25 research outputs found

    Potential Analysis of Promoting the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Prevention Through Youtube

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    Background: Deal with health promotion efforts in terms of disease control using media or social networking is an innovative breakthrough in a region having a broad range of territory, such as Indonesia and others countries alike. The use of social media /video platforms such as youtube, vimeo, veoh in health promotion has been significantly increased. This study aims to determine the potential availability of information about dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) on YouTube social media and social media potential of as a medium for dissemination of knowledge of health promotion. Methods: This study used a social media site or website which is the most popular video hosting sites in the world, ‘YouTube', with the keyword of ‘dengue hemorrhagic fever'. The selected video directly associated with DHF, videos in English that were included in this study using Latin letters in the description of the video; with duration less than or equal to 5 minutes. 76 videos analyzed with content analysis methods. Results:Showed that 76 videos divided into categories of prevention, control, transmission, treatment, dengue fever treatment, and other categories. Other information classification categories explain the severity of dengue virus infection, dengue vector (morphology, bionomics), intrinsic phase dengue virus and some research conducted as dengue vaccine discovery efforts. Conclusion: The availability of information about dengue on YouTube social media is still very deficient. Recommendation: YouTube has the potential of social media as a medium for disseminating health promotion information about dengue

    Penggunaan Kecombrang (Etlingera Elatior) sebagai Alternatif Pengganti Sabun dalam Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat Suku Baduy

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    Baduy is one of ethnic Indonesia's living on the slope of Kendeng's mountain, Lebak, Province of Banten.Lebak's Health Service Data in 2013 noted that Kampung Tangtu in Kanekes village is one of sac Yaws Disease, a tropical neglected disease and difficult to eradicated. Adherence to the indigenous traditions in Baduy Dalam about Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS) that do not accept modernization such as toothpaste, soap and shampoo, do not use the footwear are the risk factors to the incidence of Yaws inBaduy. This research was conducted to get an idea of the potential of culture-related health problems,including PHBS. This research used an ethnographic approach. The result showed Baduy's community particularly Baduy Dalam obedient to the Pikukuh and live in harmony with its natural surroundings. Kecombrang (Etlingera elatior) is a natural product with saponins which produce foam, is a plant that is used by Baduy Dalam to take a bath and brush teeth. Kecombrang grown in the forest and not yet cultivated. Conclude that Clean and Healthy Behavior particulary in bathing habits, Baduy Dalam used natural resource around them. In accordance with pikukuh, Baduy Dalam people's not allowed to use chemical soap because its violating the indigenous traditions. Kecombrang used by Baduy people's to take a bath, brush the teeth and washed but not yet used for hand washing. It is recommended that keep conducted intensively and continuously approach to the Baduy Dalam by inserting PHBS's messages while respecting the local wisdom. In addition, cultivation of kecombrang around Baduy Dalam need tobe considered

    Penentuan Status Resistensi Aedes Aegypti dari Daerah Endemis Dbd di Kota Depok terhadap Malathion

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    Resistance Detection of Aedes Aegypti Larvae to Cypermethrin From Endemic Area in Cimahi City West Java

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    Vector control programs using chemical insecticide e.g organochlorin, organophosphate, carbamate, and pyrethroid (cypermethrin). When those insecticides were applied continuously, it may lead to vector resistance. The aim of this research was to detect any resistance of Ae. aegypti to cypermethrin in endemic areas of Cimahi. This research is a laboratory study that used biochemical test which referred to Lee\u27s method. Larva samples were collected from 8 villages, which are endemic area. Samples of larvae were collected from 15 villages belonged to dengue endemic areas in town of Cimahi, however, villages that meet the availability of larvae were only 8 villages. To detect the activity of monooxygenase enzyme, a biochemical assay was used in this research by created a reaction between larvae homogenate and sodium acetate substrate. The results of reaction were read using ELISA reader with spectrophotometer wave length of 595 nm. Overall, the results showed that most of the larvae in eight villages of Cimahi is still susceptible to cypermethrin. However, larvae from Cibabat village were 4% resistant, 2% tolerant, and 94% susceptible. On the other hand, Cigugur village showed that 12.7% larvae were tolerant and 87.3% still susceptible. Other villages like Cimahi, Cibeureum, Melong, Baros, Cipageran, and Pasirkaliki still remains susceptible. Resistance detection using biochemical assay of cypermethrin insecticide for Ae.aegypti resulting data stated that in 6 villages were still susceptible but in 3 other villages were already tolerant and 1 village was already resistance

    Status Kerentanan Larva Aedes Aegypti terhadap Temefos (Organofosfat) di Tiga Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Aceh

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    . Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) incidence rate in Aceh Province for the past three years 2012-2014 were fluctuated from 51‰, 29 ‰ and 45 ‰. The most widely used larvacide to control larvae Ae. aegypti is temefos, in Indonesia 1% temefos (abate 1SG) started used in 1976, and since 1980 has been used for the eradication program of Ae. aegypti larvae. The intensive use of temefos will be not a problem until population were dominated by resistant individuals. The purpose of this study was to determine the status of susceptibility of Ae. aegypti larvae against temefos in three dengue fever endemic areas in Aceh. We conducted an observational study to examine the susceptibility of Ae. aegypti population in 3 districts of Aceh Province: Banda Aceh, Lhokseumawe and Aceh Besar. Entomological survey and larval collection was assigned. Larvae then reared in laboratory until third generation. Third and early fourth instars stage of Ae. aegypti larvae were used as test samples. Susceptibility test was undergo based on World Health Organization guidelines. Results shows that larva Ae. aegypti from Banda Aceh (100%) and Lhokseumawe (99%) districts was still susceptible, while Aceh Besar (97%) indicates tolerance to temefos 0,02%. In conclusion, temefos still effective to be used as larvicide for vector control in those three endemic of dengue fever in Aceh Province. The priority vector control program that can be suggested is put mosquito breeding place eradication called PSN as a proactive movement in community

    Analisis Cakupan Obat Massal Pencegahan Filariasis Di Kabupaten Bandung Dengan Pendekatan Model Sistem Dinamik

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    Filariasis Preventive Mass Drug Administration (MDA) program supposed to covered at least 65% of the target. According to the Indonesia\u27s program annual reports, the coverage from year of 2005-2009 are 28%-29%. Those coverage are still far below the expected coverage. Bandung Regency is one of 11 filariasis endemic areas in West Java that treatment coverage for four years (2009-2012) in a row is 70%, 62%, 64% and 68%. This study was an observational study with cross sectional study design studies. The study was conducted at the health center Cikaro Regency Bandung in 2013 to determine the variable leverage increase treatment coverage. The data collected in this study include primary data and secondary data. The primary data obtained through interviews of 200 respondents to the questionnaire and also through Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Secondary data include population and filariasis treatment coverage of data obtained from the agency terkait.Variabel levers determined through the analysis of dynamic system modeling software powersim. The results showed that the variable lever to increase the coverage of treatment is to reduce the negative impact of drug side effects, increasing the number of cadres and knowledge as well as increased monitoring activities of treatment. Increased treatment coverage can be done through the declaration take medicine in the empowering cadres.Filariasis Preventive Mass Drug Administration (MDA) program supposed to covered at least 65% of the target. According to the Indonesia\u27s program annual reports, the coverage from year of 2005-2009 are 28%-29%. Those coverage are still far below the expected coverage. Bandung Regency is one of 11 filariasis endemic areas in West Java that treatment coverage for four years (2009-2012) in a row is 70%, 62%, 64% and 68%. This study was an observational study with cross sectional study design studies. The study was conducted at the health center Cikaro Regency Bandung in 2013 to determine the variable leverage increase treatment coverage. The data collected in this study include primary data and secondary data. The primary data obtained through interviews of 200 respondents to the questionnaire and also through Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Secondary data include population and filariasis treatment coverage of data obtained from the agency terkait.Variabel levers determined through the analysis of dynamic system modeling software powersim. The results showed that the variable lever to increase the coverage of treatment is to reduce the negative impact of drug side effects, increasing the number of cadres and knowledge as well as increased monitoring activities of treatment. Increased treatment coverage can be done through the declaration take medicine in the empowering cadres

    Analisis Perilaku Masyarakat terhadap Kepatuhan Minum Obat Filariasis di Tiga Desa Kecamatan Majalaya Kabupaten Bandung Tahun 2013

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    Program eliminasi filariasis di Indonesia ditetapkan dua pilar yaitu memutuskan rantai penularan dengan pemberian obat massal pencegahan filariasis (POMP filariasis) di daerah endemis serta mencegah dan membatasi kecacatan akibat filariasis. Target program filariasis disebutkan bahwa cakupan POMP minimal yang harus dicapai untuk memutus rantai penularan sebesar 85%. Kabupaten Bandung merupakan wilayah Provinsi Jawa Barat yang angka cakupan POMP nya masih rendah yaitu 78% dibandingkan dengan wilayah lain yang sudah melakukan POMP. Kondisi ini yang melatarbelakangi penelitian tentang analisis perilaku masyarakat terhadap kepatuhan minum obat POMP sehingga dapat diketahui faktor apa yang dapat menjadi pengungkit agar cakupan POPM di Kab. Bandung mengalami peningkatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran dan pengaruh perilaku masyarakat terhadap kepatuhan minum obat POMP. Penelitian ini merupakan cross sectional studies. Lokasi Penelitian di laksanakan di tiga desa terpilih di Kecamatan Majalaya Kab. Bandung, selama dua bulan yaitu bulan Agustus September tahun 2013. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa praktek masyarakat dalam pencegahan, pengendalian dan pengobatan filariasis di kecamatan Majalaya mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan (p-value 0.001) terhadap kepatuhan masyarakat untuk minum obat. Kepatuhan minum obat tidak berdiri sendiri, kondisi ini terkait erat dengan dukungan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) baik petugas kesehatan, kader, lintas sektor dan gencarnya promosi melalui berbagai media promosi tentunya. Kata kunci : kepatuhan minum obat, filariasis, perilaku masyarakat, pengetahuanAbstractFilariasis elimination program in Indonesia set two pillars that cut the transmission with the prevention of filariasis mass drug administration (POMP filariasis) in endemic areas and preventing and limiting disability due to filariasis. POMP minimum coverage by 85% must be achieved to break the chain of transmission. Bandung Regency POMP coverage is still low at 78% compared to other regions in West Java Province. It required an analysis of community behavior towards filariasis drug compliance so it can be known which factors may be the leverage of POPM coverage in the regency. This study is to describe and observe peoples behavior influence toward POMP medication adherence. This study was a cross sectional studies. Research location carried in three selected villages in the Majalaya district, Bandung Regency, for two months in August-September 2013. Primary data were collected by interviews using a structured questionnaire. The results showed that the practice of taking medication adherence was significantly related to the community compliance to take medication (p-value 0,001). Medication adherence is closely related to the human resources support both health care workers, cadres, cross-sector, and the promotion through a variety of promotional media.Keywords : filariasis, drug compliance, community behavior, knowledg