopic often deserted. The research aim to develop animation media of multiple representation based on science material of reaction rate determinant factors. Method used is research and development (R & D) according to Sugiyono (2008). Generally, research and development have three steps. There are step 1st) needs analysis, step 2nd) planning and development, and step 3th) evaluation the product. Results of this research is media of multiple representation based on science material of reaction rate determinant factors which have characteristic: 1) displaying science material of reaction rate determinant factors which be explained by multiple representation, 2) have parts consist of opening program title, foreword, instructional, competence standard, basic competence, indicators of product cognitive, indicators of process cognitive, science material of collision theory, science material of reaction rate determinant factors, literature, dan button for exit from the program, 3) have very high level of contents suitability that is 96.97 % according to teacher and also have high level of interesting that is 79.20% according students.

    The Enhancement of Reporting Observation Result Skill and Giving Reason Skill on the Material of Solubility and Solubility Product by Advance Organizer Learning Model

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    The aim of this research was to describe the effectiveness of advance organizer learning model to enhance the skill of reporting observation result and giving reason skill on the material of solubility and solubility product. The subject in this research were students XI grade of Science 3 SMA N 7 Bandarlampung, Academic Year 2011/2012. This research used a pre-experimental method with One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The effectiveness of advance organizer learning model was measured by the N-gain mean. Based on the results of this research, the average of N-gain value for reporting observation result skill is 0,67 and the average of N-gain value for giving reason skill is 0,54. This shows that (1) a model of advance organizer is effective to enhance the skill of reporting observation result in the medium category (2) a model of advance organizeris effective to enhance the skill of giving reason in the medium category

    Pengembangan Lks Bermuatan Nilai Ketuhanan Dan Cinta Lingkungan Pada Materi Sifat Larutan

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    Science learning that happening today seldom use worksheets, worksheets are used by teachers not to increase value of divinity and care toward the environment. This research aims to develop student's worksheets providing value divinity and care toward the environment on the nature of solution material. The method in this research is research and development. The result of this research and this development formed in worksheets which have characteristics; a) being able to improve the values of divinity and care toward the environment, b) have the steps which suitable with sintaks in scientific approach, c) including a practicum, d) including a concordance rate of the content equality of 75.00% readability level of 80.00%, and the concerdance rate of 88.00% increase in construction all of which are included in the category of high in very high.Pembelajaran IPA yang berlangsung selama ini jarang menggunakan LKS, LKS yang digunakan guru tidak menumbuhkan nilai-nilai ketuhanan dan kecintaan terhadap lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan LKS bermuatan nilai ketuhanan dan kecintaan terhadap lingkungan pada materi sifat larutan. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan. Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan ini berupa LKS yang memiliki karakteristik yaitu, a) mampu menanamkan nilai-nilai ketuhanan dan kecintaan terhadap lingkungan, b) memiliki tahapan-tahapan yang disesuaikan dengan sintak pendekatan scientific, c) disertai dengan kegiatan praktikum, d) memiliki tingkat kesesuaian isi yaitu sebesar 75,00%, tingkat keterbacaan sebesar 80,00%, dan tingkat konstruksi sebesar 88,00% yang semuanya termasuk dalam kategori tinggi dan sangat tinggi

    The Enhancement of Cooperative Ability and Becoming a Good Listener Ability in Solubility and Solubility Product by Learning of Hypnoteaching Method

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the effectiveness of improving the cooperative ability and becoming a good listener with using hypnoteaching in solubility and solubility product.The research was done in class XI IPA2 State Senior High School 13 Bandar Lampung. This study used a pre-experimental method with One Shoot Case Study Design. The effectiveness of hypnoteaching is measured by the percentage of average research finding in each meeting. After observation in five meetings, the average percentage of cooperative ability has improved significantly with percentage 44.85%, 50.00%, 61.25%, 63.53%, and 65.00%. Then, becoming a good listener with percentage 66.67%, 70.56%, 73.13%, 74.71%, and 81.11% has improved significantly too. Therefore, it can be concluded that learning with hypnoteaching is significant to improve cooperative ability and becoming a good listener

    Pengembangan Modul Sifat Larutan Bermuatan Nilai Ketuhanan Dan Kecintaan Lingkungan Di SMP

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    This research aimed to develop module of solution characteristic contain of divinity value and environmental awareness; and describe the module characteristics; describe the teachers and students response at developed module; and know the obstacles encountered when developing modules. The research method was Research and Development (R&D) which consists of three steps: (1) preliminary studies, (2) product development and (3) describe the response a teacher and students towards the product. From the results of teachers feedback showed that content’s suitability of module with curriculum is very high at 97.78%, the aspect graph/the attractiveness is very high at 100% and students respons about levels of legibility is very high at 83.61%. Student and teachers give possitive respons to advanced module.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul sifat larutan bermuatan nilai ketuhanan dan kecintaan terhadap lingkungan, serta mendeskripsikan karakteristik modul, respon guru dan siswa terhadap modul yang dikembangkan, dan mengetahui kendala-kendala yang ditemui ketika mengembangkan modul. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode Penelitian dan Pengembangan (R&D) yang terdiri dari tiga langkah: (1) studi pendahuluan,(2) pengembangan produk dan (3) mendeskripsikan tanggapan guru dan siswa terhadap produk. Dari hasil tanggapan guru diperoleh data bahwa kesesuaian isi modul dengan kurikulum sangat tinggi sebesar 97.78%, aspek grafika/kemenarikan sangat tinggi sebesar 100% dan tanggapan siswa mengenai tingkat keterbacaan sangat tinggi sebesar 83.61%. Siswa dan guru merespon baik modul yang dikembangkan
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