2 research outputs found

    Pedagogical Praxis and Educational Practices in Pós-Critical Theory: Rethinking concepts and methods

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    The changes that occur in the educational field are nourished by the rationality of different paradigms, with post-structuralism and post-modern thinking determining in the (re)configuration of educational practices in contemporary times. This article aims to reflect on the contributions of Post-Critical Theory in the formulation, understanding and development of pedagogical praxis and educational practice in terms of conceptualization and methodology. The proposal comes from the epistemological, social and educational changes brought about by the reflections of the Post-Critical Theory, instigating us to raise elements to promote a dialogue that can collaborate to meet the theoretical-practical demands brought by the referred scientific approach. The ideas are based both on authors who analyze the concept of praxis and educational practices (SOUZA, 2012), as well as on those who validate the influence of the post-structuralist paradigm and post-modern thinking such as Jean-François Lyotard (1984), Gadamer (1997) and Habermas (1987a, 1987b), who approach hermeneutics and dialectics as possibilities of methodological composition for data analysis. And, in this aspect, we anchored, too, with Heiddeger (2005a, 2005b) who helps in the intelligibility of the hermeneutic circle. The intention is to promote reflection on the concept of educational practices and their epistemological implications from the perspective of Post-Critical Theory so that it is possible to understand current social phenomena and, thus, strengthen the methodological proposals that are in line with the problems undertaken by this current theoretical. Our considerations, therefore, provide subsidies that broaden the debate about educational praxis and pedagogical praxis as sine quan non categories in the educational field

    Contato Cultural e Fronteiras Étnicas no Litoral do Piauí: Problemáticas e Possibilidades / Cultural Contact and Ethnic Borders in the Coast of Piauí: Problems and Possibilities

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    Essa pesquisa tem como objetivo refletir sobre os aspectos culturais responsáveis pela criação do contexto arqueológico oriundo das relações estabelecidas entre o nativo e o colonizador na costa piauiense. Para tanto, foram estabelecidos como procedimentos metodológicos análises in situ de sítios arqueológicos presentes na faixa costeira do Piauí, dados etno-históricos e levantamentos bibliográficos da literatura pertinente. Como aparato teórico foram elencados autores que discorrem sobre a Arqueologia do Pluralismo (LIGHTFOOT, 1995; DEETZ, 1963, 1991; DEAGAN, 1985) que trata de contextos culturais particulares, criados através de interações multi-étnicas, assim como a Antropologia Ambiental de Tim Ingold (2000; 2002; 2010). Essa pesquisa tornou possível a percepção de que contextos ambientais específicos foram ocupados em detrimentos de estratégias estabelecidas em contextos culturalmente construídos, fato esse observado na composição espacial dos sítios arqueológicos presentes nessa região. Palavras-chave: Litoral do Piauí. Fronteiras Étnicas no Litoral do Piauí. Índio na Costa Piauiense ABSTRACT This research aims to reflect on the cultural aspects responsible for the creation of the archaeological context arising from the relations established between the native and the colonizer on the coast of Piauí in the first centuries of colonization. For that, methodological procedures were established in situ analyzes of archaeological sites present in the coastal range of Piauí, ethno-historical data and bibliographical surveys of the pertinent literature. As a theoretical apparatus, authors who discuss the Archeology of Pluralism (LIGHTFOOT, 1995; DEETZ, 1963, 1991; DEAGAN, 1985) are addressed, dealing with particular cultural contexts created through multi-ethnic interactions, as well as Tim's Environmental Anthropology Ingold (2000, 2002, 2010). This research made possible the perception that specific environmental contexts were occupied in detriment of established strategies in culturally constructed contexts, fact observed in the spatial composition of the archeological sites present in this region. Keywords: Piauí Coastline. Ethnic Borders on the Coast of Piauí. on the Coast of Piau