571 research outputs found

    Response article: Concepts and in/express-ability in posthuman scholarship: A shared response-ability

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    This response article is an attempt to theorise together and become ethically in touch with posthumanism and the posthuman text/s and author/s in the article, “A posthumanist re-reading of teacher agency in times of curriculum reform” written by Wedsha Appadoo-Ramsamy. The ability to respond (response-ability) through theorising entails a radical openness to think otherwise, and for thinking thinking otherwise. Such thinking matters and thinking along the concepts we use and the limits of expressibility when thinking otherwise, matters a great deal. The becoming of Wedsha Appadoo-Ramsamy’s article revealed some insights into the ticklish nature of (posthuman, philosophical) concepts and the difficulty and limitations of expression in frontier debates. This article will, firstly, respond to the production and workings of posthuman concepts, and secondly, comment on the limits of expressibility when writing about frontier debates such as those concerning posthumanism and related feminist materialism/s

    Why Read (Diffractively)?

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    Academics should produce quality scholarly research. However, the demands of the marketised, neoliberal higher education institution and the increase in the academic’s bureaucratic and administrative tasks do not allow for adequate engagement with the deep work and slow forms of scholarship that are needed to produce cutting-edge and insightful research. Many academics find it challenging to think critically and creatively under such conditions, yet they are unwilling to fill their time with shallow work instead. Thus, they are torn between producing an institutionally-determined number of research outputs, and striving towards producing quality scholarly work that advances knowledge in the academic’s discipline. Reading groups serve to rework this tension by providing a communal and scheduled place and mind-space for reading major academic works. Reading takes time and persistence. We find that setting aside time and creating creative spaces for reading groups offer an opportunity for silent revolt against the pressures of the higher education institution. In this (post)qualitative inquiry we diffractively read – “through one another” – two autoethnographical accounts to experiment with our experiences of various reading groups over a period of three years while positioning ourselves in relation to Barad’s notion of diffraction. This speculative experimentation entails a myriad of ideas and methods that serve to decentre hegemonic, monolithic knowledge systems through seeking alternative ways of knowing, and recognises the importance of the entanglement of matter and meaning in tracing (and countering) the social relations produced in neoliberalist contexts. Such (re)thinking is thus a vital counterpoint to the neoliberal obsessions of the higher education context, (re)directing the scholar to new non-autonomous and mutable landscapes

    Understanding how we understand girls’ voices on cultural and religious practices: toward a curriculum for justice

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    It is imperative to take account of the many faces of justice when exploring the elements of a curriculum for justice. Justice is not only about equity, equality and fairness, but about creating spaces where people can learn to prioritise a significant Other and practise doing so. The curriculum needs to provide a space where the legal, restorative face of justice and its ethical face could coincide. Firstly, we argue that a sole focus on justice as reasonableness might reinforce the notion of “separate but equal”, and that through a leveling of difference, we might opaquely strengthen difference without an inclination to care deeply for those whose background might differ from ours. Secondly, we argue that the legal and ethical faces of justice are not mono-tonal, but that these faces constitute many complexions based on the body holding it (or the person who attempts to make sense of these faces). In this article we will attempt to understand how we make sense of girls’ voices on cultural and religious practices. We imagine that understanding how we understand Others might place us in a better position to provide guidelines to develop curriculum spaces for profound justice; i.e. justice that is based on reasonableness and, more importantly, on care.Keywords: caring curriculum; critical discourse analysis; girls’ narratives; justice; null curriculum; unconscious curriculu

    Ultrasonic borehole flowmeter

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    Published ArticleAlthough research has been conducted in the field of Acoustic Doppler Borehole Flowmeters (ADBF), it has been focused on point source of flow and three dimensional borehole flow techniques. However as of yet, no studies have been conducted on the possible use of Acoustic Doppler Borehole Profiling (ADBP). This technique of borehole flow measurement is possibly a revolutionary concept in how vertical flow in a borehole is measured. It makes use of a single inexpensive transducer that can float on the surface of the water in a borehole and use Acoustic Doppler techniques to profile the flow in a borehole. No complicated and expensive flow probe winching systems will be required. Another added benefit of the ADBP will be the non-evasive technologies that comprise its design. Current borehole flow probes are required to be present at the point of flow measurement in the borehole. The presence of the probe inadvertently alters the flow in the borehole by adding resistance to the flow in the borehole. Under stressed or pumped flow tests these flow resistance effects cause sufficient pressure gradients at the flow sensors to divert part of the flow away from the sensor. This causes erroneous readings of flow as a part of the flow in the borehole is not accounted for. In ADBP the sensor is not physically present at the point of flow being read. This makes the ADBP technique of borehole flow measurement far more representative of the natural flow conditions in the borehole under ambient and stressed conditions

    Discourses shaping human rights education research in South Africa: Future considerations

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    Human rights education is critiqued for being traditionalist and conceptually imprisoned. This view stems from the distrust in its ability to transform deeply rooted injustices and inequalities etched within South Africa’s society. There is therefore an outcry to reimagine human rights education. For this article it is important to understand how and why human rights education discourses in South Africa have come to be framed by some scholars in this way and to contemplate where the discourse might be heading in the future. We reviewed doctoral theses in the field of Education which claim to engage with and make contributions to human rights education research. We found that human rights education discourses have been (and are being) shaped in South Africa in terms of three distinct phases: inception, growth, and cynicism. It became evident from the findings that human rights education research is predominantly school-based and fundamentally descriptive and uncritical. To conclude, we reflect on these findings so as to put forward future considerations for human rights education research

    Curriculum Studies in the posthuman condition/posthuman curriculum (studies)

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    In this article we discuss the difference between curriculum studies (as a field of inquiry) in the posthuman condition and posthuman curriculum (studies). The posthuman condition is characterised by both posthumanism and post-anthropocentrism and relates respectively, to how we now define human given humans’ entanglement with new technologies, and the ethical response-ability of humans in intra-action with the more-than-human-world in a context of impending ecological disaster. In this article we shall argue that although Enlightenment humanism has been challenged philosophically/conceptually both in discourses on anti-humanism and posthumanism, humanist approaches to curriculum studies remain with us in the posthuman condition – the ghosts of Dewey, Tyler, Freire, etc., imbue much of curriculum work. However, the posthuman condition also produces posthuman thought that makes it possible to reimagine curriculum studies, that we shall call posthuman curriculum (studies). We shall review different approaches to curriculum studies in the posthuman condition, and then turn our attention to posthuman curriculum (studies). We argue that curriculum (as a vital concept) in posthumanist terms is intelligible and manifests through intra-actions, processes of becoming and experimenting. Set against sedentary states of being that mark curriculum studies in the posthuman condition; becoming, intra-acting and experimenting in posthuman curriculum (studies) are acts, doings in and of this world. The acts and doings in posthuman curriculum (studies) that are mostly written about include: improvisation, theorisation and diffraction. To these we add and specifically discuss quantum tunnelling, tracing, and desiring. Other forms of curriculum experimentation worthy of consideration in posthuman curriculum (studies) but not discussed in the article are queering, imagining, and writing. Towards the end we make the point that although some connections with the past (such as those that haunt curriculum discourses) can be threatening to life, connections of the thick now hold potential and radical openness for newness

    Potential of Entomopathogenic Nematodes for the Control of Plangia graminea (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) under Laboratory Conditions

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    Plangia graminea, locally known as a katydids or “krompokkels”, is a minor pest of vineyards in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Is feed on leaves, and sporadically on the skin of grapevine berries. Under natural conditions, katydids are not of much agricultural importance, but pest outbreaks during favourable conditions can result in significant foliar damage. Observations indicate an increase in katydid abundance and damage intensity in recent years. Currently, no agrochemicals are registered for the control of this species, and its present natural enemies are unlikely to provide sufficient control without augmentation. In this study, 12 entomopathogenic nematode (EPN) species were evaluated against the nymphs of Plangia graminea in laboratory bioassays, and mortality by infection was investigated.  Seven locally occurring nematode species achieved significant mortality, with H. zealandica, H. indica, S. jeffreyense and S. yirgalemense being found to perform the best (> 90% mortality). &nbsp

    Posthumanist curriculum studies and post-schooling: Contemplations from the South

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    No abstract because this is an editorial&nbsp

    Critical transformation in higher education: Ethical reflections on #

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    Protest movements such as the #MustFall currently dominate the South African higher education landscape. This article focuses on such protest movements, paying particular attention to protests against gender-based violations at some universities, commonly referred to as #RapeMustFall, as an exemplar of the gender injustices and inequities that persist. We argue that debates and policies about gender-based violations at universities cannot and should not be overshadowed by deficient grand narratives informed by patriarchy, colonialism and capitalism. To frame this argument, we critically review the current status quo from a gender mainstreaming policy-making perspective. We then argue the merits of an ethical perspective to transformation in higher education. Critical transformation in higher education requires not only epistemological change and access, but should be a fundamentally ethical pursuit

    Exposure of rural households to toxic cyanobacteria in container-stored water

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    Cyanobacteria are potent producers of cyanotoxins that may present a health risk to people. This is especially important in rural areas where people use untreated surface water, containing cyanobacteria, for household purposes including cooking and drinking. Water is collected from these sources mainly in plastic containers, transported home and stored during use. This study investigated the occurrence of cyanobacteria and their associated toxins in these containers as well as in the associated surface water sources. The results suggest that cyanobacteria are transferred from the water sources to the containers and then survive and possibly grow in biofilm forming inside the vessels. Their associated cyanotoxins were not found in any health-significant quantities in containers. However, the occurrence of cyanobacteria in the water used by the households collected in containers clearly indicates that it can be an important route of exposure especially if toxic cyanobacteria are present in the source water. In several cases a risk of cyano-intoxication might exist unless the households undertake preventative measures.Keywords: cyanobacteria, cyanotoxin, microcystin, surface water sources, drinking water containers, biofil
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