10 research outputs found

    Pathways to care and outcomes among hospitalised HIV-seropositive persons with cryptococcal meningitis in South Africa.

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    INTRODUCTION: Cryptococcus causes 15% of AIDS-related deaths and in South Africa, with its high HIV burden, is the dominant cause of adult meningitis. Cryptococcal meningitis (CM) mortality is high, partly because patients enter care with advanced HIV disease and because of failure of integrated care following CM diagnosis. We evaluated pathways to hospital care, missed opportunities for HIV testing and initiation of care. METHODS: We performed a cross-sectional study at five public-sector urban hospitals. We enrolled adults admitted with a first or recurrent episode of cryptococcal meningitis. Study nurses conducted interviews, supplemented by a prospective review of medical charts and laboratory records. RESULTS: From May to October 2015, 102 participants were enrolled; median age was 40 years (interquartile range [IQR] 33.9-46.7) and 56 (55%) were male. In the six weeks prior to admission, 2/102 participants were asymptomatic, 72/100 participants sought care at a public-sector facility, 16/100 paid for private health care. The median time from seeking care to admission was 4 days (IQR, 0-27 days). Of 94 HIV-seropositive participants, only 62 (66%) knew their status and 41/62 (66%) had ever taken antiretroviral treatment. Among 13 participants with a known previous CM episode, none were taking fluconazole maintenance therapy. In-hospital management was mostly amphotericin B; in-hospital mortality was high (28/92, 30%). Sixty-four participants were discharged, 92% (59/64) on maintenance fluconazole, 4% (3/64) not on fluconazole and 3% (2/64) unknown. Twelve weeks post-discharge, 31/64 (48%) participants were lost to follow up. By 12 weeks post discharge 7/33 (21%) had died. Interviewed patients were asked if they were still on fluconazole, 11% (2/18) were not. CONCLUSIONS: Among hospitalised participants with CM, there were many missed opportunities for HIV care and linkage to ART prior to admission. Universal reflex CrAg screening may prompt earlier diagnosis of cryptococcal meningitis but there is a wider problem of timely linkage to care for HIV-seropositive people

    Molecular type distribution and fluconazole susceptibility of clinical Cryptococcus gattii isolates from South African laboratory-based surveillance, 2005-2013.

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    As is the case globally, Cryptococcus gattii is a less frequent cause of cryptococcosis than Cryptococcus neoformans in South Africa. We performed multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and fluconazole susceptibility testing of 146 isolates randomly selected from 750 South African patients with C. gattii disease identified through enhanced laboratory surveillance, 2005 to 2013. The dominant molecular type was VGIV (101/146, 70%), followed by VGI (40/146, 27%), VGII (3/146, 2%) and VGIII (2/146, 1%). Among the 146 C. gattii isolates, 99 different sequence types (STs) were identified, with ST294 (14/146, 10%) and ST155 (10/146, 7%) being most commonly observed. The fluconazole MIC50 and MIC90 values of 105 (of 146) randomly selected C. gattii isolates were 4 μg/ml and 16 μg/ml, respectively. VGIV isolates had a lower MIC50 value compared to non-VGIV isolates, but these values were within one double-dilution of each other. HIV-seropositive patients had a ten-fold increased adjusted odds of a VGIV infection compared to HIV-seronegative patients, though with small numbers (99/136; 73% vs. 2/10; 20%), the confidence interval (CI) was wide (95% CI: 1.93-55.31, p = 0.006). Whole genome phylogeny of 98 isolates of South Africa's most prevalent molecular type, VGIV, identified that this molecular type is highly diverse, with two interesting clusters of ten and six closely related isolates being identified, respectively. One of these clusters consisted only of patients from the Mpumalanga Province in South Africa, suggesting a similar environmental source. This study contributed new insights into the global population structure of this important human pathogen

    Sequence type distribution among pneumocoocal non-conjugate vaccine serotype pneumococci causing invasive disease in South African children <2 years (n = 74), 2007.

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    1<p>Other serotypes associated with this sequence type (as listed in the MLST global database <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0107666#pone.0107666-Aanensen2" target="_blank">[28]</a>) but not identified in this study, are within parantheses.</p><p>Sequence types representing isolates with reduced susceptibility to penicillin are in bold typeface.</p><p>Sequence type distribution among pneumocoocal non-conjugate vaccine serotype pneumococci causing invasive disease in South African children <2 years (n = 74), 2007.</p

    Population Snapshot of <i>Streptococcus pneumoniae</i> Causing Invasive Disease in South Africa Prior to Introduction of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines

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    <div><p>We determined the sequence types of isolates that caused invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) prior to routine use of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV) in South Africa. PCV-13 serotypes and 6C isolates collected in 2007 (1 461/2 437, 60%) from patients of all ages as part of on-going, national, laboratory-based surveillance for IPD, were selected for genetic characterization. In addition, all 134 non-PCV isolates from children <2 years were selected for characterization. Sequence type diversity by serotype and age category (children <5 years vs. individuals ≥5 years) was assessed for PCV serotypes using Simpson’s index of diversity. Similar genotypes circulated among isolates from children and adults and the majority of serotypes were heterogeneous. While globally disseminated clones were common among some serotypes (e.g., serotype 1 [clonal complex (CC) 217, 98% of all serotype 1] and 14 [CC230, 43%)]), some were represented mainly by clonal complexes rarely reported elsewhere (e.g., serotype 3 [CC458, 60%] and 19A [CC2062, 83%]). In children <2 years, serotype 15B and 8 were the most common serotypes among non-PCV isolates (16% [22/134] and 15% [20/134] isolates, respectively). Sequence type 7052 and 53 were most common among serotypes 15B and 8 isolates and accounted for 58% (7/12) and 64% (9/14) of the isolates, respectively. Serotype 19F, 14, 19A and 15B had the highest proportions of penicillin non-susceptible isolates. Genotypes rarely reported in other parts of the world but common among some of our serotypes highlight the importance of our data as these genotypes may emerge post PCV introduction.</p></div

    Serotype and clonal complex distribution of penicillin non-susceptible (PNS) and multidrug-resistant (MDR) isolates causing invasive pneumococcal disease in South Africa, 2007.

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    1<p>Only clonal complexes/singletons with at least one penicillin non-susceptible (PNS) isolate are reflected in the table;</p>2<p>Percentage of isolates that are penicillin non-susceptible within the specified clonal complex,</p>3<p>Percentage of isolates that are multi-drug resistant (MDR) within the specified clonal complex.</p><p>Serotype and clonal complex distribution of penicillin non-susceptible (PNS) and multidrug-resistant (MDR) isolates causing invasive pneumococcal disease in South Africa, 2007.</p

    Diversity of sequence types within serotypes.

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    <p>Simpson’s index of diversity was used to assess diversity of isolates that caused invasive pneumococcal disease in 2007 among individuals of all ages, South Africa.</p

    Decreasing fluconazole susceptibility of clinical South African Cryptococcus neoformans isolates over a decade.

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    BackgroundFluconazole is used in combination with amphotericin B for induction treatment of cryptococcal meningitis and as monotherapy for consolidation and maintenance treatment. More than 90% of isolates from first episodes of cryptococcal disease had a fluconazole minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) ≤4 μg/ml in a Gauteng population-based surveillance study of Cryptococcus neoformans in 2007-2008. We assessed whether fluconazole resistance had emerged in clinical cryptococcal isolates over a decade.Methodology and principal findingsWe prospectively collected C. neoformans isolates from 1 January through 31 March 2017 from persons with a first episode of culture-confirmed cryptococcal disease at 37 South African hospitals. Isolates were phenotypically confirmed to C. neoformans species-complex level. We determined fluconazole MICs (range: 0.125 μg/ml to 64 μg/ml) of 229 C. neoformans isolates using custom-made broth microdilution panels prepared, inoculated and read according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute M27-A3 and M60 recommendations. These MIC values were compared to MICs of 249 isolates from earlier surveillance (2007-2008). Clinical data were collected from patients during both surveillance periods. There were more males (61% vs 39%) and more participants on combination induction antifungal treatment (92% vs 32%) in 2017 compared to 2007-2008. The fluconazole MIC50, MIC90 and geometric mean MIC was 4 μg/ml, 8 μg/ml and 4.11 μg/ml in 2017 (n = 229) compared to 1 μg/ml, 2 μg/ml and 2.08 μg/ml in 2007-2008 (n = 249) respectively. Voriconazole, itraconazole and posaconazole Etests were performed on 16 of 229 (7%) C. neoformans isolates with a fluconazole MIC value of ≥16 μg/ml; only one had MIC values of >32 μg/ml for these three antifungal agents.Conclusions and significanceFluconazole MIC50 and MIC90 values were two-fold higher in 2017 compared to 2007-2008. Although there are no breakpoints, higher fluconazole doses may be required to maintain efficacy of standard treatment regimens for cryptococcal meningitis