607 research outputs found

    Emergency remote teaching and learning vs face-to-face: When are students more likely to fall behind?

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    The COVID-19 global pandemic brought about a shift from traditional face-to-face teaching and learning to emergency remote teaching and learning (ERT) in higher education institutions across the world. Prior studies have explored both instructor and student perceptions of ERT and identified self-regulated learning (SRL) as a major challenge. The question remains whether perceptions translate to student behaviour and if so, it will be important to address these self-regulation challenges as poor SRL has been linked to weaker academic achievement. This study investigated whether students exhibit inferior SRL strategies in ERT by falling further behind, as compared to a face-to-face setting. In order to measure how far behind students are, student access log-data from four undergraduate modules offered at Stellenbosch University in the 2019 (face-to-face setting) and 2020 (ERT setting) academic years were used. An analysis of variances model tested whether there was a difference in the number of days that students were behind for the two modes of teaching and learning. The results indicate that students are indeed more likely to fall behind during ERT as compared to face-to-face teaching and learning, thus exhibiting inferior SRL. This was statistically significant and pervasive across the different modules and time period investigated. These results will be of interest to higher education institutions as the onslaught of the pandemic has not only highlighted the need for improved ERT readiness, but it has also brought to the fore the need for a more digitally integrated offering as standard practice. Since it is unlikely that higher education institutions will return to a model identical to the pre-COVID-19 offering, this study contributes to finding the focus areas that will need to be addressed in a future hybrid model of teaching and learning

    Effect of Oxygen and Nitrogen Sparging during Grape Fermentation on Volatile Sulphur Compounds

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    Elemental sulphur is a common fungicide applied in vineyards before harvest, and has been found toincrease the production of desirable polyfunctional mercaptans, but also H2S and unwanted reductivesulphur aroma compounds. This paper investigates the effectiveness of oxygen and nitrogen sparging,applied during fermentation, on the removal of volatile sulphur compounds in Sauvignon blanc wines.Increasing the amount of elemental sulphur added to grapes after pressing, from nil to 10 to 100 mg/L,led to an increase in the formation of 3-mercaptohexanol (3MH), of 3-mercaptohexyl acetate (3MHA) forthe 10 mg/L additions only, and of some unwanted reductive compounds. Few changes were observed inthe concentrations of aroma compounds when the juices were sparged with nitrogen during fermentation.Additions of oxygen during fermentation led to some decrease in the concentration of polyfunctionalmercaptans for the 10 mg/L sulphur additions, but did not significantly remove reductive aroma compounds.Few differences were observed in the concentration of wine phenolics or of further wine aroma familieswith any of the treatments

    Anthropogenic Food Subsidy to a Commensal Carnivore: The Value and Supply of Human Faeces in the Diet of Free-Ranging Dogs

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    As the global population of free-ranging domestic dogs grows, there is increasing concern about impacts on human health and wildlife conservation. Effective management of dog populations requires reliable information on their diet, feeding behavior, and social ecology. Free-ranging dogs are reliant on humans, but anthropogenic food subsidies, particularly human faeces (i.e., coprophagy) have not previously been fully quantified. In this study we assess the contributions of different food types to the diet, and their influences on the social behaviour of free-ranging dogs in communal lands of rural Zimbabwe, with a focus on coprophagy. Free-ranging dog diets, body condition, and sociology were studied amongst 72 dogs over 18 months using scat analysis and direct observations. Human faeces constituted the fourth most common item in scats (56% occurrence) and contributed 21% by mass to the observed diet. Human faeces represented a valuable resource because relative to other food items it was consistently available, and of higher nutritional value than ‘sadza’ (maize porridge, the human staple and primary human-derived food), yielding 18.7% crude protein and 18.7 KJ/kg gross energy, compared to 8.3% and 18.5 KJ/kg for sadza, respectively. Human faeces had protein and energy values equivalent to mammal remains, another important food item. Dog condition was generally good, with 64% of adult females and 74% of adult males in the highest two body condition scores (on a five point scale), suggesting a plentiful and high quality food supply. Dogs largely fed alone, perhaps as a consequence of the small, inert, and spatially dispersed items that comprise their diet, and its abundance. We discuss the relationships between sanitation, human development, the supply of human faeces, female dog fertility, and population control

    Does pre-COVID impulsive behaviour predict adherence to hygiene and social distancing measures in youths following the COVID-19 pandemic onset? Evidence from a South African longitudinal study

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    BACKGROUND: Engagement in protective behaviours relating to the COVID-19 pandemic has been proposed to be key to infection control. This is particularly the case for youths as key drivers of infections. A range of factors influencing adherence have been identified, including impulsivity and risk taking. We assessed the association between pre-COVID impulsivity levels and engagement in preventative measures during the COVID-19 pandemic in a longitudinal South African sample, in order to inform future pandemic planning. METHODS: Data were collected from N = 214 youths (mean age at baseline: M = 17.81 (SD = .71), 55.6% female) living in a South African peri-urban settlement characterised by high poverty and deprivation. Baseline assessments were taken in 2018/19 and the COVID follow-up was conducted in June–October 2020 via remote data collection. Impulsivity was assessed using the Balloon Analogue Task (BART), while hygiene and social distancing behaviours were captured through self-report. Stepwise hierarchical regression analyses were performed to estimate effects of impulsivity on measure adherence. RESULTS: Self-rated engagement in hygiene behaviours was high (67.1–86.1% “most of the time”, except for “coughing/sneezing into one’s elbow” at 33.3%), while engagement in social distancing behaviours varied (22.4–57.8% “most of the time”). Higher impulsivity predicted lower levels of hygiene (β = .14, p = .041) but not social distancing behaviours (β = −.02, p = .82). This association was retained when controlling for a range of demographic and COVID-related factors (β = .14, p = .047) and was slightly reduced when including the effects of a life-skills interventions on hygiene behaviour (β = −.13, p = .073). CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that impulsivity may predict adolescent engagement in hygiene behaviours post COVID-19 pandemic onset in a high risk, sub-Saharan African setting, albeit with a small effect size. For future pandemics, it is important to understand predictors of engagement, particularly in the context of adversity, where adherence may be challenging. Limitations include a small sample size and potential measure shortcomings

    Statistička analiza nanokapsuliranja niskomolekularnog heparina

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    The objective of this study was to use Box-Behnken design (BBD) to investigate the influence of formulation variables on the properties of heparin-loaded poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA)-Eudragit-RLPO (E-RLPO) nanoparticles (NP) in terms of mean diameter (as size) and drug encapsulation efficiency. The NPs were prepared by the double emulsion solvent evaporation method. The independent variables were: X1 olymer mass ratio (PLGA:E-RLPO) in the oil phase, X2 concentration of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as emulsion stabilizer, and X3 volume of the external aqueous phase (W2). Particle size (analyzed by dynamic light scattering) and encapsulation efficiency (EE, estimated by spectrophotometry) were the investigated responses. The polynomial equation obtained from regression analysis of the reduced model (p = 0.0002, F = 25.7952 and R2 = 0.96) provided an excellent fit. The optimal size for the NP was found to be 134.2 ± 16.5 nm with formulation variables of 48.2:61.8, 0.321 (%, m/V) and 263 mL for X1, X2 and X3, respectively. Probably, due to electrostatic interaction between the negatively charged drug and the positively charged E-RLPO, the percent EE of heparin was between 74.4 ± 6.5 % (lowest value) and 92.1 ± 5.3 % (highest value). The data suggest that BBD is a useful tool in rational design of heparin-loaded NPs.Box-Behnkenovo dizajniranje (BBD) primijenjeno je za praćenje utjecaja formulacijskih varijabli na svojstva nanočestica (NP) s heparinom. Za izradu nanočestica korišten je kopolimer mliječne i glikolne kiseline (PLGA) i Eudragit-RLPO (E-RLPO). Nanočestice su pripravljene metodom dvostruke evaporacije otapala iz emulzije. Nezavisne varijable bile su: X1 omjer masa polimera (PLGA : E-RLPO) u uljnoj fazi, X2 koncentracija polivinil alkohola (PVA) kao stabilizatora emulzije i X3 volumen vanjske vodene faze (W2). Zavisne varijable bile su veličina čestica (analizirana pomoću dinamičkog rasapa svjetlosti) i učinkovitost inkapsuliranja (EE) (praćena spektrofotometrijski). Polinomska jednadžba dobivena regresijskom analizom reduciranog modela odlično je odgovarala (p = 0,0002, F = 25,7952 i R2 = 0,96). Optimalna veličina nanočestica bila je 134,2 ± 16,5 nm s formulacijskim varijablama 48,2:61,8, 0,321 (%, m/V) i 263 mL for X1, X2 odnosno X3. Vjerojatno je zbog elektrostatskih interakcija između negativno nabijene ljekovite tvari i pozitivno nabijenog E-RLPO učinkovitost inkapsuliranja heparina varirala od 74,4 ± 6,5 % (najniža vrijednost) do 92,1 ± 5,3 % (najviša vrijednost). Rezultati sugeriraju da je BBD vrlo korisno u racionalnom dizajniranju nanočestica s heparinom

    A critical engagement with theological education in Africa

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    The higher education landscape has arguably become one of the most arduous to traverse. More so in the African context, where a host of variables continiously challenge educators to reflect critically on their philosophies and practices as they engage an ever-changing audience. In this book, a critical engagement with theological education in Africa is offered. As the book originates from South Africa, it is presented as a South African perspective, although contributors are situated accross the African continent and abroad. The common denominator is that all contributers are, in some way or another, invested in theological education in Africa. The main contribution of this collaborative work is to be sought in the insights it offers on four main areas of theological education: A historical and current orientation on theological edcuation in Africa, some paradigm shifts in theological education in Africa, ministerial formation needs versus theological education challenges, and a critical reflection on elective models and methods. The book presents the original and innovative research of scholars for fellow scholars involved in theological higher education as it is grounded in the respective fields of interest of each contributor. It contributes to a better understanding of the complex African theological higher education landscape that is also mindful of post-COVID-19 realities. Methodologically the work draws on a combination of methods, including literature studies, empirical work, and in some cases sectional offerings from doctoral studies, as indicated in the various chapters

    Human breast milk NMR metabolomic profile across specific geographical locations and its association with the milk microbiota

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    The composition of human breast milk is highly variable, and it can be influenced by genetics, diet, lifestyle, and other environmental factors. This study aimed to investigate the impact of geographical location and mode of delivery on the nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) metabolic profile of breast milk and its relationship with the milk microbiome. Human milk metabolic and microbiota profiles were determined using NMR and 16S rRNA gene sequencing, respectively, in 79 healthy women from Finland, Spain, South Africa, and China. Up to 68 metabolites, including amino acids, oligosaccharides, and fatty acid-associated metabolites, were identified in the milk NMR spectra. The metabolite profiles showed significant differences between geographical locations, with significant differences (p </p

    A critical engagement with theological education in Africa

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    The higher education landscape has arguably become one of the most arduous to traverse. More so in the African context, where a host of variables continiously challenge educators to reflect critically on their philosophies and practices as they engage an ever-changing audience. In this book, a critical engagement with theological education in Africa is offered. As the book originates from South Africa, it is presented as a South African perspective, although contributors are situated accross the African continent and abroad. The common denominator is that all contributers are, in some way or another, invested in theological education in Africa. The main contribution of this collaborative work is to be sought in the insights it offers on four main areas of theological education: A historical and current orientation on theological edcuation in Africa, some paradigm shifts in theological education in Africa, ministerial formation needs versus theological education challenges, and a critical reflection on elective models and methods. The book presents the original and innovative research of scholars for fellow scholars involved in theological higher education as it is grounded in the respective fields of interest of each contributor. It contributes to a better understanding of the complex African theological higher education landscape that is also mindful of post-COVID-19 realities. Methodologically the work draws on a combination of methods, including literature studies, empirical work, and in some cases sectional offerings from doctoral studies, as indicated in the various chapters