47 research outputs found

    Foreign Exchange Rate and Economic Growth Nexus: New Evidence from Nigeria (1981 to 2017)

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    The paper estimates the impact of foreign exchange rate on economic growth of Nigeria. The study makes used of Autoregressive Distributed Lag model (ARDL) on time series Data, for the period 1981-2017. The data set on real effective exchange rate, inflation rate, money supply, lending interest rate, real GDP and foreign direct investment, oil revenue and trade openness (% of GDP) were tested for stationary using ADF and PP tests and established stationarity at I (1) for five variables and I (0) for two variables. The correlation test result shows that the highest correlation is between money supply and oil revenue while the lowest correlation is between inflation rate and foreign direct investment. The ARDL Co-integration test revealed the existence of long-run relationship among the variables. ARDL test results reveal that real effective exchange rate is negatively and significant in explaining economic growth in Nigeria in the long-run. In the short-run, the lag value of real effective exchange rate is insignificant in explaining the changes in the current rate of economic growth. in the same period, the lag value of money supply is negative and significant in explaining GDP. But in the long run it is positive and significant in explaining economic growth in Nigeria. The rate of inflation both in the short run and long run is negatively and significant in explaining GDP. The Error Correction Term value of 20.7% shows the speed of adjustment toward long-run equilibrium The findings of the study imply that interest rate in Nigeria is inflationary. Meaning that increase in the rate of interest rate will lead to an increase inflation rate. Therefore, the research study concludes that the impact of foreign exchange rate on the economic growth of Nigeria is negative and significant and that the monetary authorities should adopt flexible exchange rate in Nigeria. Keywords: ARDL, foreign exchange rate, Economic growth, monetary authorities. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-18-18 Publication date:September 30th 2019

    Influence of Opening and Boundary Conditions on the Behavior of Concrete Hollow Block Walls: Experimental Results

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    The assembled pattern of concrete hollow building blocks contributes to the wall structure’s durability. This paper presents experimental research on the behavior of concrete hollow block walls. The experimental work included testing four concrete hollow block wall panels with different opening sizes. Constant vertical axial load was applied on top of the wall panels until failure, characterized by boundary conditions. The results showed that the presence of openings reduced the strength of the wall panels; it was possible to observe these differences since the opening area was between 20 and 40% of the gross wall panel area. It was also observed that while the opening percentage had a significant impact on the strength of the wall, the boundary conditions had a less substantial impact on the overall wall response. A high localized concentration of stress was observed at the top corners of the wall panels and a high stress concentration was also observed along the vertical sides of the openings. Variation in the number and the shape of the openings often changed the failure mechanism in the wall panels, even when the percentage area of the opening remained constant. The wall panels A1-B2 reached peak stress levels at 0.019 MPa, 0.036 MPa, 0.056 MPa, and 0.030 MPa. The equivalent peak strains were 0.018, 0.011, 0.012, and 0.010 respectively. This research established significant data and is expected to help in the design and analysis of axially loaded unreinforced masonry walls with openings

    Corporate Shareholding Structure and Dividend Payout Ratio of Listed Chemical and Paints Companies in Nigeria

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    This paper is an empirical analysis of influence of Corporate Shareholdings Structure on Dividend payout ratio of listed Chemical and Paints Companies in Nigeria. The study is for the period of 2008-2013. The listed Chemical and Paints Companies are Eight (8) in number as provided by Nigerian stock exchange factbook for 2013. All the eight firms were used for the study. Corporate Shareholdings Structure was proxy with managerial shareholding, institutional shareholding, block shareholding and foreign shareholdings, while dividend payout ratio was proxy with dividends to net income for the same period. The data were collected from secondary source through the annual reports and accounts of the firm. The study adopted multiple regression technique. The findings revealed that managerial shareholdings has negatively, strongly and significantly impacted on dividend payout ratio of listed Chemical and Paints Companies in Nigeria, while Institutional shareholdings, Foreign shareholdings have positive, strong and significant influence on dividend payout ratio. But block shareholding shows no significant contribution to dividend payout ratio. It is recommended amongst others that the listed Chemical and Paints Companies should increase the number of shares allotted to institutional shareholders and foreign shareholders where investors are only interested in dividend payment as it may serve as a sure means of having increase in payment of dividend to shareholders. But where shareholders are only interested in capital gain rather than dividend payment, the shares held by management should be increased as this will discourage payment of high dividend in favour of capital gain

    Evaluation of Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Information Accessibility among Farmers in Oyo State, Nigeria

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    This study evaluated the socio-economic factor influencing information accessibility in Oyo State. Primary data were obtained from 50 farmers with the aid of structured questionnaire. The result showed that, 100% of the farmers got their information from Radio, 90% TV, 20% Friend, 30% Non-Governmental Organisation and 26% got information through their ADP. Therefore, majority of the farmers obtained their agricultural information through the Radio which indicates that information plays a vital role in the life of the farmers, especially in fertilizer application, pest and disease in crop production and economic development. The determinants of factors influencing information were age, education and extension contact. Therefore, the study recommends that farmers in Oyo State should be encouraged financially to have access to information to enhance crop production. Keywords: Determinant, Socioeconomic factor, agricultural information, extension contact

    Histopathological and Biochemical effects of aqueous leaf extract of Cadaba farinosa on the liver of adult Wistar Rats

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    Background: Plants are important source of chemical substances with therapeutic effects. Although, the promising potentials for good number of medicinal plants are being established, there exists in developing countries where people resort to herbal plants without proper awareness of the associated risks particularly in event of excessive or chronic use. Hence, the need to evaluate the histological and biochemical effects of aqueous leaf extract of Cadaba farinosa used traditionally for treatments of gastrointestinal parasites, cancer and diabetes in North-Eastern Nigeria. To evaluate the histological and biochemical effects of aqueous leaf extract of Cadaba farinosa on liver of adult Wistar rats.Methods: Twelve adult Wistar rats of both sexes were used and divided into four groups of three rats each. Group 1 served as control. Aqueous leaf extract were orally administered for 28 days at doses of 100, 200 and 300mg/kg respectively. Biochemical and histological analysis were performed.Results: This study showed significantly elevated levels of aspartate transaminase, alkaline phosphatase and alanine transaminase in animals treated with Cadaba farinosa (especially the highest dose 300mg/kg) compared to negative control. Elevated liver enzymes were corroborated by histopathological changes of liver exhibiting ballooning degenerations and steatohepatitis.Conclusions: Cadaba farinosa causes hepatic injury. Hence, further work needs to be done to ascertain whether reducing the dose of Cadaba farinosa would ameliorate this effect. Authors speculate that injury to multiple organelles including fat droplets and endoplasmic reticulum contribute to this characteristic finding

    Impact of Population Growth on Unemployment in Nigeria: Dynamic OLS Approach

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    This empirical research examined the impact of population growth on unemployment in Nigeria. The study applied annual time series data from 1991 to 2017. The data on population, unemployment, consumer price index, exchange rate and foreign direct investment were tested for unit root using ADF, PP and KPSS unit root tests. The results from the ADF and PP tests revealed that all the variables were stationary at first difference except CPI that is stationary at level. While the KPSS units root test result shows that all the variables are stationary at level. The variables were co-integrated as shown by the Johansen Juselius test for co-integration. The Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares (DOLS) were used in the process of estimating the model. The main results disclosed that population and exchange rate impacted positively with unemployment. Whereas consumer price index, GDP per capita and foreign direct investment impacted negatively thereby reducing the rate of unemployment in the long-run. Government should focus more on attracting foreign direct investment, increasing GDP per capita and the desired rate of consumer price index in order to control the rate of unemployment in the country. Keywords: Population Growth, Unemployment, Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares, Co-integration test, GDP per capita, Consumer Price Index, Foreign Direct Investment. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-22-09 Publication date: November 30th 2019

    Interest Rate and Inflation Nexus: ARDL Bound Test Approach

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    The paperestimates the impact of interest rate on inflation in Nigeria. The study makes used of Autoregressive Distributed Lag model (ARDL) on time series Data, for the period 1970-2016. The data set on inflation, money supply, interest rate, GDP per capita and exchange rate were tested for stationary using ADF, PP and KPS tests and established stationarity at I (1) for all the variables. ARDL testresults reveal that interest rate is inflationary in both the short-run and long-run as it positively and significantly influencing inflation in the two periods which is in conformity with the arguments of the fiscal policy supporters but contradict the arguments of the monetary policy supporters. The findings of the study imply that interest rate in Nigeria is inflationary. Meaning that increase in the rate of interest rate will lead to an increase inflation rate. Therefore, the research study conclude that interest rates should be adjusted with caution, and also implies that fiscal policy measure will be very effective in converting inflation in the country. Keywords:ARDL Bound Test, Interest Rate, Inflation, Exchange Rate, Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-20-07 Publication date:October 31st 201

    Application of Mobile Technology in Information Service Delivery in Bayero University Library, Kano

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    Current trends in libraries especially in the academic library require remote and boundary less access to library services and services. Mobile Technology has been recognized as the simple, single most embraced technology in the world. Applying this technological innovation will bring a lot of relief to users in Bayero University, Kano library and the University community in general. The study investigates the preparedness of Bayero University, Kano library to apply mobile technology for information services delivery. The population consisted of 11 staff from the library\u27s automation unit, with only two of them being sampled. The research instrument used was an interview. The study shows that the staff agree with the impact and relevancy of the application of the service in the library. The study also revealed challenge with the application of the service such as Lack of committed of staff, lack of technical knowhow, poor of internet connection, lack of training. The study also recommends that the staff and Student at Bayero University, Kano Library should be educated about the benefits of using mobile-based library services for relevant information, Continuous training should be given to library staff in the application of mobile based- library services and Management should also develop strategy for the marketing of the mobile-based library services

    Potential and Accuracy of Hand Length and Hand Breadth in Sex Determination: An Insight into Hausa Population of Nigeria

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    The identification of an individual in mass disasters and traffic accidents is a fundamental goal in forensic investigations. However, it is suggested that every population needs anthropological reference data. The objectives of this study were to determine the potential and accuracy of hand length and hand breadth in sex determination among the Hausa population of Nigeria. Random sampling was employed to select 204 male and 194 female subjects aged 18-30 years. Hand length and hand breadth were measured using standard protocols. Two-sample t-test, binary logistic regression, receiver operating characteristics curve, and Youden’s index were used for determining sex using hand dimensions. Posterior probability and likelihood ratio were used to determine the favor odds of each category of hand dimension in sex discrimination. A significant sexual dimorphism was observed in hand length and hand breadth with higher mean values in males. The variance of sex explained by hand parameters ranges from 38.50/51.35% (lower/upper limits) to 52.98/70.66%, which were exhibited by right hand length and left hand breadth respectively. The overall prediction and percentage accuracy of sex discrimination ranges between 80.40 to 86.70 % that were exhibited by right hand length and handbreadth respectively. We observed that left hand breadth exhibited higher Younden’s index with an area under curve (AUC) ranging from 91.60% to 96.05%. We found that hand length of > 189.99 mm was indicative of male origin and hand breadth of > 79.99 mm was indicative of male origin