3 research outputs found
Phytosociology and floristic diversity in a cerrado area under different antropization levels, rio pardo de Minas, MG
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a diversidade e a similaridade
flor\uedstica de ambientes de Cerrado, sob diferentes n\uedveis de
antropiza\ue7\ue3o por uso agr\uedcola e extrativismo, e gerar
base de dados para subsidiar propostas de desenvolvimento
sustent\ue1vel para a regi\ue3o Norte de Minas e sistemas de
agricultura tradicional. Foram amostradas 4 \ue1reas nos seguintes
ambientes: Arei\ue3o, Arei\ue3ozinho, Chapada de Latossolo e
Tabuleiro, cujas identifica\ue7\uf5es foram feitas a partir de
informantes-chave na Comunidade \uc1gua Boa, em Rio Pardo de Minas
(MG). As unidades amostrais foram distribu\ueddas em 8 parcelas de 20
x 50 m, com 5 subparcelas. Foram medidos indiv\uedduos arb\uf3reos
com circunfer\ueancia ao n\uedvel do solo maior ou igual a 15 cm.
Para an\ue1lise dos \uedndices fitossociol\uf3gicos foram
calculados os par\ue2metros densidade, domin\ue2ncia,
freq\ufc\ueancia, \ue1rea basal e valor de import\ue2ncia, para
cada ambiente. Para a diversidade flor\uedstica foi calculado o
\uedndice de Shannon (H\u2019) e para an\ue1lise da similaridade o
\uedndice de Jaccard (Sij). Em todos os ambientes, foi encontrado um
total de 477 indiv\uedduos, distribu\ueddos em 21 fam\uedlias,
com 48 esp\ue9cies bot\ue2nicas identificadas e 27 indiv\uedduos
n\ue3o identificados. As cinco fam\uedlias mais importantes (maior
VI) foram Fabaceae/Papilionoideae, Apocynaceae, Vochysiaceae,
Sapotaceae e Fabaceae/Caesalpinoideae. J\ue1 as dez esp\ue9cies de
maior import\ue2ncia foram Pouteria ramiflora, Dalbergia miscolobium,
Hancornia speciosa, Macherium opacum, Sclerolobium paniculatum var.
subvelutinum, Qualea grandiflora, Aspidosperma tomentosum, Byrsonima
pachyphylla, Vochysia thyrsoidea e Hymenaea stigonocarpa. O \uedndice
H\u2019 foi de 3,01; 2,72; 2,48 e 2,09 para Arei\ue3o,
Arei\ue3ozinho, Chapada do Latossolo e Tabuleiro, respectivamente. O
\uedndice Sij indicou, para todas as combina\ue7\uf5es entre os
ambientes, que existia pouca similaridade flor\uedstica entre eles.The objective of the study was to evaluate diversity and floristic
similarity of Cerrado environments, under different levels of
anthropization for agricultural usage and extractivism, and to generate
a database to subsidize sustainable development proposals for the North
region of Minas Gerais State, and traditional agriculture systems. Four
areas with different levels of anthropization were sampled, in the
following environments: "Arei\ue3o, Arei\ue3ozinho, Chapada de
Latossolo and Tabuleiro", whose identifications had been made from key
informers in the \uc1gua Boa Community, in Rio Pardo de Minas (MG,
Brazil). The sampled units were distributed in 8 parcels of 20 x 50 m,
with 5 subplots. The trees with circumference at ground level of 15 cm
or bigger were measured. For analysis of the phytosociology indexes the
following parameters were calculated for each environment: density,
dominance, frequency, basal area, and importance value. For the
floristic diversity the Shannon (H') was calculated, and for the
analysis of similarity the index of Jaccard index (Sij). In all the
environments, it was found a total of 477 individuals, distributed in
21 families, with 48 botanical species identified, and 27 individuals
not identified. The five most important (importance value) families was
Fabaceae/Papilionoideae, Apocynaceae, Vochysiaceae, Sapotaceae and
Fabaceae/Caesalpinoideae. And the ten most important species was
Pouteria ramiflora, Dalbergia miscolobium, Hancornia speciosa,
Macherium opacum, Sclerolobium paniculatum var. subvelutinum, Qualea
grandiflora, Aspidosperma tomentosum, Byrsonima pachyphylla, Vochysia
thyrsoidea and Hymenaea stigonocarpa. The H' index was of 3.01; 2.72;
2.48 and 2.09 for "Arei\ue3o, Arei\ue3ozinho, Chapada de Latossolo
and Tabuleiro", respectively. The Sij index indicated a small floristic
similarity for all the combinations between the environments
Este estudo relaciona atributos edafoambientais e par\ue2metros
dendrom\ue9tricos de plantios de Eucalyptus urophylla . O
experimento foi realizado em talh\uf5es comerciais da mesma idade, no
campus da UFRRJ em Serop\ue9dica (RJ), em tr\ueas s\uedtios
selecionados em posi\ue7\uf5es topogr\ue1ficas distintas, no
ter\ue7o superior (TS), no ter\ue7o m\ue9dio (TM) e no ter\ue7o
inferior (TI) da encosta. Foram avaliados: atributos morfol\uf3gicos,
f\uedsicos e qu\uedmicos dos perfis de solo; coletadas amostras nos
talh\uf5es para avalia\ue7\ue3o do teor de nutrientes; e medidos
par\ue2metros dendrom\ue9tricos. Os s\uedtios apresentam
diferentes classes de solo, Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo, Argissolo
Amarelo e Planossolo H\ue1plico, dispostos do topo para o ter\ue7o
inferior da encosta respectivamente. Foram observadas diferen\ue7as
significativas entre os s\uedtios, quanto aos teores de nutrientes e
outros atributos qu\uedmicos, que se refletiram nos par\ue2metros
dendrom\ue9tricos. Os maiores valores de \ue1rea basal foram
observados em TS e TI, respectivamente, 4,11 e 4,64 m2 ha-1. Os
s\uedtios onde os atributos edafoambientais mais influenciaram
positivamente os par\ue2metros dendrom\ue9tricos do Eucalyptus
urophylla foram o TS e o TI.This study relates soil and environmental attributes and dendrometric
parameters of Eucalyptus urophylla plots. The experiment was set in
eucalyptus sites for commercial production, of the same age, located in
the UFRRJ campus, Serop\ue9dica municipality (RJ). Three sites were
selected in different topographic positions of the landscape, summit
(TS), back slope (TM), and foot slope (TI). Morphological, physical,
and chemical soil attributes were evaluated; soil samples were taken
from the plots for analyzing nutrient levels; and dendrometric
parameters were measured. The sites showed different soil classes,
Red-Yellow Ultisol, Yellow Ultisol, and Fragiudult (Planosols), placed
from the summit to the foot slope positions, respectively. There were
significant differences between the sites for the nutrient content and
other chemical attributes, which reflected in the dendrometric
parameters. The highest values of tree base area were observed in the
TS and TI positions, of 4.11 and 4.64 m2/ha, respectively. The sites
where soil and environmental attributes favored most the dendrometric
parameters of Eucaliptus urophylla were TS and TI
Litter contribution and decomposition and root biomass production in forests at different successional stages in Pinheiral, RJ
Este estudo objetivou avaliar a deposi\ue7\ue3o e
decomposi\ue7\ue3o da serapilheira e a produ\ue7\ue3o de
biomassa radicular de tr\ueas fragmentos florestais em diferentes
est\ue1gios sucessionais (avan\ue7ado, m\ue9dio e inicial)
localizados no munic\uedpio de Pinheiral, RJ. Para
intercepta\ue7\ue3o da serapilheira instalaram-se em cada
fragmento, dez coletores c\uf4nicos. Avaliou-se a biomassa radicular
em dois per\uedodos (chuvoso e seco), amostrando-se pelo m\ue9todo
do mon\uf3lito, em 0-10, 10-20 e 20-30 cm e dez repeti\ue7\uf5es
por profundidade. N\ue3o ocorreram diferen\ue7as na
deposi\ue7\ue3o de serapilheira entre as \ue1reas, mas apenas uma
tend\ueancia de aumento com a evolu\ue7\ue3o sucessional.
N\ue3o foram verificadas varia\ue7\uf5es temporais de
serapilheira entre as \ue1reas mais jovens, inicial e m\ue9dio no
decorrer do ano, com tend\ueancia de aumento nos meses de julho e
agosto. Em est\ue1gio avan\ue7ado, o aporte da serapilheira
p\uf4de ser agrupado em dois per\uedodos: \u201cfevereiro a
julho\u201d, menores valores e \u201cagosto a janeiro\u201d, maiores
valores. A deposi\ue7\ue3o das fra\ue7\uf5es folhas e material
reprodutivo diminu\uedram, enquanto ramos e outros aumentaram com o
avan\ue7ar sucessional. A decomposi\ue7\ue3o da serapilheira
mostrou em est\ue1gio sucessional m\ue9dio a menor constante k
(0,0038 g.g-1.dia-1) e maior tempo de meia vida (182 dias), seguida por
inicial (0,044 g.g-1.dia-1 e 154 dias) e avan\ue7ado (0,0064
g.g-1.dia-1 e 108 dias). A biomassa radicular nas diferentes \ue1reas
e profundidades, no per\uedodo seco e chuvoso, apresentou maiores
valores em est\ue1gio avan\ue7ado, intermedi\ue1rios em
m\ue9dio e menores em inicial. As diferen\ue7as sazonais da
biomassa radicular ocorreram sobretudo em est\ue1gio m\ue9dio, com
maiores valores na coleta de junho.The aim of this study was to evaluate litter input and decomposition
and root biomass of three forest fragments at different successional
stages (advanced, medium and initial) in Pinheiral Municipality, in the
state of RJ, Brazil. To evaluate litter input, 10 conic collectors were
installed in each fragment. The root biomass was quantified by monolith
method in two periods (wet and dry) at depths of 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30
cm, and 10 samples were collected in each area. To evaluate the
decomposition rate in each area, 12 litter bags were distributed. No
significant differences were observed for litter input between the
areas, but there was a tendency to increase litter input with
successional evolution. No significant differences were observed for
seasonal litter input between areas during the year, but there was a
small increase in the months of July and August. At the advanced stage,
litter input could be grouped into two periods: February to July, with
lower values; and August to January, with higher values. The leaf
fractions and reproductive material input were reduced, while branch
and other fractions increased with succession. For litter
decomposition, the intermediate stage showed the lowest decomposition
constant (k) (0.0038 g g -1day-1) and the highest half life time (182
days) , followed by the initial (0044 g g -1day-1 and 154 days) and
advanced (0.0064 g g -1day-1 and 108 days) stages. The root biomass in
different areas and depths for both two periods studied showed higher
values in the advanced stage, followed by the intermediate stage and
the lowest values were found in the initial stage. The seasonal root
biomass difference occurred mainly in the intermediate stage, with
higher values in June