54 research outputs found

    Sign-changing tower of bubbles for a sinh-Poisson equation with asymmetric exponents

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    Motivated by the statistical mechanics description of stationary 2D-turbulence, for a sinh-Poisson type equation with asymmetric nonlinearity, we construct a concentrating solution sequence in the form of a tower of singular Liouville bubbles, each of which has a different degeneracy exponent. The asymmetry parameter γ(0,1]\gamma\in(0,1] corresponds to the ratio between the intensity of the negatively rotating vortices and the intensity of the positively rotating vortices. Our solutions correspond to a superposition of highly concentrated vortex configurations of alternating orientation; they extend in a nontrivial way some known results for γ=1\gamma=1. Thus, by analyzing the case γ1\gamma\neq1 we emphasize specific properties of the physically relevant parameter γ\gamma in the vortex concentration phenomena

    Psicopatologia descritiva: aspectos históricos e conceituais

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    Large mass boundary condensation patterns in the stationary Keller–Segel system

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    We consider the boundary value problem {−Δu+u=λeu,inΩ∂νu=0on∂Ω where Ω is a bounded smooth domain in R2, λ>0 and ν is the inner normal derivative at ∂Ω. This problem is equivalent to the stationary Keller–Segel system from chemotaxis. We establish the existence of a solution uλ which exhibits a sharp boundary layer along the entire boundary ∂Ω as λ→0. These solutions have large mass in the sense that ∫Ωλeujavax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@7ff7a637∼|log⁡λ|