690 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurship, Spillovers and Productivity Growth in the Small Firm Sector of UK Manufacturing

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    This paper considers the sources of technological change and productivity growth in the small firm sector of UK manufacturing over the period 1973- 2002, focusing on the mechanisms by which spillovers occur between the large firms which perform the bulk of R&D and smaller firms which are the recipients. It is argued that the current volume of domestic R&D generates profitable and high productivity opportunities for smaller firms. However this mechanism ignores the ways in which R&D also contributes to the more general knowledge base available to small firms as codified information which frequently takes the measurable form of industrial standards. A simple model of labour demand among small manufacturing is developed which employs two measures of technological activity intended to capture both these channels. A co-integrating relationship based upon an augmented labour demand equation is established for UK manufacturing, showing the relevance of both channels for the explanation of productivity growth in the small firm sector.Key Words: Small firms; productivity; technological change; R&D; standards.

    The return of the sacred: Collective action of Copts during Muslim Brotherhood rule

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    The outbreak of the Arab Spring and the subsequent overthrow of Mubarak in 2011 gave ‎way to the rise of Islamists to power. The Muslim Brotherhood’s regime was perceived ‎by the Coptic community, in particular, as a real threat to Copts’ collective identities. In ‎response, ordinary Christians started to organize around religion as well as the religious ‎group to which they belong in order to manage perceived as well as real fears and ‎uncertainties prevailing at the time. This has eventually incited new patterns of ‎communal political activism among Christians, who seemingly embarked on “street ‎politics” rather than “electoral politics” in resisting the incumbent, which was ‎noticeably seen in the massive protests of June 30th, 2013. This thesis is an engagement with the underlying causes and mechanisms that were ‎motivating collective action of Copts during the Brotherhood’s rule. Broadly, it seeks to ‎establish a linkage between religion and politics. Utilizing a social identity theory and a ‎mixed-method consisting of both qualitative and quantitative indicators, I argue that ‎communal behavior of Copts was basically shaped by growing religious fears shared by ‎Coptic constituencies at the time while the Islamists were in office. Dynamics which ‎were transforming religious worries into real action are further discussed. The current ‎thesis contributes to literature on transition through its emphasis on the causes and ‎mechanisms that construct and reconstruct identities of “subaltern” religious minorities ‎‎(i.e., Egypt’s Copts) during times of sociopolitical transformation.

    African World View and Religion

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    Folkloric behavior : a theory for the study of the dynamics of traditional culture

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    Revised edition of dissertation. Revisions from the original print edition held by the library are noted in the preface. Pagination also differs from original print edition."Folklore" may be defined as a class of learned, traditional responses forming a distinct type of behavior. The individual must undergo the psychological process of learning in order to acquire the responses of folkloric behavior, and this learning process occurs under conditions determined by social and cultural factors. The fundamental factors involved in learning are: drive, cue, response, and reward. Secondary factors such as repetition, recency, and ego involvement can contribute, but their presence is not required in the process of learning. Folkloric behavior is distinguishable from non traditional, non folkloric behavior, and consequently, folkloric responses are distinguishable from other classes of responses, such as those characteristic of modern science and technology. Thus, folklorists should initially concern themselves with folkloric responses (narrating, believing, singing, applying a proverb, or dancing) and relevant social and cultural factors before proceeding to the study of the folklore items themselves (narratives, beliefs, songs, proverbs, or dances). Through the application of psychological theories of individual and social learning to folkloric phenomena, we can gain an understanding of the forces affecting the perpetuation or extinction of folklore and thus can explain the function of a particular folkloric response in a particular community

    Behaviorism and the Text

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    FDI versus local industrial investment: a human capital perspective of development

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    This research looks at three automotive components\u27 factories in Egypt, equally benchmarked in all aspects, except for the nationality and nature of their ownership structure and their unique management arrangements and styles. One is totally foreign owned, but co-managed, the second is partly foreign owned, and managed, and the third is totally Egyptian-owned and managed. The study eventually, seeks to uncover the inner workings of the role of FDI vis-Ã -vis that of local industrial intellectual elite (progressive entrepreneurs), in conjunction with the pattern of intermittent reliance on foreign technical assistance. It probes the different ways these three different arrangement settings differ or converge in their agency for human capital accumulation, in the form of technical cultural and social expertise, while levering aspects of leadership and empowerment. â Way- backâ appointed employee samples, in each factory, are tested against their most recently appointed counterparts, for their level of accumulated technical, social and cultural expertise. The research incorporates a varied mix of tools of statistical analysis, where â a single case study with multiple embedded units study\u27 approach, including , theoretical and political-economic contextualization, all combine, in order to give a clearer picture of the situation of industrial modernity versus overall modernity against a contemporary discourse of global modernity