7 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial Effect of Eco- Friendly Silver Nanoparticles Synthesis by Iraqi Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera) on Gram-Negative Biofilm-Forming Bacteria

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    يعد تصنيع دقائق الفضة النانوية بواسطة التمر بالطريقة الخضراء او النباتية واستخدامه كمضاد بكتيري. في الوقت الحاضر حصلت هذه الطريقة على اهتمام الباحثين النها امينة وغير سامة وقليلة التكلفة وصديقة للبيئة. تشتمل البكتريا المكونة للغشاء الحيوي والموجودة في الحليب المحلي المتوفر باالسواق على خطورة عالية على صحة المجتمع بسبب ان اغلب البكتريا المكونة للغشاء الحيوي تكون مقاومة للمضادات الحياتية. الهدف من الدراسة هو القضاء على البكتريا المكونة للغشاء الحيوي والموجودة بالحليب المحلي باستخدام عالجا بديال بتحضير دقائق الفضة النانوية من التمر. حيث كشفت قابلية البكتريا المعزولة من الحليب المحلي على تكوين الغشاء الحيوي باستخدام طريقة صبغة الكونغو الحمراء. حضرت دقائق الفضة النانوية باستخدام خالصة التمر. حيث تم فحص دقائق الفضة المصنوعة بواسطة جهاز االشعة فوق البنفسجية ومجهر القوة الذرية. تم تقييم فاعلية دقائق الفضة المصنعة المضادة للبكتريا بواسطة طريق االنتشار الحفر باألكار. اظهرت النتائج ان البكتريا المعزولة من الحليب والمنتجة للغشاء الحيوي هي االشرشيا القولونيةcoli. E بعدد 3 وال pneumoniae Klebsiellaبعدد 5 عزالت ضمن العزالت السالبة لصبغة غرام. حجم النانو المحضر كان 35 نانوميتر حيث تم الكشف عن تكونه بواسطة التغيير اللوني للمستخلص النباتي من اللون االصفر الى البني وقمة امتصاص عند 410 نانوميتر. كذلك اظهرت النتائج عن الفاعلية العالية لدقائق الفضة في القضاء على البكتريا السالبة لصبغة غرام و المنتجة للغشاء الحيوي. نستنتج من هذه الدراسة ان دقائق الفضة المصنعة من مستخلص التمر ذو كفاءة عالية في القضاء على البكتريا السالبة لصبغة غرام والمنتجة للغشاء الحيوي.Date palm silver nanoparticles are a green synthesis method used as antibacterial agents. Today, there is a considerable interest in it because it is safe, nontoxic, low costly and ecofriendly. Biofilm bacteria existing in marketed local milk is at highly risk on population health and may be life-threatening as most biofilm-forming bacteria are multidrug resistance. The goal of current study is to eradicate biofilm-forming bacteria by alternative treatment green synthesis silver nanoparticles. The biofilm formation by bacterial isolates was detected by Congo red method. The silver nanoparticles were prepared from date palm(khestawy) fruit extract. The formed nanoparticles were characterized with UV-Vis and AFM. The antibacterial activity of synthetic silver nanoparticles was evaluated by agar well diffusion method. Gram-negative bacteria isolates were E. coli in 3 isolates and Klebsiella pneumoniae in 5 isolates and all are biofilm producer. The size of synthetic green silver nanoparticles is 18 nm and the generation of silver nanoparticles was confirmed by change of date extract color from yellow to brown with an absorption maximum at 410 nm. Highly antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles was recorded in comparison to plant extract and silver nitrate against gram-negative biofilm-forming bacteria. From this study, the antibacterial activity of date palm silver nanoparticles was more efficient to eradicate gram negative biofilm[1]forming bacteria isolated from marketed local mil

    Phenotypic and Genotypic Detection of Biofilm Formation Pseudomonas oryzihabitance and Susceptibility to Antibiotics

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    Pseudomonas oryzihabitans is uncommon pathogen, but recently there may be warning of this bacterium to be dangerous, highly virulence, and may cause increase in morbidity and mortality rate, especially if there are multi-drug resistance and biofilm former. Biofilm forming bacteria display resistance to antibiotics, reaching to 1000 time higher than planktonic bacteria. The aim of the current study was to detect Pseudomonas oryzihabitans as biofilm producer and determine the susceptibility to the tested antibiotics. Pseudomonas oryzihabitans was isolated from urine of catheterized patients in Iraqi hospitals and diagnosed as biofilm former phenotypically by congo red and tissue culture plate methods, and genetically by polymerase chain reaction analysis to detect lasR gene (quarm sensing gene) as biofilm indicator and determine its susceptibility to antibiotics by disc diffusion and VITEK AST method. The results revealed that Pseudomonas oryzihabitans was present at 3 isolates; all of them had lasR gene and were resistant to most tested antibiotics at 100%, except that it showed sensitivity rate reaching to 100% to imipenem. From the present study, it was concluded that Pseudomonas oryzihabitans was isolated for the first time as biofilm producer from urinary catheter which possessed lasR gene as biofilm formation indicator, and the multi-drug resistance was considered as a distinctive feature of biofilm formation bacteria

    Fabrication of green synthesis zinc nanoparticles using (pomegranate), antibacterial and antibiofilm evaluation against human and animals MDR E.coli

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    Multidrug-resistant bacteria (MDR bacteria) cause a significant rise in mortality, morbidity, and treatment costs. To combat the problem of MDR bacterium emergence, scientists are turning to nanoparticles in general and green zinc oxide Nano particle (ZnO-NPs) in particular. Hence, UV spectroscopy, Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) were used to evaluate ZnO-NPs synthesized by a green synthesis technique using pomegranate leaves. The antibacterial undertaking of the synthesized green ZnO-NPs had been examined in opposition to Multidrug Resistant (MDR) microorganism of scientific importance (E.coli) by using ability of Agar well diffusion, it used to be decided that green ZnO-NPs has a synergetic effect in opposition to E.coli, which makes it a promising choice for use in drug products

    Association between Biofilm Formation and Susceptibility to Antibiotics in Staphylococcus Lentus Isolated from Urinary Catheterized Patients

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    Staphylococcus lentus (S. lentus) is a coagulase negative gram positive cocci recognized as opportunistic pathogens and rarely forming biofilm; it has many virulence factors, but recently caused nosocomial and community infections. Biofilm formation of Staphylococcus lentus may be associated with the ability to resist antibiotics which leads to increase in mortality rate due to the difficulty in eradicate infections. To evaluate the biofilm forming capacity of Staphylococcus lentus and its susceptibility to antibiotics, phenotypic and genotypic assays were used. Among 28 biofilm bacteria, Staphylococcus lentus was isolated and identified from urine catheterized patients who were hospitalized in different departments of four Iraqi hospitals (Al-Diwaniyah Teaching, Al-Hilla Teaching, Al Qassim and Al Hashimiyah Hospitals). Staphylococcus lentus was examined for detection of biofilm formation by detecting icaA gene, the intercellular adhesion gene which expressed adhesion factor to form biofilm in staphylococci by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method and tested for antimicrobial susceptibility by disc diffusion method and VITEK2 system according to guidelines of the Clinical & Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI).Three isolates of Staphylococcus lentus revealed the ability to form biofilm phenotypically which contained icaA gene with 100% antibiotics resistance to penicillin, carbenicillin, gentamicin, tobramycin, oxacillin, vancomycin, clindamycin, ciprofloxacin, and 0% antibiotics resistance to azithromycin. icaA genes are present in Staphylococcus lentus and responsible for biofilm formation which is considered as the indicator; biofilm formation is a strong cause of multidrug resistance in bacteria

    IL-18 Act as a Costimulus for Production of Interferon Gamma During Stimulation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) is the most important, resistant and dangerous organism in burn wound infections in human. Extracellular and virulence factors lead to tissue damage tissue damage during infection with P. aeruginosa. One important virulence factor including exotoxin A(ETA) encoded by the tox A gene. In this study, 45 wound swabs from burned skin patients admitted to Al-Hilla Teaching Hospital/Babylon, 2013 from different localities in Babylon were collected to study the frequency of P. aeruginosa and human immune response. Polymerase chain traction technique (PCR) was used for detection ETA gene as a virulent factor producing by P. aeruginosa from burned skin wound infections together with interferon gamma and interleukin 18. The results showed that P. aeruginosa had a frequency of 51.1% among burned skin patients. The bacteriological culture showed that 19 out of 45 (42.2 %) were positive for P. aeruginosa while 23 out of 45 (51.1 %) were positive for P. aeruginosa. Only 17 out of 23 (73.91 %) were ETA producing P. aeruginosa. Also bacteremia occurred only in 9 out of 17 (52.94 %) in ETA producing P. aeruginosa. P. aeruginosa infection was presented to a lesser degree. In addition to that P. aeruginosa that expresses the ETA gene were the most common and toxic pathogens in burned patients and lead to bacteremia and septicemia. The using of PCR technique a rapid and accurate technique might be helpful in combating its toxicity. ETA might contributed to the overall virulent factor

    Silver Nanoparticles as an Effective Anti-Nanobacterial System towards Biofilm Forming Pseudomonas oryzihabitans

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    Silver nanoparticles have been considered a powerful antimicrobial agents recently especially after increasing incidence of diseases associated with biofilm and multi-drug resistant pathogens required to find a novel path to eradicate that challenge. The present study aims to evaluate the antibacterial activity of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) using a cell-free extract of Enterobacter cloacae and chemo synthesis by sodium borohydride (NaBH4) on biofilm-forming Pseudomonas oryzihabitans. Antimicrobial effect of silver nanoparticles in both types and in combination with imipenem were evaluated by agar well diffusion method. The results revealed a good response to inhibit biofilm-forming Pseudomonas oryzihabitans growth by silver nanoparticles antibacterial activity in both types (biological and chemical) and in combination with imipenem; the antimicrobial effect was increased and enhanced. In the present study, it was found that the biological and chemical silver nanoparticles were considered a novel and decisive solution against biofilm and multi- drug resistance bacteria with a preference of biological silver nanoparticles

    Boosting Antimicrobial Activity of Imipenem in Combination with Silver Nanoparticles towards S. fonticola and Pantoea sp.

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    Silver nanoparticles have been considered as powerful antimicrobial agents recently, especially with the increasing incidence of diseases associated with biofilm and multi-drug resistant pathogens. The aim of this study was to synthesize silver nanoparticles by biological and chemical methods and combination with imipenem to eradicate biofilm-forming bacteria at phenotypic and genotypic levels. The biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles was done by using Enterobacter cloacae (cell-free suspension) while chemosynthesis was conducted using sodium borohydride. Biological and chemical silver nanoparticles were characterized by ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry which showed absorbance peak at 400 and 390nm respectively. Fourier transformer infrared analysis revealed that carboxylic and polyphenolic groups were coated on surface of both silver nanoparticles. Scanning electron microscope and size analyser showed that the sizes of biologically and chemically silver nanoparticles were 63 nm and 25 nm, respectively. In addition, it showed the formation of cubical nanoparticles. The antimicrobial effect of synthesized silver nanoparticles were evaluated by agar well diffusion and macrodilution method to determine minimum inhibitory concentration value. The results showed that biological silver nanoparticles were more effective on biofilm forming bacteria (Serratia fonticola and Pantoea sp.) than chemical synthesized ones. In addition, the combination effect between silver nanoparticles and imipenem displayed synergistic effect. Gene expression of biofilm encoding genes (smaI and esaL) were evaluated by real- time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT- qPCR) before and after treatment with silver nanoparticles in both types and imipenem and in combination between them. The results revealed that biological silver nanoparticles alone or in combination with antibiotics were more effective on biofilm gene expression by down regulation than other treatments