1 research outputs found

    Utica Project (Tunisia). Excavations in the Phoenician鈥慞unic city. Results of the 2016 season

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    Se presentan los resultados de la campa帽a de excavaciones de 2016 en Utica (T煤nez). En la Zona II se continu贸 excavando en el corte 21 buscando la delimitaci贸n del muro perimetral de un edificio fenicio arcaico. Se continu贸 la excavaci贸n al norte de dicho corte de una fosa romana. En la zona I se continu贸 la excavaci贸n en los sectores 21 y 22 del corte 10. El primero dio como resultado un pavimento perteneciente a una vivienda quiz谩 del siglo III鈥慖I a. C. En el segundo sector, situado al extremo noreste del corte, se localiz贸 una posible calle que delimitar铆a la manzana urbana fenicio鈥憄煤nica. En el corte 11 se efectu贸 una ampliaci贸n al norte que descubri贸 una plataforma de cimentaci贸n hecha con grandes bloques, posiblemente para sostener el muro perimetral noreste del templo del siglo IV a. C. Por 煤ltimo, se efectu贸 una prospecci贸n geof铆sica en las zonas I y II para comprobar los l铆mites de la ciudad y la existencia de estructuras antiguas en las inmediaciones de la antigua l铆nea de costa.In the article are presented the results of the excavation season of 2016 at Utica (Tunisia). In Zone II the excavation went on in square 21 searching the delimitation of a perimetral wall of an archaic Phoenician building. North of the square was continued the excavation of a Roman pit. In Zone I, square 10, the excavation focused in sectors 21 and 22. The first one gave as a result a pavement that belongs to a house maybe of the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. In the second sector, placed at the north-east extreme of the square, was localized a possible street which could delimitate an urban Phoenician-Punic block. In square 11 an enlargement in the north area discovered a foundation platform built with ashlars, likely to support the north-east perimetral wall of the temple of 4th century BC. Finally, a geophysical survey was done in zones I and II to check the limits of the city and the existence of ancient structures in the surroundings of the ancient coastal line