174 research outputs found

    Response of short rotation forestry to dairy farm-pond effluent irrigation : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Agricultural Engineering at Massey University

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    A growing concern to protect the environment has prompted Regional Councils in New Zealand to monitor compliance under the Resource Management Act (1991) covering the discharge of wastewater into waterways. To meet the desired standards, application of wastewater onto high dry matter producing short vegetation forests offers opportunity for the beneficial use of nutrients while renovating the wastewater. A field trial was established near Palmerston North to determine the response of nine Salix clones and one Eucalyptus short rotation forest (SRF) species to dairy farm effluent irrigation and to determine their water and nutrient uptake potential. A micro sprinkler irrigation system was designed to operate at 100 kPa and supply each plot of 16 trees with either 7.5 mm. 15 mm, or 30 mm of dairy farm effluent every two weeks. Twenty-four applications were made covering two growing seasons with a break over winter. A control treatment of 7.5 mm of water + 187.5 kg N haˉ¹ yearˉ¹ was included, being equivalent to the nitrogen addition from the lowest effluent application rate. The three SRF species, Salix matsudana x alba (NZ 1295). Salix kinuyanagi (PN 386) and Eucalyptus nitens were selected for more detailed analysis than the other seven Salix clones. This included the measurement of evapotranspiration rates and a pot trial to determine the tolerance level of seedlings to higher levels of effluent application. Application of up to 90 mm of effluent per fortnight increased the biomass production and nutrient accumulation of potted PN 386 and E. nitens. whereas the NZ 1295 produced optimum biomass and accumulation of nutrients at 60 mm of effluent application per fortnight. At the end of the first growing season, the above ground biomass of the ten tree species in the field trial was assessed using a non-destructive method followed by a destructive harvest at the end of the second growing season. Dry matter production in these short rotation forest crops varied with species and clones and with the amount of dairy farm-pond effluent applied. Salix NZ 1296. PN 386 and NZ 1295 irrigated with the highest application rate of 30 mm of effluent per fortnight produced the highest biomass yields of 37.91, 37.87 and 37.58 ODt haˉ¹ yearˉ¹ respectively. NZ 1296 irrigated with 30 mm of effluent per fortnight accumulated 196 kg N haˉ¹ yearˉ¹, 37.6 kg P haˉ¹ yearˉ¹, and 103.6 kg Mg haˉ¹ yearˉ¹ in its above ground biomass. E. nitens irrigated with 15 mm of effluent per fortnight produced a comparable above ground oven dry biomass yield of 36.33 ODt haˉ¹ yearˉ¹ and accumulated the highest amount of potassium and calcium in its above ground biomass giving 145.4 and 148.1 kg haˉ1 yearˉ¹, respectively. Transpiration monitoring during the second growing season using a heat pulse technique showed that under the highest application rate (30 mm per fortnight) on a cloud-free day. 15 month old NZ 1295 trees each transpired the highest cumulative amount of 6.38 mm day ˉ¹ compared to 2.71 mm dayˉ¹ for trees irrigated at the lowest rate (7.5 mm per fortnight). Results of this study overall suggest that increasing the rate of effluent irrigation will increase the soil pH. nitrates and exchangeable potassium, calcium and magnesium concentrations throughout the soil profile. Total nitrogen and total phosphorus levels decreased throughout the soil profile after the second growing season. The cation exchange capacity of the soil decreased with increased rate of effluent after the second growing season. The soil-SRF treatment system renovated the nutrients in the effluent. The soil-E. nitens treatment system renovated the highest percentage of total nitrogen (17.21t haˉ¹ mˉ¹ depth) equivalent to 96.45% of total nitrogen supplied by both the soil and the 30 mm of effluent applied per fortnight. The soil-PN 386 treatment system renovated the highest percentage of total phosphorus (6.4 t haˉ¹ mˉ¹ depth) equivalent to 92.72% of the total phosphorus available in the soil and supplied by the 7.5 mm of effluent treatment. The soil-NZ 1295 treatment system renovated the highest percentage of potassium (99.5%). calcium (98.74%) and magnesium (95.63%) supplied by both the soil and the 30 mm of effluent treatment. The capacity of the three SRF species to renovate total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium from the effluent decreased with increasing rates of application. PN 386 irrigated at 7.5 mm of effluent renovated the highest percentage of 99.45% of total nitrogen (114.25 kg haˉ¹ over two growing seasons) and 79.18% of total phosphorus (35.60 kg haˉ¹ over two growing seasons). The amounts of calcium and magnesium renovated by the SRF species were more than the amount supplied by even the highest rate of effluent (30 mm per fortnight). Salix PN 386. NZ 1295 and E. nitens are recommended SRF species to grow in a land treatment scheme for dairy farm pond-effluent when applied at a rate of 30 mm per fortnight over the growing period on to a silt loam soil. Pot trials showed higher volumes of effluent renovation on to PN 386 and E. nitens may be applicable when applied up to 90 mm of effluent per fortnight but further evaluation is needed before this can be recommended

    Overheard and Other Poems

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    Updates on the Use of Natural Treatments for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

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    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder of childhood characterized by the three core symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and sustained inattention. While the etiology of ADHD remains unknown, several studies suggest ADHD pathophysiology to involve frontal network abnormality and dysregulation of catecholaminergic and dopaminergic functions. Stimulants, which are structurally similar to endogenous catecholamines, are the most commonly prescribed drugs for treatment of ADHD, but are classified as Schedule II based on the Controlled Substances Act due to high likelihood for diversion and abuse. Non-stimulant medications, as well as antidepressants, have also been used in ADHD treatment but have been found to be inferior to stimulant interventions and to cause intolerable side effects. The search for safer yet effective ADHD treatments led to a growing interest in natural medicines and a host of other complementary and alternative treatments for ADHD. While the use of these therapies is well documented, not much is known about their safety and efficacy. In this chapter, we describe current evidence-based complementary and alternative therapies for ADHD, focusing on nutritional and botanical agents, and provide details on the performance of these agents in clinical trials. Here, we discuss the rationale for the use of natural products for ADHD, mention the potential mechanisms of action of these treatments, and highlight safety and efficacy issues associated with the use of these treatments. In conclusion, we give an exhaustive update on the use of nutritional and botanical medicines as complementary and alternative ADHD therapies for ADHD, which could potentially provide important information on the efficacy and safety of these types of interventions

    On Benzofuroindole Analogues as Smooth Muscle Relaxants

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    At least two laboratories have independently reported the synthesis of benzofuroindole compounds having potential therapeutic implications in many disease states including those that involve smooth muscle hyperactivity. Through a series of in vitro screenings, they demonstrated the efficacy (and selectivity) of these compounds to potentiate large conductance calcium- (Ca2+-) activated K+ (BKCa) channels, by far, the most characterized of all Ca2+-dependent K+ channels. Interestingly, promising benzofuroindole derivatives such as compound 7 (10H-benzo[4,5]furo[3,2-b]indole) and compound 22 (4-chloro-7-trifluoromethyl-10H-benzo[4,5]furo[3,2-b]indole-1-carboxylic acid) both exhibited high bladder (versus aorta) selectivity, making them attractive alternative treatments for bladder overactivity. In recent reports, compound 22 (LDD175 or TBIC) also showed inhibition of ileum and uterine contractions, indicating multiple target tissues, which is not surprising as BKCa channels are ubiquitously expressed in the animal and human tissues. In this paper, the authors discuss the value of benzofuroindole compounds and the challenges that need to be overcome if they were considered as smooth muscle relaxants

    Determinación de la concentración de nutrientes N, P, K en los residuos sólidos orgánicos selectivos provenientes del mercado Ayaymaman, mediante la técnica del compostaje

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    The research project, Determination of the concentration of nutrients N, P, K in selective organic solid waste from Ayaymaman market using the technique of composting, specific aims: Perform classification Generation Sectors Organic Solid Waste, Ayaymaman Market Moyobamba ~ity; build processing Composting for Organic Solid Waste; determine the concentrations of N, P, K, pH, electrical conductivity and organic matter contained in the compost. The problem statement was: What is the concentration of nutrients in selective organic solid waste, from Ayaymaman market? The variables were: lndependent Variable, Xi: Fields of study. And dependent variable Yi: concentration of nutrients N, P, K, EC, pH and organic matter. The hypothesis to prove, If, elaborate compost Organic Solid Waste selective Ayaymaman from the market, then the concentration of nutrients N, P, K are significant. The methodology consisted in requesting authorization to Moyobamba district municipality, in coordination with the market administrator; provide BRIEFING A MARKET TRADERS, collection was made during a week (Sunday - Sunday) discarding the frrst day that is considered as zero-day pickup schedule was from 3 :00 pm. The waste shipment was made on a motorcycle freighter (van), Ecotourism center the "Milan", instead of the built environment ( compost), the weight was a British brand needle scale, up to 40 kg, weighing is performed by components and the volume was determined with a bucket of 45 liters. Density was determined by the volume-"weight ratio. Moisture was determined by The Kiln Drying Method. The chemical analysis of the compost obtained was held at the National University of San Martin, Tarapoto, which method was for N Kjeldahl method modified for P, the colorimeter method for K cremated method. In sectors classification generation of organic waste, Ayaymaman market, classified according to the origin and nature: food industry, fruit and vegetable industry andjuices industry. JR. PROLONGACIÓN 20 DE ABRIL S/N- TELEF. 042· 562458 MOYOBAMBA- PERU Xlll "AÑO DE LA INVERSIÓN PARA EL DESARROLLO-RURAL Y LA. SEGURIDAD-ALIMENTARIA" For .the construction of. the· .compost· for .processing .solid .organic· waste· was used 't}3ambo" (Gua9ua.superba) and·w~od (lumb~r) .. -In . determining . the . con~entrations . of N, -P~ . K, pH~ . or~~ic matter and· containing ·. electricál conductivi~ fmal_ly compost ·formed- from- organic so lid waste Ay~ymaman . . market-was as-·followsEl Proyecto de investigación, Determinación de la concentración de nutrientes N, P, K en los residuos sólidos orgánicos selectivos provenientes del mercado Ayaymaman, mediante la técnica del compostaje, tiene como objetivos específicos: Realizar la clasificación por Sectores de Generación de los Residuos Sólidos Orgánicos, en el Mercado Ayaymaman de la Ciudad de Moyobamba; construir Composteras para el procesamiento de los Residuos Sólidos Orgánicos; determinar las concentraciones de N, P, K pH, Conductividad eléctrica y materia orgánica que contiene el compost. El enunciado del problema fue: ¿Cuál es la concentración de nutrientes en los residuos sólidos orgánicos selectivos, provenientes del mercado Ayaymaman? Las variables fueron: variable Independiente, Xí: Sectores de estudio. Y variable dependiente, Y¡: concentración de nutrientes N, P, K, C.E., pH y materia orgánica. La hipótesis a demostrar, Si, elaboramos compost de los Residuos Sólidos Orgánicos selectivos, provenientes del mercado Ayaymaman, entonces, la concentración de nutrientes N, P, K son significativos. La metodología consistió, en solicitar autorización a la municipalidad distrital de Moyobamba, en coordinación con el administrador del mercado; brindar CHARLA INFORMATIVA A WS COMERCIANTES DEL MERCADO, La recolección se realizó durante una semana (domingo - domingo) descartándose el primer día que es considerado como día cero; el horario de recojo fué a partir de las 3:00pm. El traslado de los residuos se realizó en una moto carguera (furgoneta), al centro Ecoturístico el "Milán", lugar del ambiente construido (composteras); el peso se realizó en una balanza de aguja marca Libra, con capacidad para 40 Kg., el pesaje se realizó por componentes; el volumen, se determinó con un balde de 45 Lts. La densidad fue determinada por la relación peso volumen. La humedad fue determinada por El Método de Secado en Estufa El análisis químico del compost obtenido se realizó en la Universidad Nacional de San Martín- Tarapoto, cuyo método fue para el N el método de Kjeldahl modificado, para el P, el método del colorímetro y para el K el método del incinerado. X En la cclasificación de Jos sectores de generación de los residuos orgánicos, en el mercado Ayaymaman, se 'Clasificó en función del origen y naturaleza en: Sector · comidas, sector frutas y verduras_y en sector jugos. Para la construcción de las composteras para .el procesamiento de los residuos sólidos orgánicos, se utilizó "Bambú" (Guadua superba) y madera (tablas). En la determinación ·de las concentraciones de N, P, K, ·pH, materia orgánica y Conductividad eléctrica que contiene el compost fmalmente formado, proveniente de los residuos sólidos ·orgánicos del mercado Ayaymaman, fue ·el siguienteTesi

    Mole Robot (MolBot): Development of Pipe Damage Detector Robot.

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    To get an improved image or to obtain any useful information from it, image processing is a method of implementing any operations on an image. In the method of classifying and detection of images, this process mainly contributes to the innovation of technology. The implementation of image processing in robots had been used in earlier but with different uses. Using FPV Camera 720p OIN in the projects lets it transmits live video streaming to any device attached to it. This paper shows the robustness of image processing as it detects defects on pipes. Covering the inner external part of the pipe, the robot can pass through inside the pipe. With the accuracy of 67%, the project will be tested in different pipes and drainages for the application

    Reinforcing effects of methamphetamine in an animal model of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder-the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat

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    Substrains of the Spontaneously Hypertensive rat (SHR), a putative animal model of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), have demonstrated increased sensitivity to many drugs of abuse, including psychostimulants. Therefore, it was suggested that studies in SHR may help elucidate ADHD and comorbidity with substance use disorder (SUD). However, the drug intake profile of the SHR in the most relevant animal model of drug addiction, the self-administration (SA) test, and its response on the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm are not yet determined. In the present study, we employed SA and CPP tests to investigate the reinforcing effects of the psychostimulant methamphetamine in an SHR substrain obtained from Charles River, Japan (SHR/NCrlCrlj). Concurrent tests were also performed in Wistar rats, the strain representing "normal" heterogeneous population. To address if the presence of ADHD behaviors further increases sensitivity to the rewarding effect of methamphetamine during adolescence, a critical period for the onset of drug abuse, CPP tests were especially conducted in adolescent Wistar and SHR/NCrlCrlj. We found that the SHR/NCrlCrlj also acquired methamphetamine SA and CPP, indicating reinforcing effects of methamphetamine in this ADHD animal model. However, we did not observe increased responsiveness of the SHR/NCrlCrlj to methamphetamine in both SA and CPP assays. This indicates that the reinforcing effects of methamphetamine may be similar in strains and that the SHR/NCrlCrlj may not adequately model ADHD and increased sensitivity to methamphetamine


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    A nivel mundial, el problema de resistencia a antibióticos es considerado de prioridad sanitaria pública y veterinaria, por ello el objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la presencia de resistencia antibiótica frente a Salmonella sp., y Escherichia coli provenientes de crías de alpacas con y sin diarrea. La investigación fue de tipo descriptivo transversal múltiple. Se recolectaron 300 muestras de heces por hisopado rectal de crías de alpacas entre 10 a 60 días nacidas con y sin cuadros diarreicos provenientes de Comunidades Campesinas de Huancavelica-Perú. La presencia de Escherichia coli y Salmonella spp. Se identificó mediante pruebas bioquímicas la susceptibilidad antibacteriana por método Kirby Bauer y se evaluaron 8 antibióticos usuales del mercado veterinaria. El 100%de muestras con diarreas fueron positivas a Escherichia coli, 40,0%Salmonella spp., 20%Escherichia coli-Salmonella spp. y muestras sin diarrea 57,0%positivas a Escherichia coli, 24,0% Salmonella spp., 19.0% E. coli-Salmonella spp. Las cepas de Escherichia coli y Salmonella spp. fueron resistentes a Ampicilina (10,4 0,3), (9,3 0,2); Novomicina (11,1 0,2), (11,2 0,1); Tetraciclina (8,2 0,1), (9,2 0,3); Penicilina (9,1 0,4), (11,1 0,3); Gentamicina (10,1 0,4), (10,2 0,3) provenientes de muestras con diarrea y en muestras sin diarrea resistentes a Gentamicina (10,3 0,1), (8,2 0,1); Tetraciclina (9,2 0,4), (8,2 0,4); Ampicilina (11,2 0,1), (9,3 0,2); Penicilina (10,2 0,4), (10,1 0,3). Las cepas de Salmonella spp., y Escherichia coli aisladas de crías de alpacas con y sin diarreas evidencian resistencia antibacteriana a múltiples antibióticos usados en la veterinaria//The problem of antibiotic resistance is considered a public and veterinary sanitary priority worldwide, for that reason the aim of the study was to evaluate the presence of antibiotic resistance against Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli coming from alpaca calves with and without diarrhea. The research was cross-sectional descriptive. 300 stool samples per rectal swab were collected from alpaca calves aging from 10 and 60 days with and without diarrhea from Peasant Communities in Huancavelica – Peru. The presence of Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. was identified by conventional biochemical test, antibacterial susceptibility by Kirby Bauer method and 8 usual antibiotics from the veterinary market were evaluated. 100% of samples with diarrhea were positive to Escherichia coli; 40.0% Salmonella spp.; 40% Escherichia coli -Salmonella spp., and samples without diarrhea 48.3% positive to Escherichia Coli; 14.0% Salmonella spp.; 9.3% Escherichia coli -Salmonella spp. The CMI in Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. strains were resistant to Ampicillin (10.4 0.3), (9.3 0.2); Novomycin (11.1 0.2), (11.2 0. 1); Tetracycline (8.2 0.1), (9.2 0.3); Penicillin (9.1 0. 4), (11.1 0. 3); Gentamicin (10.1 0. 4), (10.2 0. 3) from samples with diarrhea and in samples without diarrhea resistant to Gentamicin (10.3 0.1), (8.2 0.1); Tetracycline (9.2 0.4), (8.2 0.4); Ampicillin (11.2 0.1), (9.3 0.2); Penicillin (10.2 0.4), (10.1 0.3). Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli strains isolated from alpaca calves with and without diarrhea show antibacterial resistance to multiple antibiotics used in veterinary

    Awareness of Senior High School Students on Digital Literacy Skills: A Qualitative Study

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    The current study investigates senior high school (SHS) students\u27 awareness of the importance of digital literacy in times of uncertainty. Studies on digital literacy in DepEd Rizal have not been given sufficient attention. Hence, there is a dearth of studies showing whether students are fully aware of the digital literacy skills needed in distance learning. Consequently, an online qualitative survey gathered data from fifty (50) senior high school students presently enrolled in the different strands and tracks in the division. To better understand students’ awareness of the needed skills, thematic analysis of Braun and Clarke (2006) was utilized. Students\u27 qualitative responses were interpreted into several emerging themes. Results revealed that some students are cognizant of the digital skills they need to possess, such as critical thinking, online safety skills, and communication. This study hopes to provide implications to students, teachers, and curriculum developers