128 research outputs found

    Anticipatory control of human gait following simulated slip exposure

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    A cautious gait (CG), marked by wider and shorter steps, is typically employed to mitigate expected perturbations proactively. However, it is not well understood if and how CG is informed by the task requirements. Therefore, we assessed how CG is adjusted to these requirements. Three groups of ten healthy young adults were exposed to a single uninterrupted protocol of treadmill walking that consisted of three distinct phases. Spatiotemporal step characteristics and margins of stability of the unperturbed strides were compared when participants were (i) only warned of a perturbation, (ii) exposed to fifty unilateral (right) slip-like perturbations and (iii) kept unaware of perturbation removal. Only the perturbation intensity predictability differed between groups. This was either kept consistent or pseudo-randomly or randomly varied. Participants walked with wider and shorter steps following the perturbation warning. However, this extinguished in continuing perturbation absence. Next, during perturbation exposure, participants shortened the step of the perturbed but increased the step of the unperturbed leg. This did not differ between groups. Finally, participants persisted in displaying CG on perturbation removal, but this extinguished over time. Collectively, we show that CG is functionally adjusted to the task requirements. These findings may have practical implications for fall-prevention training

    Singular Spectrum Analysis as a data-driven approach to the analysis of motor adaptation time series

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    Motor adaptation is a form of learning to re-establish desired movements in novel situations. To probe motor adaptation, one can replicate such conditions experimentally by imposing a sustained perturbation during movement. Exposure to such perturbations initially causes an abrupt change in relevant performance variables, followed by a gradual return to baseline behaviour. The resulting time series exhibit persistent properties related to structural changes in underlying motor control and transitory properties related to trial-to-trial variations. The global trend, signifying the structural change, is often assessed by averaging the time series in predefined bins or nonlinear model fitting. However, these methods to study motor adaptation require a priori decisions to produce accurate fits. Here, we test a data-driven approach called Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) to assess the global trend. In SSA, we first decompose the adaptation time series into components that represent either a global trend or additional variations, and secondly, select the component(s) corresponding to the global trend using spectral analysis. In this paper, we will use simulated data to compare the reconstruction performance of SSA with often applied filter and fitting methods in motor adaptation studies and apply SSA to real data obtained during split- belt adaptation. In the simulations, we show that SSA reconstructed the fast-initial component and entire global trends more accurately than the filtering and fitting methods. In addition, we show that SSA also successfully reconstructed global trends from real data. Therefore, the SSA might be useful in motor learning studies to decompose and assess adaptation time series

    The relationship between the anteroposterior and mediolateral margins of stability in able-bodied human walking

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    BACKGROUND: Control of dynamic balance in human walking is essential to remain stable and can be parameterized by the margins of stability. While frontal and sagittal plane margins of stability are often studied in parallel, they may covary, where increased stability in one plane could lead to decreased stability in the other. Hypothetically, this negative covariation may lead to critically low lateral stability during step lengthening. RESEARCH QUESTION: Is there a relationship between frontal and sagittal plane margins of stability in able-bodied humans, during normal walking and imposed step lengthening? METHODS: Fifteen able-bodied adults walked on an instrumented treadmill in a normal walking and a step lengthening condition. During step lengthening, stepping targets were projected onto the treadmill in front of the participant to impose longer step lengths. Covariation between frontal and sagittal plane margins of stability was assessed with linear mixed-effects models for normal walking and step lengthening separately. RESULTS: We found a negative covariation between frontal and sagittal plane margins of stability during normal walking, but not during step lengthening. SIGNIFICANCE: These results indicate that while a decrease in anterior instability may lead to a decrease in lateral stability during normal walking, able-bodied humans can prevent lateral instability due to this covariation in critical situations, such as step lengthening. These findings improve our understanding of adaptive dynamic balance control during walking in able-bodied humans and may be utilized in further research on gait stability in pathological and aging populations

    Keeping Your Eyes Continuously on the Ball While Running for Catchable and Uncatchable Fly Balls

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    When faced with a fly ball approaching along the sagittal plane, fielders need information for the control of their running to the interception location. This information could be available in the initial part of the ball trajectory, such that the interception location can be predicted from its initial conditions. Alternatively, such predictive information is not available, and running to the interception location involves continuous visual guidance. The latter type of control would predict that fielders keep looking at the approaching ball for most of its flight, whereas the former type of control would fit with looking at the ball during the early part of the ball's flight; keeping the eyes on the ball during the remainder of its trajectory would not be necessary when the interception location can be inferred from the first part of the ball trajectory. The present contribution studied visual tracking of approaching fly balls. Participants were equipped with a mobile eye tracker. They were confronted with tennis balls approaching from about 20 m, and projected in such a way that some balls were catchable and others were not. In all situations, participants almost exclusively tracked the ball with their gaze until just before the catch or until they indicated that a ball was uncatchable. This continuous tracking of the ball, even when running close to their maximum speeds, suggests that participants employed continuous visual control rather than running to an interception location known from looking at the early part of the ball flight.</p

    Do gait and muscle activation patterns change at middle-age during split-belt adaptation?

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    Advancing age affects gait adaptability, but it is unclear if such adaptations to split-belt perturbations are already affected at middle-age. Changes in neuromuscular control, that already start at middle-age, may underlie the age-related changes in gait adaptation. Thus, we examined the effects of age on adaptations in gait and muscle activation patterns during split-belt walking in healthy young and middle-aged adults. Young (23.3±3.13 years) and middle-aged adults (55.3±2.91 years) walked on an instrumented split-belt treadmill. Both age groups adapted similarly by reducing asymmetry in step length and double support time. Surface EMG was recorded from eight leg muscles bilaterally. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to the EMG data of all subjects, for the fast and slow leg separately, to identify muscle activation patterns. The principal components consisted of i.e. temporal projections that were analyzed with Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM). The functional muscle groups, identified by PCA, increased activation during early adaptation and post-adaptation, and decreased activation over time similarly in both age groups. Extra activation peaks of the plantar- and dorsiflexors suggest a role in gait modulation during split-belt walking. Both young and middle-aged adults re-established gait symmetry and showed adaptation effects in the muscle activation patterns. Since the adaptation of muscle activation patterns parallels adaptation of gait symmetry, changes in muscle activation likely underlie the changes in step parameters during split-belt adaptation. In conclusion, split-belt adaptation, in terms of gait and muscle activation patterns, is still preserved at middle-age, suggesting that age-related differences occur later in the lifespan

    Adaptive Control of Dynamic Balance across the Adult Lifespan

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    Introduction The ability to adapt dynamic balance to perturbations during gait deteriorates with age. To prevent age-related decline in adaptive control of dynamic balance, we must first understand how adaptive control of dynamic balance changes across the adult lifespan. We examined how adaptive control of the margin of stability (MoS) changes across the lifespan during perturbed and unperturbed walking on the split-belt treadmill. Methods Seventy-five healthy adults (age range, 18-80 yr) walked on an instrumented split-belt treadmill with and without split-belts. Linear regression analyses were performed for the mediolateral (ML) and anteroposterior (AP) MoS, step length, single support time, step width, double support time, and cadence during unperturbed and perturbed walking (split-belt perturbation), with age as predictor. Results Age did not significantly affect dynamic balance during unperturbed walking. However, during perturbed walking, the ML MoS of the leg on the slow belt increased across the lifespan due to a decrease in bilateral single support time. The AP MoS did not change with aging despite a decrease in step length. Double support time decreased and cadence increased across the lifespan when adapting to split-belt walking. Age did not affect step width. Conclusions Aging affects the adaptive control of dynamic balance during perturbed but not unperturbed treadmill walking with controlled walking speed. The ML MoS increased across the lifespan, whereas bilateral single support times decreased. The lack of aging effects on unperturbed walking suggests that participants' balance should be challenged to assess aging effects during gait. The decrease in double support time and increase in cadence suggests that older adults use the increased cadence as a balance control strategy during challenging locomotor tasks

    Effects of asymmetrical support on lower limb muscle activity during Lokomat guided gait in persons with a chronic stroke:an explorative study

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    BACKGROUND: The Lokomat, one of the most popular robotic exoskeletons, can take the asymmetry in the gait pattern of unilaterally affected patients into account with its opportunity to provide unequal levels of movement support (or 'guidance') to each of the legs. This asymmetrical guidance may be used to selectively unburden limbs with impaired voluntary control and/or to exploit the interlimb couplings for training purposes. However, there is a need to explore and understand these specific device opportunities more broadly before implementing them in training. AIM: The aim of this study was to explore the effects of (a)symmetrical guidance settings on lower limb muscle activity in persons with post stroke hemiparesis, during Lokomat guided gait. DESIGN: A single group, dependent factorial design. SETTING: Rehabilitation center; a single session of Lokomat guided walking. POPULATION: A group of ten persons with post stroke hemiparesis. METHODS: Participants walked in the Lokomat in eight conditions, consisting of symmetrical and asymmetrical guidance situations, at both 0.28 m/s and 0.56 m/s. During symmetrical conditions, both legs received 30% or 100% guidance, while during asymmetrical conditions one leg received 30% and the other leg 100% guidance. Surface electromyography was bilaterally measured from: Biceps Femoris, Rectus Femoris, Vastus Medialis, Medial Gastrocnemius and Tibialis Anterior. Statistical effects were assessed using Statistical Parametric Mapping. RESULTS: The provision of assymetrical guidance did not affect the level of lower limb muscle activity. In addition, no effect (except for Vastus Medialis in the affected leg during 1.5-2.4% of the gait cycle) of symmetrical guidance on muscle amplitude could be observed. CONCLUSIONS: The results show no evidence that either symmetrical or asymmetrical guidance settings provided by the Lokomat can be used to manipulate activity of lower limb musculature in persons with post stroke hemiparesis. CLINICAL REHABILITATION IMPACT: This study provides insights for the use of specific opportunities provided by the Lokomat for training purposes post stroke

    Split-belt walking:An experience that is hard to forget

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    BACKGROUND. The common paradigm to study the adaptability of human gait is split-belt walking. Short-term savings (minutes to days) of split-belt adaptation have been widely studied to gain knowledge in locomotor learning but reports on long-term savings are limited. Here, we studied whether after a prolonged inter-exposure interval (three weeks), the newly acquired locomotor pattern is subject to forgetting or that the pattern is saved in long-term locomotor memory. RESEARCH QUESTION. Can savings of adaptation to split-belt walking remain after a prolonged interexposure interval of three weeks? METHODS. Fourteen healthy adults participated in a single tenminute adaptation session to split-belt walking and five-minute washout to tied-belt walking. They received no training after the first exposure and returned to the laboratory exactly three weeks later for the second exposure. To identify the adaptation trends and quantify saving parameters we used Singular Spectrum Analysis, a non-parametric, data-driven approach. We identified trends in step length asymmetry and double support asymmetry, and calculated the adaptation volume (reduction in asymmetry over the course of adaptation), and the plateau time (time required for the trend to level off). RESULTS. At the second exposure after three weeks, we found substantial savings in adaptation for step length asymmetry volume (61.6% – 67.6% decrease) and plateau time (76.3% decrease). No differences were found during washout or in double support asymmetry. SIGNIFICANCE. This study shows that able-bodied individuals retain savings of split-belt adaptation over a three-week period, which indicates that only naïve split-belt walkers should be included in split-belt adaptation studies, as previous experience to split-belt walking will not be washed out, even after a prolonged period. In future research, these results can be compared with long-term savings in patient groups, to gain insight into factors underlying (un)successful gait training in rehabilitation

    The effect of asymmetric movement support on muscle activity during Lokomat guided gait in able-bodied individuals

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    BACKGROUND: To accommodate training for unilaterally affected patients (e.g. stroke), the Lokomat (a popular robotic exoskeleton-based gait trainer) provides the possibility to set the amount of movement guidance for each leg independently. Given the interlimb couplings, such asymmetrical settings may result in complex effects, in which ipsilateral activity co-depends on the amount of guidance offered to the contralateral leg. To test this idea, the effect of asymmetrical guidance on muscle activity was explored. METHODS: 15 healthy participants walked in the Lokomat at two speeds (1 and 2 km/h) and guidance levels (30% and 100%), during symmetrical (both legs receiving 30% or 100% guidance) and asymmetrical conditions (one leg receiving 30% and the other 100% guidance) resulting in eight unique conditions. Activity of the right leg was recorded from Erector Spinae, Gluteus Medius, Biceps Femoris, Semitendinosus, Vastus Medialis, Rectus Femoris, Medial Gastrocnemius and Tibialis Anterior. Statistical Parametric Mapping was used to assess whether ipsilateral muscle activity depended on guidance settings for the contralateral leg. RESULTS: Muscle output amplitude not only depended on ipsilateral guidance settings, but also on the amount of guidance provided to the contralateral leg. More specifically, when the contralateral leg received less guidance, ipsilateral activity of Gluteus Medius and Medial Gastrocnemius increased during stance. Conversely, when the contralateral leg received more guidance, ipsilateral muscle activity for these muscles decreased. These effects were specifically observed at 1 km/h, but not at 2 km/h. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study of asymmetrical guidance on muscle activity in the Lokomat, which shows that ipsilateral activity co-depends on the amount of contralateral guidance. In therapy, these properties may be exploited e.g. to promote active contributions by the more affected leg. Therefore, the present results urge further research on the use of asymmetrical guidance in patient groups targeted by Lokomat training

    Lokomat guided gait in hemiparetic stroke patients:the effects of training parameters on muscle activity and temporal symmetry

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    Purpose: The Lokomat is a commercially available robotic gait trainer, applied for gait rehabilitation in post-stroke hemiparetic patients. Selective and well-dosed clinical use of the Lokomat training parameters, i.e. guidance, speed and bodyweight support, requires a good understanding of how these parameters affect the neuromuscular control of post-stroke hemiparetic gait. Materials and methods: Ten stroke patients (unilateral paresis, 7 females, 64.5 ± 6.4 years, >3months post-stroke, FAC scores 2–4)) walked in the Lokomat under varying parameter settings: 50% or 100% guidance, 0.28 or 0.56m/s, 0% or 50% bodyweight support. Electromyography was recorded bilaterally from Gluteus Medius, Biceps Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, Medial Gastrocnemius, and Tibialis Anterior. Pressure sensors placed under the feet were used to determine the level of temporal gait symmetry. Results: Varying guidance and bodyweight support had little effect on muscle activity, but increasing treadmill speed led to increased activity in both the affected (Biceps Femoris, Medial Gastrocnemius, Tibialis Anterior) and unaffected leg (all muscles). The level of temporal symmetry was unaffected by the parameter settings. Conclusions: The Lokomat training parameters are generally ineffective in shaping short term muscle activity and step symmetry patients with hemiparetic stroke, as speed is the only parameter that significantly affects muscular amplitude. Trial Registration: d.n.a.IMPLICATIONS FOR REHABILITATIONThe Lokomat is a commercially available gait trainer that can be used for gait rehabilitation in post-stroke hemiparetic patients.This study shows that muscle amplitude is generally low during Lokomat guided walking, and that treadmill Speed is the main training parameter to influence muscular output in stroke patients during Lokomat walking.Varying Guidance and Bodyweight Support within a clinical relevant range barely affected muscle activity, and temporal step symmetry was unaffected by variation in any of the training parameters.Based on the findings it is advised to increase speed as early as possible during Lokomat therapy, or use other means (e.g. feedback or instructions) to stimulate active involvement of patients during training. The Lokomat is a commercially available gait trainer that can be used for gait rehabilitation in post-stroke hemiparetic patients. This study shows that muscle amplitude is generally low during Lokomat guided walking, and that treadmill Speed is the main training parameter to influence muscular output in stroke patients during Lokomat walking. Varying Guidance and Bodyweight Support within a clinical relevant range barely affected muscle activity, and temporal step symmetry was unaffected by variation in any of the training parameters. Based on the findings it is advised to increase speed as early as possible during Lokomat therapy, or use other means (e.g. feedback or instructions) to stimulate active involvement of patients during training.</p
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