33 research outputs found

    Beer's law

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    Quantitative analysis

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    Beer–Bouguer law (Beer–Lambert law)

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    On one-dimensional nucleation and growth of "living" polymers II. Growth at constant monomer concentration

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    An analytical solution is given for the kinetics of reversible homogeneous one-dimensionalgrowth, assuming that all association rate constants have the same value k, that all dissociation rate constants are likewise equal to &, and that the monomer concentration has a constant value, C. Such growth tends to generate a maximally polydisperse ("white") distribution of cluster concentrations cic_i, all approaching a limiting value equal to that of the critical nucleus, cnc_n. Continued growth merely increases the range of cluster sizes over which this white distribution applies. A simple expression is qbtain_ed for the flux i=ndcidt\sum_{i=n}^\infty \frac{dc_i}{dt}, which becomes constant and equal to (kCk)cn(kC - k)c_n. The monomer uptake increases with time, and is given approximately by (kCE)2cnt(kC - E)^2c_nt