568 research outputs found

    Criticas al análisis técnico y al análisis fundamental en la previsión de tendencias

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    Se plantea que el Análisis técnico de Valores no es la panacea en la toma de decisiones a la hora de invertir. Pero sí es una herramienta de considerable eficacia para estimar las tendencias futuras del mercado, utilizada además en otros mercados no financieros, y que por supuesto, combinada con el Análisis Fundamental, la Teoría de la Randon Walk y la Odd-Lot theory proporcionan una información de importante valor en la toma de decisiones. Sin olvidar que existe una propia razón de mercado que no está sujeta a ningún tipo de análisis, aunque pueda haber analistas que se empeñan en explicar determinadas situaciones a posteriori, y por muchos números que hagan, siempre habrá que tener en cuenta dicha situación.It is suggested here that a technical analysis of stock and shares is not the panacea for decisión making in investment. It is however, a tool possessing considerable application for the purpose of estimating future market trends, and is moreover used in other, non-financial markets. When combined with Fundamental Analysis, the Random Walk Theory and the Odd-Lot Theory, il provides extremely valuable information for decisión making. Not forgetting that there exist inherent market forces which are subject to no kind of analysis, although there may be analysists who insist upon explaining certain situations on a posteriori basis, and regardless of the amount ol figures they produce, that situation must always be remembered


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    thesisFormal clinical laboratory improvement programs have been seeded by incendiary reports of fraud and error in diagnostic laboratories and the accompanying fear of public outrage. These programs are perpetuated by an intuitive notion that they foster quality health care, and that without them, conditions would be intolerable. The real efficacy of clinical laboratory improvement programs is debatable. When improvements in performance have been documented, the evaluation designs have not supported ironclad causal inferences. This retrospective research examined the technical adequacy of 23 proposed and two completed evaluations of federally funded clinical laboratory improvement programs. The review process used throughout this research is referred to as meta analysis, which is a categorical term that means evaluation of evaluations or evaluation audit. Proficiency testing, technical consultation, and training were the three general approaches to laboratory improvement. A checklist of 31 evaluation guidelines was developed for the purposes of the review and for future use by program directors and funding agencies. The data indicate that federally funded laboratory improvement programs continue to use technically weak evaluations. There were no significant differences in overall technical adequacy between the three types of programs. However, there were significant differences between types of program proposals on 13 of the 31 individual checklist items. Eight of the 13 items were directly related to differences in requirements among the funding agent's three requests for proposals. The results suggest that the funding agent is in the best position to raise the technical quality of laboratory improvement program evaluation so that valid inferences as to program impact can be made and potentially worthwhile programs can be perfected

    El Departamento de I+D como elemento integrador en la estrategia de la organización

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    El papel de los Estudios de Mercado y complementarios en el desarrollo del envase-embalaje

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    Genericity in Topological Dynamics

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    We study genericity of dynamical properties in the space of homeomorphisms of the Cantor set and in the space of subshifts of a suitably large shift space. These rather different settings are related by a Glasner-King type correspondence: genericity in one is equivalent to genericity in the other. By applying symbolic techniques in the shift-space model we derive new results about genericity of dynamical properties for transitive and totally transitive homeomorphisms of the Cantor set. We show that the isomorphism class of the universal odometer is generic in the space of transitive systems. On the other hand, the space of totally transitive systems displays much more varied dynamics. In particular, we show that in this space the isomorphism class of every Cantor system without periodic points is dense, and the following properties are generic: minimality, zero entropy, disjointness from a fixed totally transitive system, weak mixing, strong mixing, and minimal self joinings. The last two stand in striking contrast to the situation in the measure-preserving category. We also prove a correspondence between genericity of dynamical properties in the measure-preserving category and genericity of systems supporting an invariant measure with the same property.Comment: 48 pages, to appear in Ergodic Theory Dynamical Systems. v2: revised exposition, added proof that the universal odometer is generic among transitive Cantor homeomorphism