3 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT The study aimed to examine icons, indices, and symbols in Daud's speech connected to misconceptions about Islam through the semiosis method. Semiotics can be used in a variety of contexts. therefore, it is crucial to conduct study in this area to prevent misconceptions about Islam. The study has two issues: (1) the semiotic indicators in Daud Kim's vlog that are connected to misinterpretations of Islamophobic messaging (2) Daud Kim's vlog discusses misinterpreting messages about Islam's semiosis process. In order to reply to and examine the problems, Peirce's theory of triadic relation was used which illustrates the relationship between the represent, object, and interpretation in semiotics. The description of the semiosis process and how it relates to how the indicators should be interpreted were made evident in this study using the qualitative technique. The research's semiosis process: Every statement—verbal or nonverbal—began as a representamen, progressed to an object as the first point at that statement, and—from the relationship between representamen and object—became the interpretant in the end. As a consequence, the study discovered that Daud's statement can be strengthened by the semiosis process in order to avoid and clarify the mistaken message about Islam. It is possible to understand as far as feasible, the essence of the Islamic message through representation, object, and interpreter. Keywords: semiosis, Daud Kim, icon, index, and symbo

    Analisis Modalitas Dalam Ilmu Semantik Pada Film My Name Is Khan

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    ABSTRAKFilm merupakan salah satu media komunikasi yang dapat menyampaikan pesan, film My Name Is Khan menyampaikan pesan melalui sikap-sikap yang ditujukan oleh pembicara (actor) melalui percakapan dalam setiap adegan nya. Melalui teori modalitas semantik penulis menganalisis sikap apa saja yang ditunjkan oleh pembicara(actor) dengan pembagian modalitas epistemik dan deontik. Penelitian ini memiliki tiga masalah: 1) Apa saja unsur-unsur modalitas semantik yang terdapat dalam film My Name Is Khan? 2) Kata-kata modalitas epistemik apa saja yang terdapat dalam film My Name Is Khan? 3) Kata-kata modalitas deontik apa saja yang terdapat dalam film My Name Is Khan? Untuk menjawab dan menganalisis pertanyaan diatas penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif karena penulis menganalisis dengan penjelasan deskriptif. Hasilnya penulis menemukan Film My Name Is Khan memiliki 50 modalitas epistemik dan 10 modalitas deontic di dalamnya. Masing-masing dari modalitas tersebut memiliki makna tersendiri sesuai dengan fungsinya dalam film. 50 modalitas epsitemik yang ditemukan berfungsi untuk menyampaikan perasaan, keharusan, dan kemungkinan. Sedangkan 10 modalitas yang ditemukan befungsi untuk  menyampaikan perizinan atau keperkenan-anKata Kunci: Film, Modalitas, Perasaan. ABSTRACTMovie is one of the communication media that can convey messages, My Name Is Khan film conveys messages through attitudes addressed by the speaker (actor) through conversation in each of his scenes. Through semantic modality theory, the writer analyzes what attitudes the speaker (actor) exhibits by dividing epistemic and deontic modalities. This research has three problems: 1) What are the elements of the semantic modality contained in My Name Is Khan movie? 2) What kind of epistemic modalities are found in My Name Is Khan movie? 3) What deontic modality words are found in the movie My Name Is Khan? To answer and analyze the above questions the author uses qualitative methods because the authors analyze with descriptive explanations. The result is that the writer found My Name Is Khan movie has 50 epistemic modalities and 10 deontic modalities in it. Each of these modalities has its own meaning according to its function in the film. 50 epistemic modalities found function to convey feelings, necessities, and possibilities. Whereas the 10 modalities found functioned to convey licensing or approvalKeywords: Film, Modalities, Feelings

    Analisis Modalitas Dalam Ilmu Semantik Pada Film My Name Is Khan

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    ABSTRAKFilm merupakan salah satu media komunikasi yang dapat menyampaikan pesan, film My Name Is Khan menyampaikan pesan melalui sikap-sikap yang ditujukan oleh pembicara (actor) melalui percakapan dalam setiap adegan nya. Melalui teori modalitas semantik penulis menganalisis sikap apa saja yang ditunjkan oleh pembicara(actor) dengan pembagian modalitas epistemik dan deontik. Penelitian ini memiliki tiga masalah: 1) Apa saja unsur-unsur modalitas semantik yang terdapat dalam film My Name Is Khan? 2) Kata-kata modalitas epistemik apa saja yang terdapat dalam film My Name Is Khan? 3) Kata-kata modalitas deontik apa saja yang terdapat dalam film My Name Is Khan? Untuk menjawab dan menganalisis pertanyaan diatas penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif karena penulis menganalisis dengan penjelasan deskriptif. Hasilnya penulis menemukan Film My Name Is Khan memiliki 50 modalitas epistemik dan 10 modalitas deontic di dalamnya. Masing-masing dari modalitas tersebut memiliki makna tersendiri sesuai dengan fungsinya dalam film. 50 modalitas epsitemik yang ditemukan berfungsi untuk menyampaikan perasaan, keharusan, dan kemungkinan. Sedangkan 10 modalitas yang ditemukan befungsi untuk  menyampaikan perizinan atau keperkenan-anKata Kunci: Film, Modalitas, Perasaan. ABSTRACTMovie is one of the communication media that can convey messages, My Name Is Khan film conveys messages through attitudes addressed by the speaker (actor) through conversation in each of his scenes. Through semantic modality theory, the writer analyzes what attitudes the speaker (actor) exhibits by dividing epistemic and deontic modalities. This research has three problems: 1) What are the elements of the semantic modality contained in My Name Is Khan movie? 2) What kind of epistemic modalities are found in My Name Is Khan movie? 3) What deontic modality words are found in the movie My Name Is Khan? To answer and analyze the above questions the author uses qualitative methods because the authors analyze with descriptive explanations. The result is that the writer found My Name Is Khan movie has 50 epistemic modalities and 10 deontic modalities in it. Each of these modalities has its own meaning according to its function in the film. 50 epistemic modalities found function to convey feelings, necessities, and possibilities. Whereas the 10 modalities found functioned to convey licensing or approvalKeywords: Film, Modalities, Feelings