371 research outputs found

    Who are the Open Learners? A Comparative Study Profiling non-Formal Users of Open Educational Resources

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    Open educational resources (OER) have been identified as having the potential to extend opportunities for learning to non-formal learners. However, little research has been conducted into the impact of OER on non-formal learners. This paper presents the results of a systematic survey of more than 3,000 users of open educational resources (OER). Data was collected between 2013 and 2014 on the demographics, attitudes and behaviours of users of three repositories. Questions included a particular focus on the behaviours of non-formal learners and the relationship between formal and non-formal study. Frequency analysis shows that there are marked differences in patterns of use, user profiles, attitudes towards OER, types of materials used and popularity of different subjects. The experience of using OER is fairly consistent across platforms in terms of satisfaction and impact on future behaviour. On the whole, non-formal learners surveyed were highly positive about their use of OER and believe they will continue to use them. With regards to this making formal study more likely some degree of polarization was observed: some believed formal study was now more likely, while others felt it made this less likely. On the whole, while non-formal learners are enthusiastic about using free and online resources, the language and concept of OER does not seem to be well understood in the groups surveyed. A range of findings relating to OER selection and use as well as differences between repositories are explored in the discussion

    El japonismo en nĂșmeros especiales de L'Illustration ÂżUna lectura polĂ­tica?

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    1 archivo PDF (18 pĂĄginas)"En los años 1928 y 1929, L’Illustration presentaba sendos suplementos de Navidad que contenĂ­an diversas colaboraciones y reportajes.1 Entre ellos, en cada nĂșmero, en forma de una secuencia periodĂ­stica que relacionaba lo publicado en ambos años, un artĂ­culo sobre estampas japonesas, las sobradamente famosas y apreciadas ukiyo-e, pues ya correspondĂ­an a una aficiĂłn y conocimiento de larga experiencia. El japonismo entonces sobrepasaba el campo artĂ­stico de las estampas y se manifestaba como un fenĂłmeno del mundo occidental que, de manera muy evidente suponĂ­a un gusto, a veces apasionado, por el arte y la cultura del lejano paĂ­s. FascinaciĂłn por la cultura japonesa que llega hasta hoy y, en el caso de las estampas, es evidente en el nĂșmero de publicaciones y exposiciones dedicadas a ellas. Dada la importancia que tuvo el japonismo en el siglo XIX, se lo suele relacionar con llamada “apertura de JapĂłn”, esa obligada inclusiĂłn del paĂ­s en el contexto internacional, motivada por la llegada del comodoro Perry a Uraga y la violenta amenaza de esta presencia militar que obligĂł al gobierno shogunal a otorgar concesiones portuarias y comerciales mediante la firma del tratado de Kanagawa con los Estados Unidos de AmĂ©rica en 1854. El tĂ©rmino japonismo se acuñó en ese siglo, cuando algunas tipologĂ­as artĂ­sticas de esa procedencia ejercieron un influjo en ciertas vanguardias europeas, muy visibles en determinados autores como Monet y Van Gogh, quienes ademĂĄs fueron grandes coleccionistas de ukiyo-e." PALABRAS CLAVE: Art, Japanese. Art -- Foreign influences. Japonismo. Estampas japonesas

    Women’s empowerment through openness: OER, OEP and the Sustainable Development Goals

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    This paper explores the potential of open educational resources (OER) and open educational practices (OEP) in helping to achieve women’s empowerment in the developing world – target 5b of the 17 intergovernmental Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that, since September 2015, define the development agenda until 2030. We take as evidence the Open Education Research Hub (OERH) open dataset, comprising survey responses from 7,700 educators, students and informal learners from 175 countries. Although our sample features an overall 51%/48% female/male gender split, there are many more male than female respondents from the Global South, the latter being slightly younger and better educated than female respondents from the Global North. These female respondents are more likely to use OER for professional development and for training others than are female respondents from the Global North and, of particular importance, are much more likely to face technology problems that are a barrier to their using OER in addition to difficulties in finding resources relevant to their subject area and local context. Our findings align with those of other studies finding ‘extreme inequalities in digital empowerment − which seem to parallel wider societal disparities in information-seeking, voice and civic engagement’ (World Wide Web Foundation, 2015, p. 3) while, more positively, indicating the potential for capacity building through women’s use of OER to train others in the developing world. Obviously, our self-selecting sample comprises only people with an Internet connection and some awareness of OER, and does not include women excluded from OER use and OEP due to their lacking internet connectivity and/or ICT equipment. Even so, our study offers persuasive evidence that where technological barriers can be overcome, OER and OEP can give women a voice, access to information and education, and the opportunity to connect with peers, helping to remove social, economic, political and educational unfreedoms (Sen, 1999)
