150 research outputs found

    Planets in a different light

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    With over 4000 discoveries to date, the field of exoplanets is rapidly expanding. The large numbers of detections allow for population level statistical analyses. As a part of that, the characterisation of planets in their current form is vital to understanding the formation and evolution of exoplanets. Different occurrence rates for planets close to and far from their host stars indicate there may be different formation mechanisms at play. The study of planets at large separations from their host stars is therefore important. Direct imaging is particularly suited to study these planets when compared to other methods. Expanding it to the mid-infrared will allow for the characterisation of cooler and therefore older and smaller planets, but this has not yet been achieved. With the mid-infrared imaging and spectroscopy instrument VISIR and its upgrade NEAR data is obtained of three types of systems: six very young systems with planets that are still expected to be in their formation stage, the young, but fully formed HR 8799 system, and finally four mature systems in the solar neighbourhood. All but one are already known or expected to have planetary mass companions. None of these are detected, but the most stringent mid-infrared flux limits to date are obtained for all of them and for additional companions beyond 1'' in any of the systems. The conversion to mass limits rules out accreting planets with circumplanetary disks beyond 1'' around most of the very young stars, which indicates that planet formation at large radii is rare. The mass limits for companions around the sun-like epsilon Indi A show that it is at the older end of the age range, as a younger planet would have been detected. The achieved sensitivity in the observations also shows that detection of planetary mass companions is within the range of present day instrumentation and that at least four planets are detectable with VISIR and at least sixteen with NEAR in less than 10 hours. There is also a lack of super Earths on very short orbits. Many of these planets undergo high XUV irradiation, causing their atmospheres to puff up and erode. This is an important stage in the planets evolution. The expanded atmosphere also makes them easier to measure in transit and good targets for transmission spectroscopy, as it increases the signal size. The super Earth GJ 1214 b and the hot Jupiter WASP-15 b are such planets. An improved constraint is set on the evaporating helium atmosphere of GJ 1214 b through measurement of the excess transit depth at 10,830A in archival X-SHOOTER data. This also shows that X-SHOOTER has the required stability for these kinds of measurements on more suitable targets. For the hot Jupiter WASP-15 b Gaussian Process modeling is employed to remove correlated noise from the data and construct a transmission spectrum of the atmosphere, although further observations are required to rule out atmospheric models

    SAGE: A tool to constrain impacts of stellar activity on transmission spectroscopy

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    Transmission spectroscopy is a proven technique to study a transiting exoplanet's atmosphere. However, stellar surface inhomogeneities, spots and faculae, alter the observed transmission spectra: the stellar contamination effect. The variable nature of the stellar activity also makes it difficult to stitch together multi-epoch observations and evaluate any potential variability in the exoplanet's atmosphere. This paper introduces SAGE, a tool to correct for the time-dependent impact of stellar activity on transmission spectra. It uses a pixelation approach to model the stellar surface with spots and faculae, while fully accounting for limb-darkening and rotational line-broadening. The current version is designed for low to medium-resolution spectra. We used SAGE to evaluate stellar contamination for F to M-type hosts, testing various spot sizes and locations, and quantify the impact of limb-darkening. We find that limb-darkening enhances the importance of the spot location on the stellar disk, with spots close to the disk center impacting the transmission spectra more strongly than spots near the limb. Moreover, due to the chromaticity of limb darkening, the shape of the contamination spectrum is also altered. Additionally, SAGE can be used to retrieve the properties and distribution of active regions on the stellar surface from photometric monitoring. We demonstrate this for WASP-69 using TESS data, finding that two spots at mid-latitudes and a combined coverage fraction of \sim1% are favoured. SAGE allows us to connect the photometric variability to the stellar contamination of transmission spectra, enhancing our ability to jointly interpret transmission spectra obtained at different epochs.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Why every observatory needs a disco ball

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    Commercial disco balls provide a safe, effective and instructive way of observing the Sun. We explore the optics of solar projections with disco balls, and find that while sunspot observations are challenging, the solar disk and its changes during eclipses are easy and fun to observe. We explore the disco ball's potential for observing the moon and other bright astronomical phenomena.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to Physics Education. Comments welcom

    Constraints on the nearby exoplanet Eps Ind Ab from deep near/mid-infrared imaging limits

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    © ESO 2021. This is the accepted manuscript version of an article which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202140730The past decade has seen increasing efforts in detecting and characterising exoplanets by high contrast imaging in the near/mid-infrared, which is the optimal wavelength domain for studying old, cold planets. In this work, we present deep AO imaging observations of the nearby Sun-like star ϵ\epsilon Ind A with NaCo (LL^{\prime}) and NEAR (10-12.5 microns) instruments at VLT, in an attempt to directly detect its planetary companion whose presence has been indicated from radial velocity (RV) and astrometric trends. We derive brightness limits from the non-detection of the companion with both instruments, and interpret the corresponding sensitivity in mass based on both cloudy and cloud-free atmospheric and evolutionary models. For an assumed age of 5 Gyr for the system, we get detectable mass limits as low as 4.4 MJM_{\rm J} in NaCo LL^{\prime} and 8.2 MJM_{\rm J} in NEAR bands at 1.5\arcsec from the central star. If the age assumed is 1 Gyr, we reach even lower mass limits of 1.7 MJM_{\rm J} in NaCo LL^{\prime} and 3.5 MJM_{\rm J} in NEAR bands, at the same separation. However, based on the dynamical mass estimate (3.25 MJM_{\rm J}) and ephemerides from astrometry and RV, we find that the non-detection of the planet in these observations puts a constraint of 2 Gyr on the lower age limit of the system. NaCo offers the highest sensitivity to the planetary companion in these observations, but the combination with the NEAR wavelength range adds a considerable degree of robustness against uncertainties in the atmospheric models. This underlines the benefits of including a broad set of wavelengths for detection and characterisation of exoplanets in direct imaging studies.Peer reviewe

    Detection of Carbon Monoxide in the Atmosphere of WASP-39b Applying Standard Cross-Correlation Techniques to JWST NIRSpec G395H Data

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    Carbon monoxide was recently reported in the atmosphere of the hot Jupiter WASP-39b using the NIRSpec PRISM transit observation of this planet, collected as part of the JWST Transiting Exoplanet Community Early Release Science (JTEC ERS) Program. This detection, however, could not be confidently confirmed in the initial analysis of the higher resolution observations with NIRSpec G395H disperser. Here we confirm the detection of CO in the atmosphere of WASP-39b using the NIRSpec G395H data and cross-correlation techniques. We do this by searching for the CO signal in the unbinned transmission spectrum of the planet between 4.6 and 5.0 μ\mum, where the contribution of CO is expected to be higher than that of other anticipated molecules in the planet's atmosphere. Our search results in a detection of CO with a cross-correlation function (CCF) significance of 6.6σ6.6 \sigma when using a template with only 12C16O{\rm ^{12}C^{16}O} lines. The CCF significance of the CO signal increases to 7.5σ7.5 \sigma when including in the template lines from additional CO isotopologues, with the largest contribution being from 13C16O{\rm ^{13}C^{16}O}. Our results highlight how cross-correlation techniques can be a powerful tool for unveiling the chemical composition of exoplanetary atmospheres from medium-resolution transmission spectra, including the detection of isotopologues.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Nightside clouds and disequilibrium chemistry on the hot Jupiter WASP-43b

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    Hot Jupiters are among the best-studied exoplanets, but it is still poorly understood how their chemical composition and cloud properties vary with longitude. Theoretical models predict that clouds may condense on the nightside and that molecular abundances can be driven out of equilibrium by zonal winds. Here we report a phase-resolved emission spectrum of the hot Jupiter WASP-43b measured from 5-12 μ\mum with JWST's Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI). The spectra reveal a large day-night temperature contrast (with average brightness temperatures of 1524±\pm35 and 863±\pm23 Kelvin, respectively) and evidence for water absorption at all orbital phases. Comparisons with three-dimensional atmospheric models show that both the phase curve shape and emission spectra strongly suggest the presence of nightside clouds which become optically thick to thermal emission at pressures greater than ~100 mbar. The dayside is consistent with a cloudless atmosphere above the mid-infrared photosphere. Contrary to expectations from equilibrium chemistry but consistent with disequilibrium kinetics models, methane is not detected on the nightside (2σ\sigma upper limit of 1-6 parts per million, depending on model assumptions).Comment: 61 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables. This preprint has been submitted to and accepted in principle for publication in Nature Astronomy without significant change

    Nightside clouds and disequilibrium chemistry on the hot Jupiter WASP-43b

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    Hot Jupiters are among the best-studied exoplanets, but it is still poorly understood how their chemical composition and cloud properties vary with longitude. Theoretical models predict that clouds may condense on the nightside and that molecular abundances can be driven out of equilibrium by zonal winds. Here we report a phase-resolved emission spectrum of the hot Jupiter WASP-43b measured from 5-12 μm with JWST's Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI). The spectra reveal a large day-night temperature contrast (with average brightness temperatures of 1524±35 and 863±23 Kelvin, respectively) and evidence for water absorption at all orbital phases. Comparisons with three-dimensional atmospheric models show that both the phase curve shape and emission spectra strongly suggest the presence of nightside clouds which become optically thick to thermal emission at pressures greater than ~100 mbar. The dayside is consistent with a cloudless atmosphere above the mid-infrared photosphere. Contrary to expectations from equilibrium chemistry but consistent with disequilibrium kinetics models, methane is not detected on the nightside (2σ upper limit of 1-6 parts per million, depending on model assumptions)