6 research outputs found

    Comparison of the Local Temperature, Lactate and Glucose After Three Different Strength Training Methods

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 14(4): 1408-1420, 2021. This study aimed to evaluate the local temperature, lactate, and blood glucose in three strength training methods. The study included 12 male subjects; (22.15 ± 5.77 years, 76.85 ± 9.15 kg, 1.72 ± 0.09 m), with minimum of 12 months of strength training experience, and all participated in the three training methods: the occlusion training (Kaatsu); the tension training (Tension); and the traditional training (Traditional). The Kaatsu training consisted in 3 sets of 10RM with occlusion device in both arms inflated to a 130% occlusion pressure. In addition, the tension method was performed with 30% of 1RM and the traditional training, consisted in 10 repetitions with 80% RM. Regarding the temperature variation, differences were observed between the Kaatsu and Traditional methods in relation to Tension (p = .049, ɳ2p = 0.187). While for blood glucose (p = .351, ɳ2p = 0.075) and lactate (p = .722, ɳ2p = 0.022) there were no differences between the methods. Regarding the temperature (°C) measured by thermography and asymmetry, the right side showed a decrease in the post-test, in relation to the pre-test, in all methods (p \u3c .05, ɳ2p \u3e 0.150). The left (p = .035, ɳ2p = 0.301) and right (p = .012, ɳ2p = 0.324) sides showed a decrease in temperature, in the post-test in relation to the pre-test, in the Kaatsu and traditional method. In asymmetry, the three methods showed an increase in the post-test in relation to the pre-test (p = .042, ɳ2p = 0.158). In conclusion, tension method seems to stimulate greater heat production than the other methods. This information can help coaches to choose among these training methods according to the desired physiological response

    Effects of 16 weeks of a physical exercise program on blood markers, functional autonomy and level of depression in elderly and old adults.

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    O objetivo foi analisar os efeitos de um programa de exerc?cio f?sico sobre marcadores sangu?neos, autonomia funcional e n?vel de depress?o. Um total de 112 sujeitos com doen?as metab?licas controladas por hipocolesterolemia e hipoglicemiantes distribu?dos em dois grupos participaram do estudo; grupo composto por 54 membros com idade m?dia de 62,11 anos e grupo controle (GC) com 58 indiv?duos com idade m?dia de 63,03 anos. Foi observado que a ur?ia, creatina e as vari?veis pot?ssio n?o apresentaram diferen?a interessante entre os dois momentos do estudo, enquanto TGP e s?dio obtiveram redu??es nos valores m?dios de 2,46 mg / dl e 10 mg / dl com grande efeito de ?p2 0,153, ?p2 0,43 e signific?ncia p <0,047 e p <0,039 ao comparar os dois momentos entre os grupos exerc?cio / controle. A qualidade da for?a entre os momentos pr? e p?s entre os grupos exerc?cio / controle mostrou um aumento de 2,53 kgf de pequeno efeito de ?p2,23 para o grupo exerc?cio, enquanto o controle reduziu. Tamb?m houve diferen?as entre o pr? e o p?s-treinamento nos indicadores de autonomia funcional dos grupos GC. O GE reduziu os n?veis de depress?o em rela??o ao GC. Concluiu-se que o treinamento f?sico realizado por 16 semanas foi eficaz na redu??o dos n?veis de s?dio, a vari?vel TGP, aumento dos n?veis de for?a dos membros superiores, al?m de favorecer a melhora da capacidade funcional e reduzir os n?veis de depress?o.The objective was to analyze the effects of a physical exercise program on blood markers, functional autonomy and level of depression. A total of 112 subjects with metabolic diseases controlled by hypocholesterolemia and hypoglycemics distributed in two groups participated in the study; group composed of 54 members with mean age of 62.11 years and control group (CG) with 58 individuals with a mean age of 63.03 years. It was observed that urea, creatine and potassium variables did not present an interesting difference between the two moments of the study, while TGP and sodium obtained reductions in mean values of 2.46 mg / dl and 10 mg / dl with a great effect of ?p2 0.153, ?p2 0.43 and significance p <0.047 and p <0.039 when comparing the two moments between the exercise / control groups. The quality of the force between the pre and post moments between the exercise / control groups showed an increase of 2.53 kgf of small effect of ?p2,23 for the exercise group, while the control reduced. There were also differences between pre and post-training in the functional autonomy indicators of the CG groups. The GE reduced the levels of depression compared to the CG. It was concluded that physical training performed for 16 weeks was effective in reducing sodium levels, the TGP variable, increased strength levels of the upper limbs, as well as improving functional capacity and reducing depression levels

    Blood glucose and sleep quality in elderly participants of a physical exercise program : pilot study.

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    O envelhecimento populacional no mundo tem sido elevado nos pa?ses em desenvolvimento nas ?ltimas d?cadas. O Brasil est? entre os pa?ses que contribuir?o para essa proje??o, com um aumento significativo at? 2030. O objetivo foi analisar os efeitos de um programa de exerc?cio f?sico sobre marcadores sangu?neos e qualidade do sono em idosos. Um total de 118 idosos com doen?as metab?licas controladas por medica??es hipocolesterol?micas e hipoglicemiantes participaram do estudo. Os participantes foram divididos em dois grupos, um grupo exerc?cio (GE) composto por 58 indiv?duos com idade m?dia de 62 anos e grupo controle (GC) de 60 indiv?duos com m?dia de idade de 63 anos. Os n?veis de glicose no sangue mostraram uma redu??o m?dia de cerca de 23 mg / dl. O escore do PSQI mostrou uma redu??o significativa de cerca de 3 pontos (p <0,001, ?p2 = 0,78) na compara??o do GE com o GC. Pode-se concluir que o programa combinado de exerc?cio f?sico, realizado por 12 semanas, com frequ?ncia de tr?s vezes por semana, durante 60 min, foi eficaz na melhora da qualidade do sono dos idosos. Palavras-chave: Exerc?cio F?sico, Elderly, Glicose, Qualidade do Sono.Population aging in the world has been high in developing countries in the last decades. Brazil is among those countries that will contribute to this projection, with a significant increase until 2030. The objective was to analyze the effects of a physical exercise program on blood markers and sleep quality in the elderly. A total of 118 elderly people with metabolic diseases controlled by hypocholesterolemic and hypoglycemic medications participated in the study. The participants were divided into two groups, an exercise group (EG) composed of 58 individuals with a mean age of 62 years and control group (CG) of 60 individuals with a mean age of 63 years. Blood glucose levels showed a mean reduction of about 23 mg/dl. The PSQI score showed a significant reduction of about 3 points (p < 0.001, ?p2=0.78) on comparing the EG with the CG. It can be concluded that the physical exercise combined program performed for 12 weeks at a frequency of three times a week for 60 min, was effective in improving the sleep quality of the elderly. Keywords: Physical Exercise, Elderly, Glucose, Sleep Quality

    Evaluaci?n de un programa de ejercicio f?sico sobre los marcadores de sangre y la calidad del sue?o en mayores.

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    Objective: Analyze the effects of a physical exercise program on blood markers and sleep quality in the elderly. Method: A total of 112 elderly people with metabolic diseases controlled by hypocholesterolemic and hypoglycemic medications participated in the study. The participants were divided into two groups, an exercise group composed of 54 individuals with a mean age of 62 years and control group of 58 individuals with a mean age of 63 years. Results: Blood glucose, total cholesterol, and triglyceride levels showed a mean reduction of 27.47, 18.13, and 23.48 mg/dl, respectively, and an increase of 8.98 mg/dl in the high-density lipoprotein level was seen. A significant change was seen in the low-density lipoprotein, very-low-density lipoprotein, and calcium levels on comparing the exercise group post-test values with that of the control group pre-test. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index score showed a significant reduction of 3.15 (p < 0.001, p2=0.78) on comparing the exercise group with ?p2=0.78) on comparing the exercise group with the control group. the control group. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the physical exercise program, consisting of supervised walking and gymnastics with localized quadriceps muscle strengthening exercises, performed for 16 weeks at a frequency of three times a week for 60 min, was effective in improving the low-density lipoprotein and very-low-density lipoprotein levels and sleep quality of the elderly.Objetivo: Analizar los efectos de un programa de ejercicio f?sico sobre los marcadores sangu?neos y la calidad del sue?o en ancianos. M?todo: Un total de 112 personas mayores con enfermedades metab?licas controladas por medicamentos hipocolesterol?micos e hipoglucemiantes participaron en el estudio. Los participantes se dividieron en dos grupos, un grupo de ejercicio compuesto por 54 individuos, con una edad media de 62 a?os y un grupo control de 58 individuos, con una edad media de 63 a?os. Resultados: Los niveles de glucosa en sangre, colesterol total y triglic?ridos mostraron una reducci?n media de 27.47, 18.13 y 23.48 mg/dl, respectivamente, y se observ? un aumento de 8.98 mg/dl en el nivel de lipoprote?nas de alta densidad. Se observ? un cambio significativo en los niveles de lipoprote?nas de baja densidad, lipoprote?nas de muy baja densidad y calcio al comparar los valores de grupo de ejercicio post-test con los del grupo control pre-test. La puntuaci?n del Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index mostr? una reducci?n significativa de 3.15 (p <0.001, ?p2=0.78) on comparing the exercise group with the control group.p2=0.78) al comparar el grupo de ejercicio con el grupo control. Conclusiones: Se puede concluir que el programa de ejercicio f?sico supervisado, consistente en caminar y realizar ejercicios de fortalecimiento muscular de cu?driceps, durante 16 semanas con una frecuencia de tres veces por semana durante 60 minutos, fue eficaz para mejorar los niveles de lipoprote?nas de baja densidad, lipoprote?nas de muy baja densidad y la calidad del sue?o de las personas mayores