5,710 research outputs found

    An Analysis on the Students’ Mastery in Using Preposition in, on, at

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    The purpose of this research to analyze of students’ mastery in using preposition (in, on and at) and also concerned the problems faced for students’ mastery on using preposition (in, on and at). This research used qualitative research. The writer chose the Eleventh Grade students of SMKN 1 Bangkinang kota. The respondents are 36 students. Based on the result of the test, the writer conclude that the profile of students’ mastery such as: 3 students out of 36 students the level of preposition mastery is “good” and the percentage is 8,3%, 11 students or out of 36 students is “enough” and the percentage 30,5%, 21 students or out of 36 students is “poor” and the percentage is 58,3%, and 1 students or out of 36 students is “Failed” and the percentage is 2,7%”. The problems faced of students’ mastery are: the students confused to answer the question on using preposition (in, on, and at). They do not understand the differences of each preposition. Because it has similar meaning. Which explain the time and place. Students are less concerned when they to use in, on or at because they think it is less attention when talking directly.  The problem that is caused by the language transfer. In contrary, this study concern with that rules. And they usually used generalization or ordinary usage without saw the context of sentence

    Sidik Cepat Isolat-Isolat Bakteri Patogenik TerhadaP Spodoptera litura (Fab.), Helicoverpa armigera (Hub.) Dan Plutella xylostella (L.)

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    Intisari: Beberapa isolat yang mempunyai kemampuan membunuh serangga hama sasaran Spodoptera litura (Fab.) (BNT 7, KP8, dan KLPR2), Helicoverpa armigera (Hub.) (PNG9, G6, dan PNG10) dan Plutella xybstella (L.) (KLPR1, SML 7, dan KLPR4) dipilih sebagai isolat yang paling unggul dan selanjutnya diidentifikasi pada aras molekuler dengan menggunakan pelacak DNA Teknar (Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis) dan Dipel (Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaM). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa BNT 7 dan KP8 berkerabat sangat erat dengan B. thuringiensis var. israelensis, sedang PNG 9, G6, PNG 10, KLPR 1 dan SLM 7 kekerabatannya sangat erat dengan Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaM. Hal ini didasar-kan atas besamya nilai prosentase homologi DNA-DNA antara pelacak DNA dengan DNA isolat, yang besarnya lebih dari 70 %, dengan perkataan lain, isolat tersebut berhasil diidentifikasi sebagai B. thuringiensis var. israelensis dan B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki. Adapun isolat KLPR1 dan KLPR4 tidak dapat diidentifikasi ke dalam dua pelacak di atas karena nilai homologinya sangat rendah. Kata kunci:sidik cepat, bakteri patogenikSpodoptera litura (Fab.), Helicoverpa armigera (Hub.), Plutella xylostella (L.

    Pengembangan Potensi Masyarakat Kampung Perawang Barat dan Analisis UMKM Industri Rumah Tahu Pak Tomo

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    Program Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) dirancang sebagai upaya untuk mengintegrasikan teori akademis dengan pengalaman praktis mahasiswa di lapangan. Program ini tidak hanya memungkinkan mahasiswa mengaplikasikan pengetahuan mereka dalam kehidupan nyata, tetapi juga membantu mereka mengembangkan keterampilan praktis seperti komunikasi, pemecahan masalah, dan kepemimpinan. Salah satu contoh lokasi KKN adalah Kampung Perawang Barat, yang mayoritas penduduknya adalah petani dan karyawan swasta, serta aktif dalam pengembangan UMKM. Namun, pelaku UMKM di desa ini menghadapi berbagai kendala seperti kurangnya pengetahuan mengenai branding, pemasaran digital, inovasi produk, dan legalitas produk. Dalam menghadapi persaingan pasar yang semakin ketat, pelaku UMKM perlu mencari solusi baru dan melakukan evaluasi terhadap strategi bisnis mereka. Oleh karena itu, tim Mahasiswa KKN MBKM Universitas Riau merencanakan program kerja yang melibatkan penyuluhan dan analisis terhadap UMKM Industri Rumah Tahu Pak Tomo di Kampung Perawang Barat, mencakup aspek keuangan, sumber daya manusia, dan pemasaran. Dengan demikian, program KKN memberikan manfaat ganda bagi mahasiswa dan masyarakat lokal

    Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship Analysis Of Curcumin And Its Derivatives As GST Inhibitors Based On Computational Chemistry Calculation = Analisis Hubungan Kuantitatif Struktur-Aktivitas Kurkumin dan...

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    ABSTRACT The Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) study was established on curcumin and its derivatives as glutathione S-transferase(s) (GSTs) inhibitors using atomic net charges as the descriptors. The charges were resulted by semiempirical AM1 and PM3 quantum-chemical calculations using computational chemistry approach. The inhibition activity was expressed as the concentration that gave 50% inhibition of GSTs activity (IC50). The selection of the best QSAR equation models was determined by multiple linear regression analysis. This research was related to the nature of GSTs as multifunctional enzymes, which play an important role in the detoxification of electrophilic compounds, the process of inflammation and the effectivity of anticancer compounds. The result showed that AM1 semiempirical method gave better descriptor for the construction of QSAR equation model than PM3 did. The best QSAR equation model was described by : log 1/1050= -2,238 â 17,326 qC2⢠+ 1,876 gar + 9,200 qCs⢠The equation was significant at 95% level with statistical parameters : n = 10, m = 3, r = 0,839, SE = 0,254, F = 4,764, F/Frable = 1,001. Keywords: QSAR analysis, curcumin, glutathione S-transferase(s) (GSTs), atomic net charg
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