34 research outputs found

    Sudanese Medical Studentsā€™ Perceptions of Psychoactive Substance Use

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    Background: Psychoactive substance use is a significant problem and the perception of physicians andmedical students for this problem is important since it may affect their behavior regarding managing patientswho suffer from substance-related problems. The objective of this study was to examine the perception ofSudanese medical students regarding psychoactive substance use and its possible associations withsociodemographic factors.Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out at a private Sudanese medical school in Khartoum,Sudan. A self-reporting questionnaire was distributed to all consenting students and data were analyzedusing SPSS software. Chi-square test was used to analyze the associations between different factors.Findings: Three hundred and seventeen students participated in the study, with response rate = 75.5%.Among them, 113 (35.9%) were men. The mean and standard deviation (SD) of age was 21.5 Ā± 4.2 years. Allstudents knew alcohol and 261 students (88.5%) reported having knowledge about cannabis. Knowledgeabout cannabis, cocaine, and heroin was more prevalent among female students. Most of the studentsdisagreed with the behavior of substance use, e.g., 94.2% in the case of alcohol. Most students reported that itwould be difficult - or even impossible - for them to use psychoactive substances.Conclusion: Most of the students perceived use of psychoactive substances to be associated with moderate tosevere risk. Female gender and studying secondary school in Sudan were associated with perceiving morerisk. Sudanese students' perception of psychoactive substance use seems to be favorable but still increasingawareness is recommende

    Shizofreniformni poremećaj nakon pretjerane konzumacije energetskih pića: prikaz slučaja

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    Introduction - consumption of energy drinks is increasing each year worldwide, especially among young people seeking for assumed power and increased physical and emotional endurance. energy drinks contain caffeine which has stimulating effects, but its excessive and chronic consumption may cause unwanted effects; physically and mentally. There are some studies reported symptoms of psychotic and mood disorders associated with excessive use of caffeine. We present a case of clear psychotic features in a young female following a four-year history of consuming large amounts of energy drinks. In conclusion, this case suggests an association between excessive use of energy drinks and schizophreniform disorder.Uvod ā€“ potroÅ”nja energetskih pića svake se godine povećava u cijelom svijetu, posebno među mladima koji traže osjećaj snage i povećanu fizičku i emocionalnu izdržljivost. Energetska pića sadrže kofein koji djeluje stimulativno, ali njegova pretjerana i kronična konzumacija može uzrokovati neželjene učinke; fizičke i psihičke. Postoje neke studije koje su izvijestile o simptomima psihotičnih poremećaja i poremećaja raspoloženja povezanih s pretjeranom uporabom kofeina. Predstavljamo slučaj s jasnim psihotičnim obilježjima kod mlade žene nakon četverogodiÅ”nje povijesti konzumiranja velikih količina energetskih pića. Zaključno, ovaj slučaj sugerira povezanost između pretjerane upotrebe energetskih pića i shizofreniformnog poremećaja

    al-Mudawwanah al-Kubra

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    Kitab al-Mudawwanah ini dinisbatkan kepada Asad bin al-Furat, yaitu kumpulan permasalahan-permasalahan fikih yang disusun dan dikumpulkan oleh Asad bin al-Furat, yang ia dapatkan dari Imam Malik r.a. Hampir setiap bab dalam kitab ini dimulai dengan pertanyaan tentang suatu perkara yang kemudian diikuti dengan jawaban, baik dari Imam Malik maupun dari tiga imam lainnya. Inilah sebabnya, ketika membaca kitab ini, kita seolah menyaksikan tanya-jawab dan percakapan beberapa orang, bahkan seolah-olah kita menjadi bagian dari percakapan tersebut

    Kitab al-muwatta-i

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    Al-Muwatta Kumpulan hadits dan hukum Islam Pertama

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    al-Mudawanah al-Kubra : li Imam dar al-hijrah al-Imam Malik Ibn Anas al-Adhahi

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    Kitab al-Mudawwanah ini dinisbatkan kepada Asad bin al-Furat, yaitu kumpulan permasalahan-permasalahan fikih yang disusun dan dikumpulkan oleh Asad bin al-Furat, yang ia dapatkan dari Imam Malik r.a. Hampir setiap bab dalam kitab ini dimulai dengan pertanyaan tentang suatu perkara yang kemudian diikuti dengan jawaban, baik dari Imam Malik maupun dari tiga imam lainnya. Inilah sebabnya, ketika membaca kitab ini, kita seolah menyaksikan tanya-jawab dan percakapan beberapa orang, bahkan seolah-olah kita menjadi bagian dari percakapan tersebut

    Al-Muwatta of Imam Malik ibn Anas : the first formulation of Islamic law/ Anas

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    xxxviii, 465 hal. : 24 cm

    Al-Muwatta of Imam Malik ibn Anas : the first formulation of Islamic law/ Anas

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    xxxviii, 465 hal. : 24 cm

    al-Muwaththa li Imam Malik ibn Anas

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    Kitab al-Muwaththa' karya Imam Malik ini adalah kitab yang berisikan hadis - hadis Rasulullah Shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam, atsar - atsar (perkataan) para sahabat, fatawa - fatawa para tabi'in. Dia memilahnya dari seratus ribu hadis yang pernah dia riwayatka