34 research outputs found

    Preliminarna opažanja o biologiji reprodukcije i ishrani psa glavonje, Hexanchus griseus (Bonnaterre, 1788) (Chondrichthyes: Hexanchidae), u turskim morima

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    A search through field surveys and literature revealed that 39 bluntnose sixgill sharks, Hexanchus griseus, were captured in the Black, Marmara, and Aegean Seas between 1974 and 2003. One of the specimens was captured in the prebosphoric waters of the southwestern Black Sea, 27 in the Sea of Marmara, and 11 in the Aegean Sea. H. griseus is hereby recorded for the first time in the southwestern Black Sea. Available information suggests that H. griseus gives birth from October to the end of February in the northern Aegean and Sea of Marmara. The main prey of the listed sixgill sharks were teleosteans.Iz rezultata terenskih istraživanja i podataka iz literature proizlazi da je u Crnom, Mramornom i Egejskom moru, između 1974. i 2003. ulovljeno ukupno 39 primjeraka psa glavonje, Hexanchus griseus. Jedan primjerak uhvaćen je u predbosporskim vodama jugozapadnog Crnog mora, 27 u Mramornom i 11 u Egejskom moru. H. griseus prvi je nalaz te vrste za jugozapadni dio Crnog mora. Iz dostupnih saznanja dade se naslutiti da se H. griseus rađa od listopada do kraja veljače u sjevernom Egejskom i Mramornom moru. Glavni plijen navedenih primjeraka psa glavonje bili su teleostei

    Nalazi dva netom okoćena psa ljudoždera, Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lamniformes; Lamnidae) u turskim vodama sjevernog Egejskog mora

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    On July 1, 2008, a new-born great white shark was captured by a commercial gill-netter off the coast of Altınoluk (Edremit Bay, north Aegean Sea), followed by the capture of another juvenile three days later at the same locality during a haul of bottom long-line set by the same fisherman. Before the present study, the smallest free-living white shark from the Mediterranean Sea appeared to be a 142 cm TL small female juvenile, captured off Mazara del Vallo in August 11, 1983 (catalog No. MSI-0285J, appendix 1 in Fergusson , 1996). Therefore, specimen No. 1 (125,5 cm TL) of the present study is possibly the smallest neonate white shark from Mediterranean waters to date.Novookoćena jedinka psa ljudoždera uhvaćena je 1. srpnja 2008. pomoću mreže stajaćice u blizini grada Altınoluka (Edremit zaljev, sjeverno Egejsko more), a nakon tri dana slijedio je ulov novog juvenilnog primjerka na istoj lokaciji pomoću pridnenog parangala. Prethodno ovim nalazima, ukupna duljina (TL ) najmanjeg živućeg primjerka psa ljudoždera u Mediteranu je iznosila 142 cm TL i to juvenilne ženke, uhvaćene u blizini talijanskog gradića Mazara del Vallo, 11. kolovoza 1983. (kataloški broj: MSI-0285J, appendix 1, Ferguson, 1996). Stoga je moguće da je jedinka br. 1 (125,5 cm TL ) u ovoj studiji najmanji primjerak tek okoćenog psa ljudoždera u Mediteranu

    New Mediterranean marine biodiversity records (December, 2013)

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    Based on recent biodiversity studies carried out in different parts of the Mediterranean, the following 19 species are included as new records on the floral or faunal lists of the relevant ecosystems: the green algae Penicillus capitatus (Maltese waters); the nemertean Am- phiporus allucens (Iberian Peninsula, Spain); the salp Salpa maxima (Syria); the opistobranchs Felimida britoi and Berghia coerulescens (Aegean Sea, Greece); the dusky shark Carcharhinus obscurus (central-west Mediterranean and Ionian Sea, Italy); Randall’s threadfin bream Nemipterus randalli, the broadbanded cardinalfish Apogon fasciatus and the goby Gobius kolombatovici (Aegean Sea, Turkey); the reticulated leatherjack Stephanolepis diaspros and the halacarid Agaue chevreuxi (Sea of Marmara, Turkey); the slimy liagora Ganon- ema farinosum, the yellowstripe barracuda Sphyraena chrysotaenia, the rayed pearl oyster Pinctada imbricata radiata and the Persian conch Conomurex persicus (south-eastern Kriti, Greece); the blenny Microlipophrys dalmatinus and the bastard grunt Pomadasys incisus (Ionian Sea, Italy); the brown shrimp Farfantepenaeus aztecus (north-eastern Levant, Turkey); the blue-crab Callinectes sapidus (Corfu, Ionian Sea, Greece). In addition, the findings of the following rare species improve currently available biogeographical knowledge: the oceanic pufferfish Lagocephalus lagocephalus (Malta); the yellow sea chub Kyphosus incisor (Almuñécar coast of Spain); the basking shark Cetorhinus maximus and the shortfin mako Isurus oxyrinchus (north-eastern Levant, Turkey).peer-reviewe

    COVID-19 in pediatric nephrology centers in Turkey

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    Background/aim: There is limited data on COVID-19 disease in children with kidney disease. We aimed to investigate the characteristics and prognosis of COVID-19 in pediatric nephrology patients in Turkey. Materials and methods: This was a national, multicenter, retrospective cohort study based on an online survey evaluating the data between 11th March 2020 and 11th March 2021 as an initial step of a detailed pediatric nephrology COVID-19 registry. Results: Two hundred and three patients (89 girls and 114 boys) were diagnosed with COVID-19. One-third of these patients (36.9%) were between 10–15 years old. Half of the patients were on kidney replacement therapy: kidney transplant (KTx) recipients (n = 56, 27.5%), patients receiving chronic hemodialysis (n = 33, 16.3%) and those on peritoneal dialysis (PD) (n = 18, 8.9%). Fifty-four (26.6%) children were asymptomatic. Eighty-two (40.3%) patients were hospitalized and 23 (28%) needed intensive care unit admission. Fifty-five percent of the patients were not treated, while the remaining was given favipiravir (20.7%), steroid (16.3%), and hydroxychloroquine (11.3%). Acute kidney injury developed in 19.5% of hospitalized patients. Five (2.4%) had MIS-C. Eighty-three percent of the patients were discharged without any apparent sequelae, while 7 (3.4%) died. One hundred and eight health care staff were infected during the study period. Conclusion: COVID-19 was most commonly seen in patients who underwent KTx and received HD. The combined immunosuppressive therapy and frequent exposure to the hospital setting may increase these patients’ susceptibility. Staff infections before vaccination era were alarming, various precautions should be taken for infection control, particularly optimal vaccination coverage

    Catture accidentali di squali alopidi (Lamniformes: Alopiidae) in acque costiere turche

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    Twenty-one alopiid sharks, 2 bigeye thresher (Alopias superciliosus) and 19 common thresher sharks (Alopias vulpinus), were incidentally captured in the coastal waters of Turkey. General information on the captured specimens is reported and the current status of conservation of alopiids is discussed

    Pontic occurrence of the bluntnose sixgill shark, Hexanchus griseus (Bonnaterre, 1788) (chondrichthyes: hexanchidae)

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