46 research outputs found

    Analisa Kandungan Rhodamin B dan Formalin pada Gula Merah Serta Pengetahuan dan Sikap Pedagang di Pasar Tradisional Kecamatan Medan Baru Tahun 2013

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    Rhodamine B and formaldehyde is colouration substance and preservative substance that prohibits to be utilized in food product. But there are still traders using rhodamine B and formaldehyde in food products and beverages. Brown sugar is one of the food ingredients that are often encountered in daily life. The purpose of this research is to determine the rhodamine B dye and preservative formaldehyde in brown sugar in the traditional market sub-district Medan Baru in 2013 and determine the level of knowledge and attitude of brown sugar's traders. This research is a simple descriptive. The method used is applicable in the examination of laboratory in brown sugar with chromatography paper (rhodamine B) and destilation method (formaldehyde) , interview using a questionnaire to 12 traders in traditional market sub-district Medan Baru. Based on the results of laboratory examination of the rhodamine B dye and preservative formaldehyde in brown sugar is known that all (100%) of brown sugar does not contain dyes rhodamine B and preservative formaldehyde. The results of questionnaire showed that traders with knowledge of enough category as many as 9 (75.0%), traders with knowledge of good category as many as 2 (16.7%) and traders with knowledge of less category as many as 1 (8.3%). Traders with attitude of enough category as many as 7 (58.3%), traders with attitude of good category as many as 4 (33.3%) and traders with attitude of less category as many as 1 (8.3%). Traders are advised to pay more attention to the brown sugar to be sold and the buyer to be more careful selection of the brown sugar that is not harmful for consumption. To the government to more tighten supervision and checks periodically on brown sugar so there is no use dye substances nor preservative not allowed as rhodamine B and formaldehyde

    Higiene Sanitasi dan Analisis Zat Pemanis Buatan pada Dodol yang di Produksi di Kecamatan Panyabungan Kabupaten Mandailing Natal Tahun 2012

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    Hygiene sanitation and analysis of artificial sweeteners on the produce of dodol on Kecamatan Panyabungan Kabupaten Mandailing Natal in 2012. Dodol is a kind of snack which is popular and spread among the Indonesian community. The process which is home industry made the control of sweetener USAge is unclear, based on the producer desire. More over the process is still traditionally, as of the workers do not care enough to the hygiene sanitation of the dodol making process. The purpose of this research was to obtain the description of hygiene sanitation process and the analysis of artificial sweeteners content on the produce of dodol snack in Kecamatan Panyabungan Kabupaten Mandailing Natal in 2012. The type of this research was descriptive survey by observing sanitation hygiene and laboratory analysis to obtain artificial sweetener contents on dodol. The result of the research showsed that hygiene sanitation principal on dodol making process which comply with Ministry of Health Decree of Indonesia Number 942 / Menkes / SK / VII/2003 was storage of raw. From the 7 samples of dodol which inspected, there were 3 samples which contain of artificial sweeteners with saccharin grading are 00274 mg/kg, 0.0073 mg/kg, and 0.0054 mg/kg which comply with health permit, according to Permenkes RI No.722/Menkes/Per / IX/1988. The Health Department needs to conduct a thorough counseling and supervision by the related institution (Department of Health) on the importance of food hygiene sanitation, also counseling to the producer in the USAge of food sweeteners

    Analisis Kandungan Cadmium (Cd), Timbal (Pb) dan Formaldehid pada Beberapa Ikan Segar di Kub (Kelompok USAha Bersama) Belawan, Kecamatan Medan Belawan Tahun 2015

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    Fresh fish is the type of fish which has the same characteristic as living fish, in shape, smell, taste and texture, hasn't gone through preserving process or any other further processing. The fish which is taken mostly comes from Belawan Sea, with the size of 1 kg, 0.5 kg an 0.3 kg. One of the closest fish market with the Belawan Sea is KUB (Kelompok Usaha Bersama). The purpose of this research is to find out the content of cadmium (Cd), metal (Pb) and formaldehyde in the fresh fish which comes from KUB Belawan. The method is descriptive survey to analize the content of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and formaldehyde in some fresh fish. The result showed that the level of cadmium (Cd) in tuna fish (Euthynnus affinis) with the size of 1 kg, 0,5 kg and 0,3 kg are 0,04 mg/kg, 0,01 mg/kg and 0,003 mg/kg and in white snapper fish (Lates calcarifer) are 0,01 mg/kg, < 0,003 mg/kg and < 0,003 mg/kg. The result showed that the level of lead (Pb) in tuna fish with the size of 1 kg, 0,5 kg and 0,3 kg are 0,167 mg/kg, 0,131 mg/kg and 0,101 mg/kg and in white snapper fish are 0,140 mg/kg, < 0,0025 mg/kg and < 0,0025 mg/kg. Formaldehyde showed is negative result. Based on SNI 7387:2009 regarding the maximum limit of heavy metal pollution in food product, which was drafted by taking into account the Ditjen POM Decision No.03725/B/SK/VII/1989, the level of cadmium and lead in tuna fish and white snapper are under the treshold limit value which are 0,1 mg/kg and 0,3 mg/kg. The highest level of cadmium and lead was found in fish with the bigger size and the value of formaldehyde in fishes that were taken from KUB Belawan is negative. The fish from Belawan Sea is safe to consume, but it's better to consume the small size fish instead of the bigger ones

    Sanitasi Pengolahan dan Pemeriksaan Larva Cacing Pita pada Daging Anjing di Rumah Makan Panggang B1 Sekitar Padang Bulan Simpang Selayang Medan Tahun 2013

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    Sanitary processing and examination taperworm larvae in dog meats in restaurants around padang bulan simpang selayang medan 2013. Various microorganisem can cause disease in humans,either directly or through the intermediaries of the animal (zoonoses),from the class cestoda are parasitic zoonoses including the Echinococcus granulosus transmitted by dog meat which can cause hidaditosis in humans. This study aims to determine the condition of the dog meat hygiene sanitary processing and analyzing the content of larval tapeworm ( Echinococus granulosus ) in dog meat served in restaurant around Padang Bulan Simpang Selayang Medan. The examination conducted in the Laboratory Medilab with muscle compression method and digestive muscles. Results of the study showed that the sanitation principles restourant roast B1 Padang Bulan Simpang Selayang Medan not meet health requirements in accordance with Kepmenkes RI No. 942 / Menkes / SK / VII / 2003 on the principle of processing, keeping, transport, and presentation of meat. At six raw meat samples examined there were two positive samples of raw meat containing tapeworm larvae, after being continued to muscle method, known tapeworm larvaes are still infective. While the meat samples were baked half-cooked and baked until cooked perfectly, there are no larval tapeworms. To break the chain of worm infection in dogs, needs to improve the quality of environment sanitation communities around the residence, and provide good feed for dogs cooked. Besides that dog meat to consumers to cook until the meat perfectly cooked to be consumed on order to avoid paraditic infection

    Analisis Zat Pewarna pada Kepah (Polymesoda Erosa) Asin yang Dijual di Pasar Sentral dan Pasar Sukaramai di Kota Medan Tahun 2013

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    Salty mussel is not one of fast food that need further processing in order can be consumed. Salty mussel is always sold with the bright yellow and orange color in order to look fresh and interesting. But sometimes dyes used are dyes that are not safe to eat, so it so necessary to identify the type and level of dyes used whether qualified or not. This research is a descriptive research. Samples were taken in total sampling from the Central and Sukaramai market on Medan city, which amounts to 10 samples. And than, samples were examined in the Medan Health Laboratory. Examination conducted on the samples before and after washing. Dye analysis conducted by qualitative and quantitative test. The results showed that of the 10 samples were not washed, there were 9 samples that do not qualify for consumption because it contains a banned dye (Orange RN) and contain dyes that are allowed (sunset yellow and tetrazine) in the amount of 52-560 mg/kg who have exceeded the allowed limit 30 mg/kg. And the results of a study of a sample after washing showed that there is a decrease of dye concentration of 0.3 - 1.8 mg/kg. However, the results of the study remains that of the 10 samples after washing there are 9 samples that do not qualify for consumption and only 1 sample safely consumed by Permenkes RI No.722/Menkes/Per/IX/1988. Therefore, it is important to have monitoring, evaluation and counseling on the use of food additives in particular dyes that use is in accordance with the applicable regulations

    Analisa Kandungan Timbal (Pb) pada Minyak Sebelum dan Sesudah Penggorengan yang Digunakan Pedagang Gorengan Sekitar Kawasan Traffic Light Kota Medan Tahun 2012

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    Analysis of lead (pb) in cooking oils before and after frying that used by merchant at traffic light area of Medan city in 2012. Some fried food merchants located at the intersection of the highway near the traffic lights, where it was risk contaminated by lead resulting smoke emission vehicles. Lipophilic of lead could be attached to the cooking oils. This study was descriptive research, intended to know the levels of lead (Pb) in the cooking oils before and after fried that used fried merchants caused smoke pollution. The object of this study were 10 points cooking oils samples consist of 5 samples before and 5 samples after fried. The results of the study showed that there was one sample before frying cooking oils that were not eligible under the Regulation of BPOM RI No. HK. 2009, while the other four were eligible. For samples of cooking oils after fried, all points were not eligible. Behaviors of merchants at five intersections also was still not in accordance with the principles of food hygiene and sanitation in food processed to avoid contamination of lead (Pb). It was recommended to the Medan City Health Department to coach and supervise the fried food trade that were found sold friend food in the highway intersections